#   1M24 
_audit_conform.dict_name       mmcif_pdbx.dic 
_audit_conform.dict_version    5.389 
PDB   1M24         pdb_00001m24 10.2210/pdb1m24/pdb 
RCSB  RCSB016502   ?            ?                   
WWPDB D_1000016502 ?            ?                   
1 'Structure model' 1 0 2002-11-06 
2 'Structure model' 1 1 2011-06-14 
3 'Structure model' 1 2 2011-07-13 
4 'Structure model' 1 3 2011-07-27 
5 'Structure model' 1 4 2012-09-05 
6 'Structure model' 1 5 2012-12-12 
7 'Structure model' 1 6 2017-10-11 
8 'Structure model' 2 0 2023-11-15 
9 'Structure model' 2 1 2024-04-03 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.ordinal             1 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.revision_ordinal    1 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.data_content_type   'Structure model' 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.provider            repository 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.type                'Initial release' 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.description         ? 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.details             ? 
1  2 'Structure model' 'Version format compliance' 
2  3 'Structure model' 'Version format compliance' 
3  4 'Structure model' 'Atomic model'              
4  4 'Structure model' 'Database references'       
5  4 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations'      
6  4 'Structure model' 'Non-polymer description'   
7  4 'Structure model' 'Structure summary'         
8  5 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations'      
9  6 'Structure model' Other                       
10 7 'Structure model' 'Refinement description'    
11 8 'Structure model' 'Atomic model'              
12 8 'Structure model' 'Data collection'           
13 8 'Structure model' 'Database references'       
14 8 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations'      
15 9 'Structure model' 'Refinement description'    
1 7 'Structure model' software                      
2 8 'Structure model' atom_site                     
3 8 'Structure model' chem_comp_atom                
4 8 'Structure model' chem_comp_bond                
5 8 'Structure model' database_2                    
6 8 'Structure model' struct_conn                   
7 8 'Structure model' struct_site                   
8 9 'Structure model' pdbx_initial_refinement_model 
1 8 'Structure model' '_atom_site.auth_atom_id'             
2 8 'Structure model' '_atom_site.label_atom_id'            
3 8 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_DOI'                
4 8 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_database_accession' 
5 8 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag' 
6 8 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_asym_id'      
7 8 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_comp_id'      
8 8 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_seq_id'       
_pdbx_database_status.status_code                     REL 
_pdbx_database_status.entry_id                        1M24 
_pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date   2002-06-21 
_pdbx_database_status.deposit_site                    RCSB 
_pdbx_database_status.process_site                    PDBJ 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_sf                  REL 
_pdbx_database_status.SG_entry                        . 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_mr                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_cs                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.methods_development_category    ? 
_pdbx_database_status.pdb_format_compatible           Y 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data            ? 
PDB 1GQ0 unspecified 'SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE PEPTAIBOL ANTIAMOEBIN I'                         
PDB 1JOH unspecified 'CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE PEPTAIBOL ANTIAMOEBIN I'                          
PDB 1AMT unspecified 'CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE PEPTAIBOL ALAMETHICIN'                            
PDB 1OB7 unspecified 'CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE PEPTAIBOL CEPHAIBOL C'                            
PDB 1OB6 unspecified 'CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE PEPTAIBOL CEPHAIBOL B'                            
PDB 1OB4 unspecified 'CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE PEPTAIBOL CEPHAIBOL A'                            
'Chugh, J.K.'   1 
'Brueckner, H.' 2 
'Wallace, B.A.' 3 
#                        primary 
'Model for a Helical Bundle Channel Based on the High-Resolution Crystal Structure of Trichotoxin_A50E' 
_citation.journal_abbrev            Biochemistry 
_citation.journal_volume            41 
_citation.page_first                12934 
_citation.page_last                 ? 
_citation.year                      2002 
_citation.journal_id_ASTM           BICHAW                   US 
_citation.journal_id_ISSN           0006-2960 
_citation.journal_id_CSD            0033 
_citation.book_publisher            ? 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed   12390019 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_DOI      10.1021/BI026150Z 
primary 'Chugh, J.K.'   1 ? 
primary 'Brueckner, H.' 2 ? 
primary 'Wallace, B.A.' 3 ? 
1 polymer     nat TRICHOTOXIN_A50E 1674.039 2 ? ? ? ? 
2 non-polymer syn ACETONITRILE     41.052   2 ? ? ? ? 
3 water       nat water            18.015   5 ? ? ? ? 
_entity_poly.entity_id                      1 
_entity_poly.type                           'polypeptide(L)' 
_entity_poly.nstd_linkage                   no 
_entity_poly.nstd_monomer                   yes 
_entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code       '(ACE)(AIB)G(AIB)L(AIB)Q(AIB)(AIB)(AIB)AA(AIB)PL(AIB)(AIB)Q(VOL)' 
_entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code_can   XAGALAQAAAAAAPLAAQX 
_entity_poly.pdbx_strand_id                 A,B 
_entity_poly.pdbx_target_identifier         ? 
3 water        HOH 
1 1  ACE n 
1 2  AIB n 
1 3  GLY n 
1 4  AIB n 
1 5  LEU n 
1 6  AIB n 
1 7  GLN n 
1 8  AIB n 
1 9  AIB n 
1 10 AIB n 
1 11 ALA n 
1 12 ALA n 
1 13 AIB n 
1 14 PRO n 
1 15 LEU n 
1 16 AIB n 
1 17 AIB n 
1 18 GLN n 
1 19 VOL n 
_entity_src_nat.entity_id                  1 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_src_id                1 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_alt_source_flag       sample 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_beg_seq_num           ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_end_seq_num           ? 
_entity_src_nat.common_name                ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_organism_scientific   'TRICHODERMA VIRIDE' 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_ncbi_taxonomy_id      5547 
_entity_src_nat.genus                      ? 
_entity_src_nat.species                    ? 
_entity_src_nat.strain                     'NRRL 5242' 
_entity_src_nat.tissue                     ? 
