data_PRD_002553 # _pdbx_reference_molecule.prd_id PRD_002553 "Dihydrocyclosporin A" _pdbx_reference_molecule.represent_as polymer _pdbx_reference_molecule.type "Cyclic peptide" _pdbx_reference_molecule.type_evidence_code ? _pdbx_reference_molecule.class Inhibitor _pdbx_reference_molecule.class_evidence_code ? _pdbx_reference_molecule.formula "C62 H113 N11 O12" _pdbx_reference_molecule.formula_weight 1204.627 _pdbx_reference_molecule.chem_comp_id ? _pdbx_reference_molecule.release_status REL _pdbx_reference_molecule.replaces ? _pdbx_reference_molecule.replaced_by ? _pdbx_reference_molecule.compound_details "Dihydrocyclosporin A, is a derivative of cyclosporin A that is not immunosuppressive. It has been shown to inhibit growth of Leishmania donovani." _pdbx_reference_molecule.description "Analogue of cyclosporine A. It is a cyclic undecapeptide. Cyclization is achieved by linking the N- and the C- termini." _pdbx_reference_molecule.representative_PDB_id_code 8R7U # _pdbx_reference_entity_list.prd_id PRD_002553 _pdbx_reference_entity_list.ref_entity_id 1 _pdbx_reference_entity_list.component_id 1 _pdbx_reference_entity_list.type polymer _pdbx_reference_entity_list.details . # loop_ _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.prd_id _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.ref_entity_id _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.link_id _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.atom_id_1 _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.comp_id_1 _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.entity_seq_num_1 _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.atom_id_2 _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.comp_id_2 _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.entity_seq_num_2 _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.value_order _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.component_id _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.details _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.insert_code_1 _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link.insert_code_2 PRD_002553 1 1 C DAL 1 N MLE 2 sing 1 ? ? ? PRD_002553 1 2 N DAL 1 C ALA 11 sing 1 ? ? ? PRD_002553 1 3 C MLE 2 N MLE 3 sing 1 ? ? ? PRD_002553 1 4 C MLE 3 N MVA 4 sing 1 ? ? ? PRD_002553 1 5 C MVA 4 N TMD 5 sing 1 ? ? ? PRD_002553 1 6 C TMD 5 N ABA 6 sing 1 ? ? ? PRD_002553 1 7 C ABA 6 N SAR 7 sing 1 ? ? ? PRD_002553 1 8 C SAR 7 N MLE 8 sing 1 ? ? ? PRD_002553 1 9 C MLE 8 N VAL 9 sing 1 ? ? ? PRD_002553 1 10 C VAL 9 N MLE 10 sing 1 ? ? ? PRD_002553 1 11 C MLE 10 N ALA 11 sing 1 ? ? ? # _pdbx_reference_entity_poly.prd_id PRD_002553 _pdbx_reference_entity_poly.ref_entity_id 1 _pdbx_reference_entity_poly.db_code . _pdbx_reference_entity_poly.db_name . _pdbx_reference_entity_poly.type peptide-like # _pdbx_reference_entity_sequence.prd_id PRD_002553 _pdbx_reference_entity_sequence.ref_entity_id 1 _pdbx_reference_entity_sequence.type peptide-like _pdbx_reference_entity_sequence.NRP_flag N # loop_ _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_seq.prd_id _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_seq.ref_entity_id _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_seq.num _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_seq.mon_id _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_seq.parent_mon_id _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_seq.hetero _pdbx_reference_entity_poly_seq.observed PRD_002553 1 1 DAL . N Y PRD_002553 1 2 MLE LEU N Y PRD_002553 1 3 MLE LEU N Y PRD_002553 1 4 MVA VAL N Y PRD_002553 1 5 TMD THR N Y PRD_002553 1 6 ABA ALA N Y PRD_002553 1 7 SAR GLY N Y PRD_002553 1 8 MLE LEU N Y PRD_002553 1 9 VAL VAL N Y PRD_002553 1 10 MLE LEU N Y PRD_002553 1 11 ALA ALA N Y # loop_ _pdbx_prd_audit.prd_id _pdbx_prd_audit.processing_site _pdbx_prd_audit.action_type PRD_002553 2023-12-22 PDBE "Create molecule" PRD_002553 2024-10-30 RCSB "Initial release" #