#   1OQ2 
_audit_conform.dict_name       mmcif_pdbx.dic 
_audit_conform.dict_version    5.392 
PDB   1OQ2         pdb_00001oq2 10.2210/pdb1oq2/pdb 
RCSB  RCSB018550   ?            ?                   
WWPDB D_1000018550 ?            ?                   
1 'Structure model' 1 0 2004-04-27 
2 'Structure model' 1 1 2008-04-29 
3 'Structure model' 1 2 2011-07-13 
4 'Structure model' 1 3 2022-02-23 
5 'Structure model' 1 4 2024-05-29 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.ordinal             1 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.revision_ordinal    1 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.data_content_type   'Structure model' 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.provider            repository 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.type                'Initial release' 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.description         ? 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.details             ? 
1 2 'Structure model' 'Version format compliance' 
2 3 'Structure model' 'Version format compliance' 
3 4 'Structure model' 'Database references'       
4 4 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations'      
5 5 'Structure model' 'Data collection'           
1 4 'Structure model' database_2            
2 4 'Structure model' pdbx_struct_assembly  
3 4 'Structure model' pdbx_struct_oper_list 
4 4 'Structure model' struct_conn           
5 5 'Structure model' chem_comp_atom        
6 5 'Structure model' chem_comp_bond        
1 4 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_DOI'                
2 4 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_database_accession' 
3 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag' 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code                     REL 
_pdbx_database_status.entry_id                        1OQ2 
_pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date   2003-03-07 
_pdbx_database_status.deposit_site                    RCSB 
_pdbx_database_status.process_site                    PDBJ 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_mr                  REL 
_pdbx_database_status.SG_entry                        . 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_sf                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.pdb_format_compatible           Y 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_cs                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data            ? 
_pdbx_database_status.methods_development_category    ? 
PDB 1OPQ 'NMR structure of unmethylated GATC site'                                                    unspecified 
PDB 1UAB 'NMR structure of hemimethylated GATC site, N6-methyl in trans(respect to N1) configuration' unspecified 
'Bae, S.-H.'    1 
'Cheong, H.-K.' 2 
'Kang, S.'      3 
'Hwang, D.S.'   4 
'Cheong, C.'    5 
'Choi, B.-S.'   6 
#                        primary 
_citation.title                     'Structure and dynamics of hemimethylated GATC sites: implications for DNA-SeqA recognition' 
_citation.journal_abbrev            J.Biol.Chem. 
_citation.journal_volume            278 
_citation.page_first                45987 
_citation.page_last                 45993 
_citation.year                      2003 
_citation.journal_id_ASTM           JBCHA3                   US 
_citation.journal_id_ISSN           0021-9258 
_citation.journal_id_CSD            0071 
_citation.book_publisher            ? 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed   12944412 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_DOI      10.1074/jbc.M306038200 
primary 'Bae, S.-H.'    1 ? 
primary 'Cheong, H.-K.' 2 ? 
primary 'Cheong, C.'    3 ? 
primary 'Kang, S.'      4 ? 
primary 'Hwang, D.S.'   5 ? 
primary 'Choi, B.-S.'   6 ? 
1 polymer syn "5'-D(*GP*CP*GP*AP*GP*AP*TP*CP*TP*GP*CP*G)-3'"     3703.416 1 ? ? ? ? 
2 polymer syn "5'-D(*CP*GP*CP*AP*GP*(6MA)P*TP*CP*TP*CP*GP*C)-3'" 3637.394 1 ? ? ? ? 
1 polydeoxyribonucleotide no no  '(DG)(DC)(DG)(DA)(DG)(DA)(DT)(DC)(DT)(DG)(DC)(DG)'  GCGAGATCTGCG A ? 
2 polydeoxyribonucleotide no yes '(DC)(DG)(DC)(DA)(DG)(6MA)(DT)(DC)(DT)(DC)(DG)(DC)' CGCAGATCTCGC B ? 