_entity_src_nat.tissue_fraction            ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_secretion             ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_fragment              ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_variant               ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_cell_line             ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_atcc                  ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_cellular_location     ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_organ                 ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_organelle             ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_cell                  ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_plasmid_name          ? 
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_plasmid_details       ? 
_entity_src_nat.details                    ? 
ACE non-polymer         . 'ACETYL GROUP'               ? 'C2 H4 O'      44.053  
AIB 'L-peptide linking' n 'ALPHA-AMINOISOBUTYRIC ACID' ? 'C4 H9 N O2'   103.120 
ALA 'L-peptide linking' y ALANINE                      ? 'C3 H7 N O2'   89.093  
CCN non-polymer         . ACETONITRILE                 ? 'C2 H3 N'      41.052  
GLN 'L-peptide linking' y GLUTAMINE                    ? 'C5 H10 N2 O3' 146.144 
GLY 'peptide linking'   y GLYCINE                      ? 'C2 H5 N O2'   75.067  
HOH non-polymer         . WATER                        ? 'H2 O'         18.015  
LEU 'L-peptide linking' y LEUCINE                      ? 'C6 H13 N O2'  131.173 
PRO 'L-peptide linking' y PROLINE                      ? 'C5 H9 N O2'   115.130 
VOL 'L-peptide linking' . L-VALINOL                    ? 'C5 H13 N O'   103.163 
A 1 1  ACE 1  0  0  ACE ACE A . n 
A 1 2  AIB 2  1  1  AIB AIB A . n 
A 1 3  GLY 3  2  2  GLY GLY A . n 
A 1 4  AIB 4  3  3  AIB AIB A . n 
A 1 5  LEU 5  4  4  LEU LEU A . n 
A 1 6  AIB 6  5  5  AIB AIB A . n 
A 1 7  GLN 7  6  6  GLN GLN A . n 
A 1 8  AIB 8  7  7  AIB AIB A . n 
A 1 9  AIB 9  8  8  AIB AIB A . n 
A 1 10 AIB 10 9  9  AIB AIB A . n 
A 1 11 ALA 11 10 10 ALA ALA A . n 
A 1 12 ALA 12 11 11 ALA ALA A . n 
A 1 13 AIB 13 12 12 AIB AIB A . n 
A 1 14 PRO 14 13 13 PRO PRO A . n 
A 1 15 LEU 15 14 14 LEU LEU A . n 
A 1 16 AIB 16 15 15 AIB AIB A . n 
A 1 17 AIB 17 16 16 AIB AIB A . n 
A 1 18 GLN 18 17 17 GLN GLN A . n 
A 1 19 VOL 19 18 18 VOL VOL A . n 
B 1 1  ACE 1  0  0  ACE ACE B . n 
B 1 2  AIB 2  1  1  AIB AIB B . n 
B 1 3  GLY 3  2  2  GLY GLY B . n 
B 1 4  AIB 4  3  3  AIB AIB B . n 
B 1 5  LEU 5  4  4  LEU LEU B . n 
B 1 6  AIB 6  5  5  AIB AIB B . n 
B 1 7  GLN 7  6  6  GLN GLN B . n 
B 1 8  AIB 8  7  7  AIB AIB B . n 
B 1 9  AIB 9  8  8  AIB AIB B . n 
B 1 10 AIB 10 9  9  AIB AIB B . n 
B 1 11 ALA 11 10 10 ALA ALA B . n 
B 1 12 ALA 12 11 11 ALA ALA B . n 
B 1 13 AIB 13 12 12 AIB AIB B . n 
B 1 14 PRO 14 13 13 PRO PRO B . n 
B 1 15 LEU 15 14 14 LEU LEU B . n 
B 1 16 AIB 16 15 15 AIB AIB B . n 
B 1 17 AIB 17 16 16 AIB AIB B . n 
B 1 18 GLN 18 17 17 GLN GLN B . n 
B 1 19 VOL 19 18 18 VOL VOL B . n 
C 2 CCN 1 19   19   CCN CCN A . 
D 2 CCN 1 19   19   CCN CCN B . 
E 3 HOH 1 2001 2001 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 2 2002 2002 HOH HOH A . 
F 3 HOH 1 2001 2001 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 2 2002 2002 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 3 2003 2003 HOH HOH B . 
MOLREP    phasing          .                   ? 1 
ARP/wARP  'model building' .                   ? 2 
SHELXL-97 refinement       .                   ? 3 
SMART     'data reduction' 'V. 5.054 (BRUKER)' ? 4 
_cell.entry_id           1M24 
_cell.length_a           9.490 
_cell.length_b           16.850 
_cell.length_c           31.680 
_cell.angle_alpha        95.77 
_cell.angle_beta         98.07 
_cell.angle_gamma        99.45 
_cell.Z_PDB              2 
_cell.pdbx_unique_axis   ? 
_cell.length_a_esd       ? 
_cell.length_b_esd       ? 
_cell.length_c_esd       ? 
_cell.angle_alpha_esd    ? 
_cell.angle_beta_esd     ? 
_cell.angle_gamma_esd    ? 
_symmetry.entry_id                         1M24 
_symmetry.space_group_name_H-M             'P 1' 
_symmetry.pdbx_full_space_group_name_H-M   ? 
_symmetry.cell_setting                     ? 
_symmetry.Int_Tables_number                1 
_symmetry.space_group_name_Hall            ? 
_exptl.entry_id          1M24 
_exptl.method            'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' 
_exptl.crystals_number   1 
#                    1 
_exptl_crystal.density_meas          ? 
_exptl_crystal.density_Matthews      1.30 
_exptl_crystal.density_percent_sol   8.28 
_exptl_crystal.description           ? 
_exptl_crystal.F_000                 ? 
_exptl_crystal.preparation           ? 
_exptl_crystal_grow.crystal_id      1 
_exptl_crystal_grow.method          ? 
_exptl_crystal_grow.temp            ? 
_exptl_crystal_grow.temp_details    ? 
_exptl_crystal_grow.pH              ? 
_exptl_crystal_grow.pdbx_pH_range   ? 
