_pdbx_reference_molecule.prd_id                       PRD_001162                         "Salinamide A" 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.represent_as                 polymer 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.type                         "Cyclic depsipeptide" 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.type_evidence_code           ? 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.class                        Antiinflammatory 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.class_evidence_code          ? 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.formula                      "C51 H69 N7 O15" 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.formula_weight               1020.131 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.chem_comp_id                 ? 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.release_status               REL 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.replaces                     ? 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.replaced_by                  ? 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.compound_details             ? 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.description                  "bicyclic depsipeptide salinamide A is a potent anti-inflammatory agent found in the marine bacterium Streptomyces sp. CNB-091. The suggested biosynthesis pathway indicates the peptide core of 1 is probably derived from the hexapeptide Thr-D-Ile-Hpg-MePhe-D-aThr-Ser (Tetrahedron Letters 39 (1998) 3915-3918)." 
_pdbx_reference_molecule.representative_PDB_id_code   4MEX 
_pdbx_reference_entity_list.prd_id          PRD_001162 
_pdbx_reference_entity_list.ref_entity_id   1 
_pdbx_reference_entity_list.component_id    1 
_pdbx_reference_entity_list.type            polymer 
_pdbx_reference_entity_list.details         "PEPTIDE LIKE SEQUENCE RESIDUES 1 TO 9" 
PRD_001162 1 1  CBX 28H 1 N   THR 2 sing 1 ? ? ? 
PRD_001162 1 2  C   THR 2 N   28J 3 sing 1 ? ? ? 
PRD_001162 1 3  OG1 THR 2 C   SER 7 sing 1 ? ? ? 
PRD_001162 1 4  C   28J 3 N   D4P 4 sing 1 ? ? ? 
PRD_001162 1 5  C   D4P 4 N   MEA 5 sing 1 ? ? ? 
PRD_001162 1 6  O4  D4P 4 CAH 28K 9 sing 1 ? ? ? 
PRD_001162 1 7  C   MEA 5 N   2TL 6 sing 1 ? ? ? 
PRD_001162 1 8  C   2TL 6 N   SER 7 sing 1 ? ? ? 
PRD_001162 1 9  OG  SER 7 C   GLY 8 sing 1 ? ? ? 
PRD_001162 1 10 N   GLY 8 CAD 28K 9 sing 1 ? ? ? 
_pdbx_reference_entity_poly.prd_id          PRD_001162 
_pdbx_reference_entity_poly.ref_entity_id   1 
_pdbx_reference_entity_poly.db_code         ? 
_pdbx_reference_entity_poly.db_name         ? 
_pdbx_reference_entity_poly.type            peptide-like 
_pdbx_reference_entity_sequence.prd_id          PRD_001162 
_pdbx_reference_entity_sequence.ref_entity_id   1 
_pdbx_reference_entity_sequence.type            peptide-like 
_pdbx_reference_entity_sequence.NRP_flag        N 
PRD_001162 1 1 28H ?   N Y 
PRD_001162 1 2 THR THR N Y 
PRD_001162 1 3 28J ?   N Y 
PRD_001162 1 4 D4P ?   N Y 
PRD_001162 1 5 MEA PHE N Y 
PRD_001162 1 6 2TL ?   N Y 
PRD_001162 1 7 SER SER N Y 
PRD_001162 1 8 GLY GLY N Y 
PRD_001162 1 9 28K ?   N Y 
PRD_001162 2013-09-10 RCSB "Create molecule" 
PRD_001162 2014-05-21 RCSB "Initial release" 
_pdbx_reference_entity_src_nat.prd_id                PRD_001162 
_pdbx_reference_entity_src_nat.ref_entity_id         1 
_pdbx_reference_entity_src_nat.ordinal               1 
_pdbx_reference_entity_src_nat.taxid                 1931 
_pdbx_reference_entity_src_nat.organism_scientific   "Streptomyces sp." 
_pdbx_reference_entity_src_nat.source                ? 
_pdbx_reference_entity_src_nat.db_code               ? 
_pdbx_reference_entity_src_nat.db_name               ? 
_pdbx_reference_entity_src_nat.strain                ? 