data_1HZQ # 1HZQ # _audit_conform.dict_name mmcif_pdbx.dic _audit_conform.dict_version 5.280 _audit_conform.dict_location # loop_ _database_2.database_id _database_2.database_code PDB 1HZQ RCSB RCSB012725 WWPDB D_1000012725 # OBSLTE 2002-05-22 _pdbx_database_PDB_obs_spr.pdb_id 1J5L _pdbx_database_PDB_obs_spr.replace_pdb_id 1HZQ _pdbx_database_PDB_obs_spr.details ? # loop_ _pdbx_database_related.db_name _pdbx_database_related.db_id _pdbx_database_related.details _pdbx_database_related.content_type BMRB 4754 'contains 1H chemical shifts and 3JHNHA and 3JHAHB coupling constants' unspecified PDB 1HZR 'contains the minimized average structure of the beta_N domain of this protein' unspecified # _pdbx_database_status.status_code OBS _pdbx_database_status.entry_id 1HZQ _pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date 2001-01-25 _pdbx_database_status.deposit_site RCSB _pdbx_database_status.process_site RCSB _pdbx_database_status.status_code_sf ? _pdbx_database_status.status_code_mr OBS _pdbx_database_status.SG_entry ? _pdbx_database_status.status_code_cs ? _pdbx_database_status.pdb_format_compatible Y _pdbx_database_status.methods_development_category ? # loop_ _audit_author.pdbx_ordinal 'Munoz, A.' 1 'Forsterling, F.H.' 2 'Shaw III, C.F.' 3 'Petering, D.H.' 4 # primary _citation.title ;Structure of the (113)Cd(3)beta domains from Homarus americanus metallothionein-1: hydrogen bonding and solvent accessibility of sulfur atoms ; _citation.journal_abbrev J.Biol.Inorg.Chem. _citation.journal_volume 7 _citation.page_first 713 _citation.page_last 724 _citation.year 2002 _citation.journal_id_ASTM JJBCFA GW _citation.journal_id_ISSN 0949-8257 _citation.journal_id_CSD 2125 _citation.book_publisher ? _citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed 12203008 _citation.pdbx_database_id_DOI ? # loop_ _citation_author.citation_id _citation_author.ordinal primary 'Munoz, A.' 1 primary 'Forsterling, F.H.' 2 primary 'Shaw III, C.F.' 3 primary 'Petering, D.H.' 4 # loop_ _entity.type _entity.src_method _entity.pdbx_description _entity.formula_weight _entity.pdbx_number_of_molecules _entity.pdbx_ec _entity.pdbx_mutation _entity.pdbx_fragment _entity.details 1 polymer syn METALLOTHIONEIN-1 3133.726 1 ? ? 'BETA_C DOMAIN (RESIDUES 29-58)' ? 2 non-polymer syn 'CADMIUM ION' 112.411 3 ? ? ? ? # _entity_name_com.entity_id 1 CUMT-1 # _entity_poly.entity_id 1 _entity_poly.type 'polypeptide(L)' _entity_poly.nstd_linkage no _entity_poly.nstd_monomer no _entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code PCEKCTSGCKCPSKDECAKTCSKPCSCCPT _entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code_can PCEKCTSGCKCPSKDECAKTCSKPCSCCPT _entity_poly.pdbx_strand_id A _entity_poly.pdbx_target_identifier ? # loop_ _entity_poly_seq.entity_id _entity_poly_seq.num _entity_poly_seq.mon_id _entity_poly_seq.hetero 1 1 PRO n 1 2 CYS n 1 3 GLU n 1 4 LYS n 1 5 CYS n 1 6 THR n 1 7 SER n 1 8 GLY n 1 9 CYS n 1 10 LYS n 1 11 CYS n 1 12 PRO n 1 13 SER n 1 14 LYS n 1 15 ASP n 1 16 GLU n 1 17 CYS n 1 18 ALA n 1 19 LYS n 1 20 THR n 1 21 CYS n 1 22 SER n 1 23 LYS n 1 24 PRO n 1 25 CYS n 1 26 SER n 1 27 CYS n 1 28 CYS n 1 29 PRO n 1 30 THR n # _pdbx_entity_src_syn.entity_id 1 _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_src_id 1 _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_alt_source_flag sample _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_beg_seq_num ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_end_seq_num ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_scientific ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_common_name ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.ncbi_taxonomy_id ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.details 'The peptide was chemically synthesized. The sequence of the peptide is naturally found in Homarus americanus (American lobster).' # 1 _struct_ref.db_name SWS _struct_ref.db_code MT1_HOMAM _struct_ref.entity_id 1 _struct_ref.pdbx_db_accession P29499 _struct_ref.