#                     1 
_diffrn.ambient_temp           150 
_diffrn.ambient_temp_details   ? 
_diffrn.crystal_id             1 
_diffrn_detector.diffrn_id              1 
_diffrn_detector.detector               CCD 
_diffrn_detector.type                   'ADSC QUANTUM 4' 
_diffrn_detector.pdbx_collection_date   2001-04-24 
_diffrn_detector.details                ? 
_diffrn_radiation.diffrn_id                        1 
_diffrn_radiation.wavelength_id                    1 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_monochromatic_or_laue_m_l   M 
_diffrn_radiation.monochromator                    'SILICON 111' 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_diffrn_protocol             'SINGLE WAVELENGTH' 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_scattering_type             x-ray 
#           1 
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength   0.6883 
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wt           1.0 
_diffrn_source.diffrn_id                   1 
_diffrn_source.source                      SYNCHROTRON 
_diffrn_source.type                        SRS 
_diffrn_source.pdbx_synchrotron_site       SRS 
_diffrn_source.pdbx_synchrotron_beamline   ? 
_diffrn_source.pdbx_wavelength             0.6883 
_diffrn_source.pdbx_wavelength_list        ? 
_reflns.pdbx_diffrn_id               1 
_reflns.pdbx_ordinal                 1 
_reflns.entry_id                     1M24 
_reflns.observed_criterion_sigma_I   0.000 
_reflns.observed_criterion_sigma_F   ? 
_reflns.d_resolution_low             10.000 
_reflns.d_resolution_high            0.900 
_reflns.number_obs                   13427 
_reflns.number_all                   ? 
_reflns.percent_possible_obs         99.7 
_reflns.pdbx_Rmerge_I_obs            0.05140 
_reflns.pdbx_Rsym_value              ? 
_reflns.pdbx_netI_over_sigmaI        15.0300 
_reflns.B_iso_Wilson_estimate        ? 
_reflns.pdbx_redundancy              2.790 
_reflns.R_free_details               ? 
_reflns.limit_h_max                  ? 
_reflns.limit_h_min                  ? 
_reflns.limit_k_max                  ? 
_reflns.limit_k_min                  ? 
_reflns.limit_l_max                  ? 
_reflns.limit_l_min                  ? 
_reflns.observed_criterion_F_max     ? 
_reflns.observed_criterion_F_min     ? 
_reflns.pdbx_chi_squared             ? 
_reflns.pdbx_scaling_rejects         ? 
_reflns_shell.pdbx_diffrn_id         1 
_reflns_shell.pdbx_ordinal           1 
_reflns_shell.d_res_high             0.90 
_reflns_shell.d_res_low              0.95 
_reflns_shell.percent_possible_all   99.9 
_reflns_shell.Rmerge_I_obs           0.26140 
_reflns_shell.pdbx_Rsym_value        ? 
_reflns_shell.meanI_over_sigI_obs    2.360 
_reflns_shell.pdbx_redundancy        2.18 
_reflns_shell.percent_possible_obs   ? 
_reflns_shell.number_unique_all      ? 
_reflns_shell.number_measured_all    ? 
_reflns_shell.number_measured_obs    ? 
_reflns_shell.number_unique_obs      ? 
_reflns_shell.pdbx_chi_squared       ? 
_refine.pdbx_refine_id                           'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' 
_refine.entry_id                                 1M24 
_refine.pdbx_diffrn_id                           1 
_refine.pdbx_TLS_residual_ADP_flag               ? 
_refine.ls_number_reflns_obs                     ? 
_refine.ls_number_reflns_all                     13427 
_refine.pdbx_ls_sigma_I                          ? 
_refine.pdbx_ls_sigma_F                          0.000 
_refine.pdbx_data_cutoff_high_absF               ? 
_refine.pdbx_data_cutoff_low_absF                ? 
_refine.pdbx_data_cutoff_high_rms_absF           ? 
_refine.ls_d_res_low                             10.00 
_refine.ls_d_res_high                            0.90 
_refine.ls_percent_reflns_obs                    99.7 
_refine.ls_R_factor_obs                          0.075 
_refine.ls_R_factor_all                          0.076 
_refine.ls_R_factor_R_work                       ? 
_refine.ls_R_factor_R_free                       0.092 
_refine.ls_R_factor_R_free_error                 ? 
_refine.ls_R_factor_R_free_error_details         ? 
_refine.ls_percent_reflns_R_free                 5.100 
_refine.ls_number_reflns_R_free                  688 
_refine.ls_number_parameters                     2244 
_refine.ls_number_restraints                     2814 
_refine.occupancy_min                            ? 
_refine.occupancy_max                            ? 
_refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc               ? 
_refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc_free          ? 
_refine.B_iso_mean                               ? 
_refine.aniso_B[1][1]                            ? 
_refine.aniso_B[2][2]                            ? 
_refine.aniso_B[3][3]                            ? 
_refine.aniso_B[1][2]                            ? 
_refine.aniso_B[1][3]                            ? 
_refine.aniso_B[2][3]                            ? 
_refine.solvent_model_details                    ? 
_refine.solvent_model_param_ksol                 ? 
_refine.solvent_model_param_bsol                 ? 
_refine.pdbx_solvent_vdw_probe_radii             ? 
_refine.pdbx_solvent_ion_probe_radii             ? 
_refine.pdbx_solvent_shrinkage_radii             ? 
_refine.pdbx_ls_cross_valid_method               THROUGHOUT 
_refine.details                                  'USED WEIGHTED FULL MATRIX LEAST SQUARES PROCEDURE, NO RESTRAINTS USED' 
_refine.pdbx_starting_model                      'MODEL OF HELICAL PEPTIDE, RESIDUES 1-13.' 
_refine.pdbx_method_to_determine_struct          'MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT' 
_refine.pdbx_isotropic_thermal_model             ? 
_refine.pdbx_stereochemistry_target_values       'ENGH & HUBER' 
_refine.pdbx_stereochem_target_val_spec_case     ? 