1 1  DG  n 
1 2  DC  n 
1 3  DG  n 
1 4  DA  n 
1 5  DG  n 
1 6  DA  n 
1 7  DT  n 
1 8  DC  n 
1 9  DT  n 
1 10 DG  n 
1 11 DC  n 
1 12 DG  n 
2 1  DC  n 
2 2  DG  n 
2 3  DC  n 
2 4  DA  n 
2 5  DG  n 
2 6  6MA n 
2 7  DT  n 
2 8  DC  n 
2 9  DT  n 
2 10 DC  n 
2 11 DG  n 
2 12 DC  n 
1 1 sample ? ? ? ? ? 'Chemical Synthesis' 
2 1 sample ? ? ? ? ? 'Chemical Synthesis' 
6MA 'DNA linking' n "N6-METHYL-DEOXY-ADENOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE" ? 'C11 H16 N5 O6 P' 345.248 
DA  'DNA linking' y "2'-DEOXYADENOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE"         ? 'C10 H14 N5 O6 P' 331.222 
DC  'DNA linking' y "2'-DEOXYCYTIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE"          ? 'C9 H14 N3 O7 P'  307.197 
DG  'DNA linking' y "2'-DEOXYGUANOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE"         ? 'C10 H14 N5 O7 P' 347.221 
DT  'DNA linking' y "THYMIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE"                 ? 'C10 H15 N2 O8 P' 322.208 
A 1 1  DG  1  1  1  DG  G   A . n 
A 1 2  DC  2  2  2  DC  C   A . n 
A 1 3  DG  3  3  3  DG  G   A . n 
A 1 4  DA  4  4  4  DA  A   A . n 
A 1 5  DG  5  5  5  DG  G   A . n 
A 1 6  DA  6  6  6  DA  A   A . n 
A 1 7  DT  7  7  7  DT  T   A . n 
A 1 8  DC  8  8  8  DC  C   A . n 
A 1 9  DT  9  9  9  DT  T   A . n 
A 1 10 DG  10 10 10 DG  G   A . n 
A 1 11 DC  11 11 11 DC  C   A . n 
A 1 12 DG  12 12 12 DG  G   A . n 
B 2 1  DC  1  13 13 DC  C   B . n 
B 2 2  DG  2  14 14 DG  G   B . n 
B 2 3  DC  3  15 15 DC  C   B . n 
B 2 4  DA  4  16 16 DA  A   B . n 
B 2 5  DG  5  17 17 DG  G   B . n 
B 2 6  6MA 6  18 18 6MA 6MA B . n 
B 2 7  DT  7  19 19 DT  T   B . n 
B 2 8  DC  8  20 20 DC  C   B . n 
B 2 9  DT  9  21 21 DT  T   B . n 
B 2 10 DC  10 22 22 DC  C   B . n 
B 2 11 DG  11 23 23 DG  G   B . n 
B 2 12 DC  12 24 24 DC  C   B . n 
_cell.entry_id           1OQ2 
_cell.length_a           1.000 
_cell.length_b           1.000 
_cell.length_c           1.000 
_cell.angle_alpha        90.00 
_cell.angle_beta         90.00 
_cell.angle_gamma        90.00 
_cell.Z_PDB              1 
_cell.pdbx_unique_axis   ? 
_symmetry.entry_id                         1OQ2 
_symmetry.space_group_name_H-M             'P 1' 
_symmetry.pdbx_full_space_group_name_H-M   ? 
_symmetry.cell_setting                     ? 
_symmetry.Int_Tables_number                1 
_exptl.entry_id          1OQ2 
_exptl.method            'SOLUTION NMR' 
_exptl.crystals_number   ? 
#                    1 
_exptl_crystal.density_meas          ? 
_exptl_crystal.density_Matthews      ? 
_exptl_crystal.density_percent_sol   ? 
_exptl_crystal.description           ? 
#                     1 
_diffrn.ambient_temp           ? 
_diffrn.ambient_temp_details   ? 