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code PCEKCTSGCKCPSKDECAKTCSKPCSCCPT _struct_ref.pdbx_align_begin 29 _struct_ref.pdbx_db_isoform ? # _struct_ref_seq.align_id 1 _struct_ref_seq.ref_id 1 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_PDB_id_code 1HZQ _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_strand_id A _struct_ref_seq.seq_align_beg 1 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_beg_ins_code ? _struct_ref_seq.seq_align_end 30 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_end_ins_code ? _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_accession P29499 _struct_ref_seq.db_align_beg 29 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_beg_ins_code ? _struct_ref_seq.db_align_end 58 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_end_ins_code ? _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_beg 2 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_end 31 # loop_ _chem_comp.type _chem_comp.mon_nstd_flag _chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms _chem_comp.formula _chem_comp.formula_weight ALA 'L-peptide linking' y ALANINE ? 'C3 H7 N O2' 89.093 ASP 'L-peptide linking' y 'ASPARTIC ACID' ? 'C4 H7 N O4' 133.103 CD non-polymer . 'CADMIUM ION' ? 'Cd 2' 112.411 CYS 'L-peptide linking' y CYSTEINE ? 'C3 H7 N O2 S' 121.158 GLU 'L-peptide linking' y 'GLUTAMIC ACID' ? 'C5 H9 N O4' 147.129 GLY 'peptide linking' y GLYCINE ? 'C2 H5 N O2' 75.067 LYS 'L-peptide linking' y LYSINE ? 'C6 H15 N2 O2 1' 147.195 PRO 'L-peptide linking' y PROLINE ? 'C5 H9 N O2' 115.130 SER 'L-peptide linking' y SERINE ? 'C3 H7 N O3' 105.093 THR 'L-peptide linking' y THREONINE ? 'C4 H9 N O3' 119.119 # loop_ _pdbx_nmr_exptl.experiment_id _pdbx_nmr_exptl.solution_id _pdbx_nmr_exptl.conditions_id _pdbx_nmr_exptl.type 1 1 1 DQF-COSY 2 1 1 '2D NOESY' 3 1 1 '2D TOCSY' 4 1 1 '2D 113Cd HSQC-TOCSY' 5 2 1 '2D NOESY' 6 2 1 DQF-COSY # _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.conditions_id 1 _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.temperature 298 _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pressure ambient _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pH 7.4 _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.ionic_strength '5mM Tris' _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pressure_units ? # loop_ _pdbx_nmr_sample_details.solution_id _pdbx_nmr_sample_details.contents _pdbx_nmr_sample_details.solvent_system 1 '2-3mM 113Cd3-MT-beta_C, 5mM d-Tris buffer' '90% H2O/10% D2O' 2 '2-3mM 113Cd3-MT-beta_C, 5mM d-Tris buffer' '100% D2O' # loop_ _pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.spectrometer_id _pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.type _pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.manufacturer _pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.model _pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.field_strength 1 ? Bruker DRX 500 2 ? Bruker DPX 300 # _pdbx_nmr_refine.entry_id 1HZQ _pdbx_nmr_refine.method 'ab initio simulated annealing' _pdbx_nmr_refine.details ;The structure is based on 228 NOE based distance restraints, 20 dihedral angle restraints and 33 metal cluster restraints derived from 113Cd-HSQC-TOCSY experiments. ; _pdbx_nmr_refine.software_ordinal 1 # _pdbx_nmr_details.entry_id 1HZQ _pdbx_nmr_details.text 'This structure was determined using standard 2D homonuclear techniques' # _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.entry_id 1HZQ _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_calculated_total_number ? _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_submitted_total_number 1 _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformer_selection_criteria ? # loop_ _pdbx_nmr_software.version _pdbx_nmr_software.classification _pdbx_nmr_software.authors _pdbx_nmr_software.ordinal XWINNMR 2.5 collection 'Bruker Instruments' 1 XWINNMR 2.5 processing 'Bruker Instruments' 2 FELIX 2000 'data analysis' MSI 3 X-PLOR 3.851 'structure solution' 'Axel Brunger' 4 MOLMOL 2k.1 'data analysis' 'Reto Koradi' 5 X-PLOR 3.851 refinement 'Axel Brunger' 6 # _exptl.entry_id 1HZQ _exptl.method 'SOLUTION NMR' _exptl.crystals_number ? # 1 _exptl_crystal.density_meas ? _exptl_crystal.density_Matthews ? _exptl_crystal.density_percent_sol ? _exptl_crystal.description ? # 1 _diffrn.ambient_temp ? _diffrn.ambient_temp_details ? _diffrn.crystal_id 1 # _diffrn_radiation.diffrn_id 1 _diffrn_radiation.wavelength_id 1 _diffrn_radiation.pdbx_monochromatic_or_laue_m_l M _diffrn_radiation.monochromator ? _diffrn_radiation.pdbx_diffrn_protocol 'SINGLE WAVELENGTH' _diffrn_radiation.pdbx_scattering_type ? # 1 _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength . _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wt 1.0 # _struct.entry_id 1HZQ _struct.title 'NMR STRUCTURE OF THE ISOLATED BETA_C DOMAIN OF LOBSTER METALLOTHIONEIN-1' _struct.pdbx_descriptor METALLOTHIONEIN-1 _struct.pdbx_model_details ? _struct.pdbx_CASP_flag ? _struct.pdbx_model_type_details ? # _struct_keywords.entry_id 1HZQ _struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords 'METAL BINDING PROTEIN' _struct_keywords.text 'beta-domain, Metalloprotein, Cadmium-sulfur-cluster, METAL BINDING PROTEIN' # loop_ _struct_asym.pdbx_blank_PDB_chainid_flag _struct_asym.pdbx_modified _struct_asym.entity_id _struct_asym.details A N N 1 ? B N N 2 ? C N N 2 ? D N N 2 ? # 1 # loop_ _struct_conf.conf_type_id _struct_conf.pdbx_PDB_helix_id _struct_conf.beg_label_comp_id _struct_conf.beg_label_asym_id _struct_conf.beg_label_seq_id _struct_conf.pdbx_beg_PDB_ins_code _struct_conf.end_label_comp_id _struct_conf.end_label_asym_id _struct_conf.end_label_seq_id _struct_conf.pdbx_end_PDB_ins_code _struct_conf.beg_auth_comp_id _struct_conf.beg_auth_asym_id _struct_conf.beg_auth_seq_id _struct_conf.end_auth_comp_id _struct_conf.end_auth_asym_id _struct_conf.end_auth_seq_id _struct_conf.pdbx_PDB_helix_class _struct_conf.details _struct_conf.pdbx_PDB_helix_length HELX_P HELX_P1 1 CYS A 2 ? THR A 6 ? CYS A 3 THR A 7 5 ? 5 HELX_P HELX_P2 2 GLU A 16 ? CYS A 21 ? GLU A 17 CYS A 22 1 ? 6 # HELX_P _struct_conf_type.criteria ? _struct_conf_type.reference ? # _database_PDB_matrix.entry_id 1HZQ _database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][1] 1.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][2] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][3] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][1] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][2] 1.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][3] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][1] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][2] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][3] 1.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[1] 0.00000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[2] 0.00000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[3] 0.00000 # _atom_sites.entry_id 1HZQ _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1] 1.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2] 1.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3] 1.