_refine.pdbx_R_Free_selection_details            RANDOM 
_refine.pdbx_overall_ESU_R                       ? 
_refine.pdbx_overall_ESU_R_Free                  ? 
_refine.overall_SU_ML                            ? 
_refine.pdbx_overall_phase_error                 ? 
_refine.overall_SU_B                             ? 
_refine.overall_SU_R_Cruickshank_DPI             ? 
_refine.pdbx_overall_SU_R_free_Cruickshank_DPI   ? 
_refine.pdbx_overall_SU_R_Blow_DPI               ? 
_refine.pdbx_overall_SU_R_free_Blow_DPI          ? 
_refine.ls_redundancy_reflns_obs                 ? 
_refine.B_iso_min                                ? 
_refine.B_iso_max                                ? 
_refine.overall_SU_R_free                        ? 
_refine.ls_wR_factor_R_free                      ? 
_refine.ls_wR_factor_R_work                      ? 
_refine.overall_FOM_free_R_set                   ? 
_refine.overall_FOM_work_R_set                   ? 
_refine_analyze.pdbx_refine_id                  'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' 
_refine_analyze.entry_id                        1M24 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_coordinate_error_obs    ? 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_sigma_a_obs             ? 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_d_res_low_obs           ? 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_coordinate_error_free   ? 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_sigma_a_free            ? 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_d_res_low_free          ? 
_refine_analyze.number_disordered_residues      0 
_refine_analyze.occupancy_sum_hydrogen          278.00 
_refine_analyze.occupancy_sum_non_hydrogen      249.00 
_refine_analyze.pdbx_Luzzati_d_res_high_obs     ? 
_refine_hist.pdbx_refine_id                   'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' 
_refine_hist.cycle_id                         LAST 
_refine_hist.pdbx_number_atoms_protein        238 
_refine_hist.pdbx_number_atoms_nucleic_acid   0 
_refine_hist.pdbx_number_atoms_ligand         6 
_refine_hist.number_atoms_solvent             5 
_refine_hist.number_atoms_total               249 
_refine_hist.d_res_high                       0.90 
_refine_hist.d_res_low                        10.00 
s_bond_d               0.026 ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
s_angle_d              0.026 ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
s_similar_dist         0.000 ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
s_from_restr_planes    0.026 ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
s_zero_chiral_vol      0.101 ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
s_non_zero_chiral_vol  1.186 ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
s_anti_bump_dis_restr  0.000 ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
s_rigid_bond_adp_cmpnt 0.006 ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
s_similar_adp_cmpnt    0.030 ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
s_approx_iso_adps      0.091 ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
_pdbx_refine.pdbx_refine_id                              'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' 
_pdbx_refine.entry_id                                    1M24 
_pdbx_refine.R_factor_all_no_cutoff                      0.076 
_pdbx_refine.R_factor_obs_no_cutoff                      0.075 
_pdbx_refine.free_R_factor_no_cutoff                     0.092 
_pdbx_refine.free_R_error_no_cutoff                      ? 
_pdbx_refine.free_R_val_test_set_size_perc_no_cutoff     5.100 
_pdbx_refine.free_R_val_test_set_ct_no_cutoff            688 
_pdbx_refine.R_factor_all_4sig_cutoff                    0.057 
_pdbx_refine.R_factor_obs_4sig_cutoff                    0.056 
_pdbx_refine.free_R_factor_4sig_cutoff                   0.072 
_pdbx_refine.free_R_val_test_set_size_perc_4sig_cutoff   5.000 
_pdbx_refine.free_R_val_test_set_ct_4sig_cutoff          508 
_pdbx_refine.number_reflns_obs_4sig_cutoff               10153 
_database_PDB_matrix.entry_id          1M24 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][1]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][2]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][3]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][1]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][2]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][3]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][1]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][2]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][3]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[1]   0.00000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[2]   0.00000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[3]   0.00000 
_struct.entry_id                  1M24 
_struct.title                     'Trichotoxin_A50E, An Ion Channel-Forming Polypeptide' 
_struct.pdbx_model_details        ? 
_struct.pdbx_CASP_flag            ? 
_struct.pdbx_model_type_details   ? 
_struct_keywords.entry_id        1M24 
_struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords   ANTIBIOTIC 
A N N 1 ? 
B N N 1 ? 
C N N 2 ? 
D N N 2 ? 
E N N 3 ? 
F N N 3 ? 
#                         1 
_struct_ref.db_name                    NOR 
_struct_ref.db_code                    NOR01101 
_struct_ref.entity_id                  1 
_struct_ref.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code   ? 
_struct_ref.pdbx_align_begin           ? 
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_accession          NOR01101 
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_isoform            ? 
1 1 1M24 A 1 ? 19 ? NOR01101 0 ? 18 ? 0 18 
2 1 1M24 B 1 ? 19 ? NOR01101 0 ? 18 ? 0 18 
1 author_defined_assembly   ?    dimeric 2 
2 software_defined_assembly PISA dimeric 2 
2 'ABSA (A^2)' 820  ? 
2 MORE         -7   ? 
2 'SSA (A^2)'  3660 ? 
1 1 A,B,C,D,E,F 
2 1 A,C,E       
2 2 B,D,F       
1 'identity operation'         1_555 x,y,z     1.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000 
0.0000000000 0.0000000000  0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000 0.0000000000 
2 'crystal symmetry operation' 1_665 x+1,y+1,z 1.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 6.7234516353 0.0000000000 1.0000000000 
0.0000000000 16.6213329834 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000 0.0000000000 
#        1 
_struct_biol.details   ? 
HELX_P HELX_P1 1 AIB A 2 ? GLN A 18 ? AIB A 1 GLN A 17 1 ? 17 
HELX_P HELX_P2 2 AIB B 2 ? GLN B 18 ? AIB B 1 GLN B 17 1 ? 17 
#          HELX_P 
_struct_conf_type.criteria    ? 
_struct_conf_type.reference   ? 
covale1  covale both ? A ACE 1  C ? ? ? 1_555 A AIB 2  N ? ? A ACE 0  A AIB 1  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.329 ? ? 
covale2  covale both ? A AIB 2  C ? ? ? 1_555 A GLY 3  N ? ? A AIB 1  A GLY 2  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.324 ? ? 
covale3  covale both ? A GLY 3  C ? ? ? 1_555 A AIB 4  N ? ? A GLY 2  A AIB 3  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.316 ? ? 
covale4  covale both ? A AIB 4  C ? ? ? 1_555 A LEU 5  N ? ? A AIB 3  A LEU 4  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.353 ? ? 
covale5  covale both ? A LEU 5  C ? ? ? 1_555 A AIB 6  N ? ? A LEU 4  A AIB 5  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.339 ? ? 
covale6  covale both ? A AIB 6  C ? ? ? 1_555 A GLN 7  N ? ? A AIB 5  A GLN 6  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.324 ? ? 
covale7  covale both ? A GLN 7  C ? ? ? 1_555 A AIB 8  N ? ? A GLN 6  A AIB 7  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.332 ? ? 
covale8  covale both ? A AIB 8  C ? ? ? 1_555 A AIB 9  N ? ? A AIB 7  A AIB 8  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.337 ? ? 
covale9  covale both ? A AIB 9  C ? ? ? 1_555 A AIB 10 N ? ? A AIB 8  A AIB 9  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.330 ? ? 
covale10 covale both ? A AIB 10 C ? ? ? 1_555 A ALA 11 N ? ? A AIB 9  A ALA 10 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.329 ? ? 
covale11 covale both ? A ALA 12 C ? ? ? 1_555 A AIB 13 N ? ? A ALA 11 A AIB 12 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.327 ? ? 
covale12 covale both ? A AIB 13 C ? ? ? 1_555 A PRO 14 N ? ? A AIB 12 A PRO 13 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.347 ? ? 
covale13 covale both ? A LEU 15 C ? ? ? 1_555 A AIB 16 N ? ? A LEU 14 A AIB 15 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.341 ? ? 
covale14 covale both ? A AIB 16 C ? ? ? 1_555 A AIB 17 N ? ? A AIB 15 A AIB 16 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.334 ? ? 
covale15 covale both ? A AIB 17 C ? ? ? 1_555 A GLN 18 N ? ? A AIB 16 A GLN 17 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.332 ? ? 
covale16 covale both ? A GLN 18 C ? ? ? 1_555 A VOL 19 N ? ? A GLN 17 A VOL 18 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.307 ? ? 
covale17 covale both ? B ACE 1  C ? ? ? 1_555 B AIB 2  N ? ? B ACE 0  B AIB 1  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.268 ? ? 
covale18 covale both ? B AIB 2  C ? ? ? 1_555 B GLY 3  N ? ? B AIB 1  B GLY 2  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.323 ? ? 
covale19 covale both ? B GLY 3  C ? ? ? 1_555 B AIB 4  N ? ? B GLY 2  B AIB 3  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.318 ? ? 
covale20 covale both ? B AIB 4  C ? ? ? 1_555 B LEU 5  N ? ? B AIB 3  B LEU 4  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.338 ? ? 
covale21 covale both ? B LEU 5  C ? ? ? 1_555 B AIB 6  N ? ? B LEU 4  B AIB 5  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.305 ? ? 
covale22 covale both ? B AIB 6  C ? ? ? 1_555 B GLN 7  N ? ? B AIB 5  B GLN 6  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.324 ? ? 
covale23 covale both ? B GLN 7  C ? ? ? 1_555 B AIB 8  N ? ? B GLN 6  B AIB 7  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.330 ? ? 
covale24 covale both ? B AIB 8  C ? ? ? 1_555 B AIB 9  N ? ? B AIB 7  B AIB 8  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.334 ? ? 
covale25 covale both ? B AIB 9  C ? ? ? 1_555 B AIB 10 N ? ? B AIB 8  B AIB 9  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.309 ? ? 
covale26 covale both ? B AIB 10 C ? ? ? 1_555 B ALA 11 N ? ? B AIB 9  B ALA 10 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.321 ? ? 
covale27 covale both ? B ALA 12 C ? ? ? 1_555 B AIB 13 N ? ? B ALA 11 B AIB 12 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.326 ? ? 
covale28 covale both ? B AIB 13 C ? ? ? 1_555 B PRO 14 N ? ? B AIB 12 B PRO 13 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.331 ? ? 
covale29 covale both ? B LEU 15 C ? ? ? 1_555 B AIB 16 N ? ? B LEU 14 B AIB 15 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.337 ? ? 
covale30 covale both ? B AIB 16 C ? ? ? 1_555 B AIB 17 N ? ? B AIB 15 B AIB 16 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.319 ? ? 
covale31 covale both ? B AIB 17 C ? ? ? 1_555 B GLN 18 N ? ? B AIB 16 B GLN 17 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.334 ? ? 
covale32 covale both ? B GLN 18 C ? ? ? 1_555 B VOL 19 N ? ? B GLN 17 B VOL 18 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.317 ? ? 
#          covale 
_struct_conn_type.criteria    ? 
_struct_conn_type.reference   ? 
AC1 Software A CCN 19 ? 9  'BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE CCN A 19'            
AC2 Software B CCN 19 ? 8  'BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE CCN B 19'            