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1] 0.00000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2] 0.00000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3] 0.00000 # loop_ _atom_type.symbol C CD H N O S # loop_ _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.asym_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.entity_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.seq_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.mon_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.ndb_seq_num _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_seq_num _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.auth_seq_num _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_mon_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.auth_mon_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_strand_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_ins_code _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.hetero A 1 1 PRO 1 2 2 PRO PRO A . n A 1 2 CYS 2 3 3 CYS CYS A . n A 1 3 GLU 3 4 4 GLU GLU A . n A 1 4 LYS 4 5 5 LYS LYS A . n A 1 5 CYS 5 6 6 CYS CYS A . n A 1 6 THR 6 7 7 THR THR A . n A 1 7 SER 7 8 8 SER SER A . n A 1 8 GLY 8 9 9 GLY GLY A . n A 1 9 CYS 9 10 10 CYS CYS A . n A 1 10 LYS 10 11 11 LYS LYS A . n A 1 11 CYS 11 12 12 CYS CYS A . n A 1 12 PRO 12 13 13 PRO PRO A . n A 1 13 SER 13 14 14 SER SER A . n A 1 14 LYS 14 15 15 LYS LYS A . n A 1 15 ASP 15 16 16 ASP ASP A . n A 1 16 GLU 16 17 17 GLU GLU A . n A 1 17 CYS 17 18 18 CYS CYS A . n A 1 18 ALA 18 19 19 ALA ALA A . n A 1 19 LYS 19 20 20 LYS LYS A . n A 1 20 THR 20 21 21 THR THR A . n A 1 21 CYS 21 22 22 CYS CYS A . n A 1 22 SER 22 23 23 SER SER A . n A 1 23 LYS 23 24 24 LYS LYS A . n A 1 24 PRO 24 25 25 PRO PRO A . n A 1 25 CYS 25 26 26 CYS CYS A . n A 1 26 SER 26 27 27 SER SER A . n A 1 27 CYS 27 28 28 CYS CYS A . n A 1 28 CYS 28 29 29 CYS CYS A . n A 1 29 PRO 29 30 30 PRO PRO A . n A 1 30 THR 30 31 31 THR THR A . n # loop_ _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.asym_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.entity_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.ndb_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.auth_seq_num _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.auth_mon_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_strand_id _pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_ins_code B 2 CD 1 32 32 CD CD ? . C 2 CD 1 33 33 CD CD ? . D 2 CD 1 34 34 CD CD ? . # loop_ _pdbx_audit_revision_history.ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_history.data_content_type _pdbx_audit_revision_history.major_revision _pdbx_audit_revision_history.minor_revision _pdbx_audit_revision_history.revision_date 1 'Structure model' 1 0 2002-04-17 2 'Structure model' 1 1 2002-05-22 # loop_ _pdbx_audit_revision_details.ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_details.revision_ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_details.data_content_type _pdbx_audit_revision_details.provider _pdbx_audit_revision_details.type _pdbx_audit_revision_details.description 1 1 'Structure model' repository 'Initial release' ? 2 2 'Structure model' repository Obsolete ? # loop_ _pdbx_validate_torsion.PDB_model_num _pdbx_validate_torsion.auth_comp_id _pdbx_validate_torsion.auth_asym_id _pdbx_validate_torsion.auth_seq_id _pdbx_validate_torsion.PDB_ins_code _pdbx_validate_torsion.label_alt_id _pdbx_validate_torsion.phi _pdbx_validate_torsion.psi 1 1 CYS A 3 ? ? -80.59 -146.15 2 1 LYS A 5 ? ? -94.76 42.72 3 1 SER A 8 ? ? 173.39 -86.23 4 1 CYS A 12 ? ? 32.33 93.27 5 1 SER A 14 ? ? -153.94 -58.57 6 1 LYS A 15 ? ? -164.01 -44.02 7 1 CYS A 18 ? ? -90.21 -74.42 8 1 SER A 23 ? ? -78.46 49.85 9 1 LYS A 24 ? ? 176.18 179.93 10 1 CYS A 26 ? ? -42.15 107.46 11 1 SER A 27 ? ? -60.20 72.50 12 1 CYS A 28 ? ? 178.55 -24.95 13 1 CYS A 29 ? ? -72.95 -160.66 # _pdbx_entity_nonpoly.entity_id 2 'CADMIUM ION' _pdbx_entity_nonpoly.comp_id CD #