1  AC1 9  GLN A 7  ? GLN A 6    . ? 1_555 ? 
2  AC1 9  ACE B 1  ? ACE B 0    . ? 1_656 ? 
3  AC1 9  AIB B 2  ? AIB B 1    . ? 1_556 ? 
4  AC1 9  LEU B 15 ? LEU B 14   . ? 1_555 ? 
5  AC1 9  AIB B 16 ? AIB B 15   . ? 1_455 ? 
6  AC1 9  AIB B 17 ? AIB B 16   . ? 1_455 ? 
7  AC1 9  GLN B 18 ? GLN B 17   . ? 1_555 ? 
8  AC1 9  VOL B 19 ? VOL B 18   . ? 1_455 ? 
9  AC1 9  VOL B 19 ? VOL B 18   . ? 1_555 ? 
10 AC2 8  AIB A 2  ? AIB A 1    . ? 1_454 ? 
11 AC2 8  GLY A 3  ? GLY A 2    . ? 1_454 ? 
12 AC2 8  GLN A 18 ? GLN A 17   . ? 1_555 ? 
13 AC2 8  GLN A 18 ? GLN A 17   . ? 1_455 ? 
14 AC2 8  HOH E .  ? HOH A 2002 . ? 1_455 ? 
15 AC2 8  AIB B 6  ? AIB B 5    . ? 1_555 ? 
16 AC2 8  GLN B 7  ? GLN B 6    . ? 1_555 ? 
17 AC2 8  GLN B 7  ? GLN B 6    . ? 1_655 ? 
18 AC3 30 CCN C .  ? CCN A 19   . ? 1_555 ? 
19 AC3 30 HOH E .  ? HOH A 2001 . ? 1_555 ? 
20 AC3 30 HOH E .  ? HOH A 2001 . ? 1_655 ? 
21 AC3 30 HOH E .  ? HOH A 2002 . ? 1_455 ? 
22 AC3 30 HOH E .  ? HOH A 2002 . ? 1_555 ? 
23 AC3 30 ACE B 1  ? ACE B 0    . ? 1_656 ? 
24 AC3 30 AIB B 2  ? AIB B 1    . ? 1_656 ? 
25 AC3 30 AIB B 2  ? AIB B 1    . ? 1_666 ? 
26 AC3 30 GLY B 3  ? GLY B 2    . ? 1_656 ? 
27 AC3 30 AIB B 4  ? AIB B 3    . ? 1_656 ? 
28 AC3 30 LEU B 5  ? LEU B 4    . ? 1_766 ? 
29 AC3 30 GLN B 7  ? GLN B 6    . ? 1_656 ? 
30 AC3 30 GLN B 7  ? GLN B 6    . ? 1_755 ? 
31 AC3 30 GLN B 7  ? GLN B 6    . ? 1_655 ? 
32 AC3 30 AIB B 10 ? AIB B 9    . ? 1_655 ? 
33 AC3 30 ALA B 11 ? ALA B 10   . ? 1_655 ? 
34 AC3 30 ALA B 12 ? ALA B 11   . ? 1_665 ? 
35 AC3 30 AIB B 13 ? AIB B 12   . ? 1_555 ? 
36 AC3 30 PRO B 14 ? PRO B 13   . ? 1_655 ? 
37 AC3 30 PRO B 14 ? PRO B 13   . ? 1_555 ? 
38 AC3 30 LEU B 15 ? LEU B 14   . ? 1_665 ? 
39 AC3 30 AIB B 16 ? AIB B 15   . ? 1_565 ? 
40 AC3 30 AIB B 17 ? AIB B 16   . ? 1_555 ? 
41 AC3 30 GLN B 18 ? GLN B 17   . ? 1_555 ? 
42 AC3 30 VOL B 19 ? VOL B 18   . ? 1_565 ? 
43 AC3 30 CCN D .  ? CCN B 19   . ? 1_555 ? 
44 AC3 30 CCN D .  ? CCN B 19   . ? 1_655 ? 
45 AC3 30 CCN D .  ? CCN B 19   . ? 1_656 ? 
46 AC3 30 HOH F .  ? HOH B 2003 . ? 1_555 ? 
47 AC3 30 HOH F .  ? HOH B 2003 . ? 1_655 ? 
48 AC4 32 ACE A 1  ? ACE A 0    . ? 1_454 ? 
49 AC4 32 AIB A 2  ? AIB A 1    . ? 1_344 ? 
50 AC4 32 GLY A 3  ? GLY A 2    . ? 1_454 ? 
51 AC4 32 AIB A 4  ? AIB A 3    . ? 1_454 ? 
52 AC4 32 LEU A 5  ? LEU A 4    . ? 1_444 ? 
53 AC4 32 GLN A 7  ? GLN A 6    . ? 1_454 ? 
54 AC4 32 GLN A 7  ? GLN A 6    . ? 1_555 ? 
55 AC4 32 AIB A 8  ? AIB A 7    . ? 1_545 ? 
56 AC4 32 AIB A 9  ? AIB A 8    . ? 1_545 ? 
57 AC4 32 AIB A 10 ? AIB A 9    . ? 1_555 ? 
58 AC4 32 ALA A 11 ? ALA A 10   . ? 1_555 ? 
59 AC4 32 ALA A 12 ? ALA A 11   . ? 1_445 ? 
60 AC4 32 ALA A 12 ? ALA A 11   . ? 1_545 ? 
61 AC4 32 AIB A 13 ? AIB A 12   . ? 1_455 ? 
62 AC4 32 PRO A 14 ? PRO A 13   . ? 1_455 ? 
63 AC4 32 PRO A 14 ? PRO A 13   . ? 1_555 ? 
64 AC4 32 LEU A 15 ? LEU A 14   . ? 1_445 ? 
65 AC4 32 LEU A 15 ? LEU A 14   . ? 1_545 ? 
66 AC4 32 AIB A 17 ? AIB A 16   . ? 1_455 ? 
67 AC4 32 GLN A 18 ? GLN A 17   . ? 1_455 ? 
68 AC4 32 VOL A 19 ? VOL A 18   . ? 1_355 ? 
69 AC4 32 CCN C .  ? CCN A 19   . ? 1_555 ? 
70 AC4 32 CCN C .  ? CCN A 19   . ? 1_655 ? 
71 AC4 32 CCN C .  ? CCN A 19   . ? 1_454 ? 
72 AC4 32 CCN C .  ? CCN A 19   . ? 1_554 ? 
73 AC4 32 CCN D .  ? CCN B 19   . ? 1_455 ? 
74 AC4 32 CCN D .  ? CCN B 19   . ? 1_555 ? 
75 AC4 32 HOH F .  ? HOH B 2001 . ? 1_655 ? 
76 AC4 32 HOH F .  ? HOH B 2001 . ? 1_555 ? 
77 AC4 32 HOH F .  ? HOH B 2002 . ? 1_555 ? 
78 AC4 32 HOH F .  ? HOH B 2002 . ? 1_454 ? 
79 AC4 32 HOH F .  ? HOH B 2003 . ? 1_555 ? 
#               1 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.PDB_model_num    1 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_atom_id_1   HH 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_asym_id_1   A 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_comp_id_1   VOL 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_seq_id_1    18 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.PDB_ins_code_1   ? 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.label_alt_id_1   ? 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_atom_id_2   O 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_asym_id_2   A 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_comp_id_2   HOH 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_seq_id_2    2002 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.PDB_ins_code_2   ? 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.label_alt_id_2   ? 
_pdbx_validate_close_contact.dist             1.55 
#                1 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.PDB_model_num     1 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.auth_atom_id_1    HH2 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.auth_asym_id_1    B 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.auth_comp_id_1    VOL 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.auth_seq_id_1     18 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.PDB_ins_code_1    ? 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.label_alt_id_1    ? 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.site_symmetry_1   1_555 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.auth_atom_id_2    H22 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.auth_asym_id_2    A 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.auth_comp_id_2    CCN 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.auth_seq_id_2     19 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.PDB_ins_code_2    ? 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.label_alt_id_2    ? 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.site_symmetry_2   1_655 
_pdbx_validate_symm_contact.dist              1.35 
_pdbx_molecule_features.prd_id    PRD_000160      'TRICHOTOXIN A50E' 
_pdbx_molecule_features.type      Peptaibol 
_pdbx_molecule_features.class     Antibiotic 
1 PRD_000160 A 
2 PRD_000160 B 
_pdbx_entry_details.entry_id                 1M24 
_pdbx_entry_details.source_details           ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.nonpolymer_details       ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.sequence_details         ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.has_ligand_of_interest   ? 
ACE C    C N N 1   
ACE O    O N N 2   
ACE CH3  C N N 3   
ACE H    H N N 4   
ACE H1   H N N 5   
ACE H2   H N N 6   
ACE H3   H N N 7   
AIB N    N N N 8   
AIB CA   C N N 9   
AIB C    C N N 10  
AIB O    O N N 11  
AIB OXT  O N N 12  
AIB CB1  C N N 13  
AIB CB2  C N N 14  
AIB H    H N N 15  
AIB H2   H N N 16  
AIB HXT  H N N 17  
AIB HB11 H N N 18  
AIB HB12 H N N 19  
AIB HB13 H N N 20  
AIB HB21 H N N 21  
AIB HB22 H N N 22  
AIB HB23 H N N 23  
ALA N    N N N 24  
ALA CA   C N S 25  
ALA C    C N N 26  
ALA O    O N N 27  
ALA CB   C N N 28  
ALA OXT  O N N 29  
ALA H    H N N 30  
ALA H2   H N N 31  
ALA HA   H N N 32  
ALA HB1  H N N 33  
ALA HB2  H N N 34  
ALA HB3  H N N 35  
ALA HXT  H N N 36  
CCN N    N N N 37  
CCN C1   C N N 38  
CCN C2   C N N 39  
CCN H21  H N N 40  
CCN H22  H N N 41  
CCN H23  H N N 42  
GLN N    N N N 43  
GLN CA   C N S 44  
GLN C    C N N 45  
GLN O    O N N 46  
GLN CB   C N N 47  
GLN CG   C N N 48  
GLN CD   C N N 49  
GLN OE1  O N N 50  
GLN NE2  N N N 51  
GLN OXT  O N N 52  
GLN H    H N N 53  
GLN H2   H N N 54  
GLN HA   H N N 55  
GLN HB2  H N N 56  
GLN HB3  H N N 57  
GLN HG2  H N N 58  
GLN HG3  H N N 59  
GLN HE21 H N N 60  
GLN HE22 H N N 61  
GLN HXT  H N N 62  
GLY N    N N N 63  
GLY CA   C N N 64  
GLY C    C N N 65  
GLY O    O N N 66  
GLY OXT  O N N 67  
GLY H    H N N 68  
GLY H2   H N N 69  
GLY HA2  H N N 70  
GLY HA3  H N N 71  
GLY HXT  H N N 72  
HOH O    O N N 73  
HOH H1   H N N 74  
HOH H2   H N N 75  
LEU N    N N N 76  
LEU CA   C N S 77  
LEU C    C N N 78  
LEU O    O N N 79  
LEU CB   C N N 80  
LEU CG   C N N 81  
LEU CD1  C N N 82  
LEU CD2  C N N 83  
LEU OXT  O N N 84  
LEU H    H N N 85  
LEU H2   H N N 86  
LEU HA   H N N 87  
LEU HB2  H N N 88  
LEU HB3  H N N 89  
LEU HG   H N N 90  
LEU HD11 H N N 91  
LEU HD12 H N N 92  
LEU HD13 H N N 93  
LEU HD21 H N N 94  
LEU HD22 H N N 95  
LEU HD23 H N N 96  
LEU HXT  H N N 97  
PRO N    N N N 98  
PRO CA   C N S 99  
PRO C    C N N 100 
PRO O    O N N 101 
PRO CB   C N N 102 
PRO CG   C N N 103 
PRO CD   C N N 104 
PRO OXT  O N N 105 
PRO H    H N N 106 
PRO HA   H N N 107 
PRO HB2  H N N 108 
PRO HB3  H N N 109 
PRO HG2  H N N 110 
PRO HG3  H N N 111 
PRO HD2  H N N 112 
PRO HD3  H N N 113 
PRO HXT  H N N 114 
VOL N    N N N 115 
VOL CA   C N S 116 
VOL CB   C N N 117 
VOL CG1  C N N 118 
VOL CG2  C N N 119 
VOL C    C N N 120 
VOL O    O N N 121 
VOL H    H N N 122 
VOL H2   H N N 123 
VOL HA   H N N 124 
VOL HB   H N N 125 
VOL HG1  H N N 126 
VOL HG2  H N N 127 
VOL HG3  H N N 128 
VOL H21  H N N 129 
VOL H22  H N N 130 
VOL H23  H N N 131 
VOL HH1  H N N 132 
VOL HH2  H N N 133 
VOL HH   H N N 134 
ACE C   O    doub N N 1   
ACE C   CH3  sing N N 2   
ACE C   H    sing N N 3   
ACE CH3 H1   sing N N 4   
ACE CH3 H2   sing N N 5   
ACE CH3 H3   sing N N 6   
AIB N   CA   sing N N 7   
AIB N   H    sing N N 8   
AIB N   H2   sing N N 9   
AIB CA  C    sing N N 10  
AIB CA  CB1  sing N N 11  
AIB CA  CB2  sing N N 12  
AIB C   O    doub N N 13  
AIB C   OXT  sing N N 14  
AIB OXT HXT  sing N N 15  
AIB CB1 HB11 sing N N 16  
AIB CB1 HB12 sing N N 17  
AIB CB1 HB13 sing N N 18  
AIB CB2 HB21 sing N N 19  
AIB CB2 HB22 sing N N 20  
AIB CB2 HB23 sing N N 21  
ALA N   CA   sing N N 22  
ALA N   H    sing N N 23  
ALA N   H2   sing N N 24  
ALA CA  C    sing N N 25  
ALA CA  CB   sing N N 26  
ALA CA  HA   sing N N 27  
ALA C   O    doub N N 28  
ALA C   OXT  sing N N 29  
ALA CB  HB1  sing N N 30  
ALA CB  HB2  sing N N 31  
ALA CB  HB3  sing N N 32  
ALA OXT HXT  sing N N 33  
CCN N   C1   trip N N 34  
CCN C1  C2   sing N N 35  
CCN C2  H21  sing N N 36  
CCN C2  H22  sing N N 37  
CCN C2  H23  sing N N 38  
GLN N   CA   sing N N 39  
GLN N   H    sing N N 40  
GLN N   H2   sing N N 41  
GLN CA  C    sing N N 42  
GLN CA  CB   sing N N 43  
GLN CA  HA   sing N N 44  
GLN C   O    doub N N 45  
GLN C   OXT  sing N N 46  
GLN CB  CG   sing N N 47  
GLN CB  HB2  sing N N 48  
GLN CB  HB3  sing N N 49  
GLN CG  CD   sing N N 50  
GLN CG  HG2  sing N N 51  
GLN CG  HG3  sing N N 52  
GLN CD  OE1  doub N N 53  
GLN CD  NE2  sing N N 54  
GLN NE2 HE21 sing N N 55  
GLN NE2 HE22 sing N N 56  
GLN OXT HXT  sing N N 57  
GLY N   CA   sing N N 58  
GLY N   H    sing N N 59  
GLY N   H2   sing N N 60  
GLY CA  C    sing N N 61  
GLY CA  HA2  sing N N 62  
GLY CA  HA3  sing N N 63  
GLY C   O    doub N N 64  
GLY C   OXT  sing N N 65  
GLY OXT HXT  sing N N 66  
HOH O   H1   sing N N 67  
HOH O   H2   sing N N 68  
LEU N   CA   sing N N 69  
LEU N   H    sing N N 70  
LEU N   H2   sing N N 71  
LEU CA  C    sing N N 72  
LEU CA  CB   sing N N 73  
LEU CA  HA   sing N N 74  
LEU C   O    doub N N 75  
LEU C   OXT  sing N N 76  
LEU CB  CG   sing N N 77  
LEU CB  HB2  sing N N 78  
LEU CB  HB3  sing N N 79  
LEU CG  CD1  sing N N 80  
LEU CG  CD2  sing N N 81  
LEU CG  HG   sing N N 82  
LEU CD1 HD11 sing N N 83  
LEU CD1 HD12 sing N N 84  
LEU CD1 HD13 sing N N 85  
LEU CD2 HD21 sing N N 86  
LEU CD2 HD22 sing N N 87  
LEU CD2 HD23 sing N N 88  
LEU OXT HXT  sing N N 89  
PRO N   CA   sing N N 90  
PRO N   CD   sing N N 91  
PRO N   H    sing N N 92  
PRO CA  C    sing N N 93  
PRO CA  CB   sing N N 94  
PRO CA  HA   sing N N 95  
PRO C   O    doub N N 96  
PRO C   OXT  sing N N 97  
PRO CB  CG   sing N N 98  
PRO CB  HB2  sing N N 99  
PRO CB  HB3  sing N N 100 
PRO CG  CD   sing N N 101 
PRO CG  HG2  sing N N 102 
PRO CG  HG3  sing N N 103 
PRO CD  HD2  sing N N 104 
PRO CD  HD3  sing N N 105 
PRO OXT HXT  sing N N 106 
VOL N   CA   sing N N 107 
VOL N   H    sing N N 108 
VOL N   H2   sing N N 109 
VOL CA  CB   sing N N 110 
VOL CA  C    sing N N 111 
VOL CA  HA   sing N N 112 
VOL CB  CG1  sing N N 113 
VOL CB  CG2  sing N N 114 
VOL CB  HB   sing N N 115 
VOL CG1 HG1  sing N N 116 
VOL CG1 HG2  sing N N 117 
VOL CG1 HG3  sing N N 118 
VOL CG2 H21  sing N N 119 
VOL CG2 H22  sing N N 120 
VOL CG2 H23  sing N N 121 
VOL C   O    sing N N 122 
VOL C   HH1  sing N N 123 
VOL C   HH2  sing N N 124 
VOL O   HH   sing N N 125 
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.accession_code   ?               1 
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.entity_id_list   ? 
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.type             other 
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.source_name      ? 
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.details          'MODEL OF HELICAL PEPTIDE, RESIDUES 1-13.' 
_atom_sites.entry_id                    1M24 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1]   0.105374 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2]   0.017539 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3]   0.017299 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2]   0.060164 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3]   0.007675 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3]   0.032140 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3]      0.00000 