_diffrn.crystal_id             1 
_diffrn_radiation.diffrn_id                        1 
_diffrn_radiation.wavelength_id                    1 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_monochromatic_or_laue_m_l   M 
_diffrn_radiation.monochromator                    ? 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_diffrn_protocol             'SINGLE WAVELENGTH' 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_scattering_type             ? 
#           1 
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength   . 
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wt           1.0 
_database_PDB_matrix.entry_id          1OQ2 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][1]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][2]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][3]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][1]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][2]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][3]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][1]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][2]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][3]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[1]   0.00000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[2]   0.00000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[3]   0.00000 
_struct.entry_id                  1OQ2 
_struct.title                     'NMR structure of hemimethylated GATC site' 
_struct.pdbx_model_details        ? 
_struct.pdbx_CASP_flag            ? 
_struct.pdbx_model_type_details   'minimized average' 
_struct_keywords.entry_id        1OQ2 
_struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords   DNA 
_struct_keywords.text            'GATC, AGATCT, hemimethylation, SeqA, MutH, N6-methyl, Dam (DNA adenine methyltransferase), DNA' 
A N N 1 ? 
B N N 2 ? 
1 1 PDB 1OQ2 1OQ2 ? ? ? 
2 2 PDB 1OQ2 1OQ2 ? ? ? 
1 1 1OQ2 A 1 ? 12 ? 1OQ2 1  ? 12 ? 1  12 
2 2 1OQ2 B 1 ? 12 ? 1OQ2 13 ? 24 ? 13 24 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.details              author_defined_assembly 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.method_details       ? 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_details   dimeric 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_count     2 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.assembly_id       1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.oper_expression   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list      A,B 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.type                 'identity operation'                 1_555 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.symmetry_operation   x,y,z 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][1]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[1]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][2]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[2]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][3]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[3]            0.0000000000 
#   1 
covale1  covale both ? B DG  5  "O3'" ? ? ? 1_555 B 6MA 6  P  ? ? B DG  17 B 6MA 18 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?            1.608 ? ? 
covale2  covale both ? B 6MA 6  "O3'" ? ? ? 1_555 B DT  7  P  ? ? B 6MA 18 B DT  19 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?            1.611 ? ? 
hydrog1  hydrog ?    ? A DG  1  N1    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  12 N3 ? ? A DG  1  B DC  24 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog2  hydrog ?    ? A DG  1  N2    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  12 O2 ? ? A DG  1  B DC  24 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog3  hydrog ?    ? A DG  1  O6    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  12 N4 ? ? A DG  1  B DC  24 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog4  hydrog ?    ? A DC  2  N3    ? ? ? 1_555 B DG  11 N1 ? ? A DC  2  B DG  23 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog5  hydrog ?    ? A DC  2  N4    ? ? ? 1_555 B DG  11 O6 ? ? A DC  2  B DG  23 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog6  hydrog ?    ? A DC  2  O2    ? ? ? 1_555 B DG  11 N2 ? ? A DC  2  B DG  23 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog7  hydrog ?    ? A DG  3  N1    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  10 N3 ? ? A DG  3  B DC  22 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog8  hydrog ?    ? A DG  3  N2    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  10 O2 ? ? A DG  3  B DC  22 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog9  hydrog ?    ? A DG  3  O6    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  10 N4 ? ? A DG  3  B DC  22 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog10 hydrog ?    ? A DA  4  N1    ? ? ? 1_555 B DT  9  N3 ? ? A DA  4  B DT  21 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog11 hydrog ?    ? A DA  4  N6    ? ? ? 1_555 B DT  9  O4 ? ? A DA  4  B DT  21 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog12 hydrog ?    ? A DG  5  N1    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  8  N3 ? ? A DG  5  B DC  20 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog13 hydrog ?    ? A DG  5  N2    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  8  O2 ? ? A DG  5  B DC  20 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog14 hydrog ?    ? A DG  5  O6    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  8  N4 ? ? A DG  5  B DC  20 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog15 hydrog ?    ? A DA  6  N1    ? ? ? 1_555 B DT  7  N3 ? ? A DA  6  B DT  19 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog16 hydrog ?    ? A DA  6  N6    ? ? ? 1_555 B DT  7  O4 ? ? A DA  6  B DT  19 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog17 hydrog ?    ? A DC  8  N3    ? ? ? 1_555 B DG  5  N1 ? ? A DC  8  B DG  17 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog18 hydrog ?    ? A DC  8  N4    ? ? ? 1_555 B DG  5  O6 ? ? A DC  8  B DG  17 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog19 hydrog ?    ? A DC  8  O2    ? ? ? 1_555 B DG  5  N2 ? ? A DC  8  B DG  17 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog20 hydrog ?    ? A DT  9  N3    ? ? ? 1_555 B DA  4  N1 ? ? A DT  9  B DA  16 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog21 hydrog ?    ? A DT  9  O4    ? ? ? 1_555 B DA  4  N6 ? ? A DT  9  B DA  16 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog22 hydrog ?    ? A DG  10 N1    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  3  N3 ? ? A DG  10 B DC  15 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog23 hydrog ?    ? A DG  10 N2    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  3  O2 ? ? A DG  10 B DC  15 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog24 hydrog ?    ? A DG  10 O6    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  3  N4 ? ? A DG  10 B DC  15 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog25 hydrog ?    ? A DC  11 N3    ? ? ? 1_555 B DG  2  N1 ? ? A DC  11 B DG  14 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog26 hydrog ?    ? A DC  11 N4    ? ? ? 1_555 B DG  2  O6 ? ? A DC  11 B DG  14 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog27 hydrog ?    ? A DC  11 O2    ? ? ? 1_555 B DG  2  N2 ? ? A DC  11 B DG  14 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog28 hydrog ?    ? A DG  12 N1    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  1  N3 ? ? A DG  12 B DC  13 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog29 hydrog ?    ? A DG  12 N2    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  1  O2 ? ? A DG  12 B DC  13 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
hydrog30 hydrog ?    ? A DG  12 O6    ? ? ? 1_555 B DC  1  N4 ? ? A DG  12 B DC  13 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ?     ? ? 
covale ? ? 
hydrog ? ? 
1 3  H21 A DG 1 ? ? O2 B DC 24 ? ? 1.54 
2 4  H21 A DG 1 ? ? O2 B DC 24 ? ? 1.59 
3 7  H21 A DG 1 ? ? O2 B DC 24 ? ? 1.56 
4 9  H21 A DG 1 ? ? O2 B DC 24 ? ? 1.59 
5 10 H21 A DG 1 ? ? O2 B DC 24 ? ? 1.60 
6 11 H21 A DG 1 ? ? O2 B DC 24 ? ? 1.59 
7 12 H21 A DG 1 ? ? O2 B DC 24 ? ? 1.55 
8 14 H21 A DG 1 ? ? O2 B DC 24 ? ? 1.55 
#               1 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_asym_id    B 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_comp_id    6MA 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_seq_id     6 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_asym_id     B 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_comp_id     6MA 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_seq_id      18 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.PDB_ins_code     ? 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.parent_comp_id   A 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.details          ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.entry_id                                      1OQ2 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_calculated_total_number            100 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_submitted_total_number             17 
'structures with acceptable covalent geometry,structures with the least restraint violations,structures with the lowest energy' 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_constraints_per_residue               ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_constraint_violations_per_residue     ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_distance_constraint_violation         ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_distance_constraint_violation         ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_upper_distance_constraint_violation   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_lower_distance_constraint_violation   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.distance_constraint_violation_method          ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_torsion_angle_constraint_violation    ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_torsion_angle_constraint_violation    ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.torsion_angle_constraint_violation_method     ? 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.entry_id             1OQ2 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.conformer_id         1 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.selection_criteria   'minimized average structure' 
6MA OP3    O N N 1   
6MA P      P N N 2   
6MA OP1    O N N 3   
6MA OP2    O N N 4   
6MA "O5'"  O N N 5   
6MA "C5'"  C N N 6   
6MA "C4'"  C N R 7   
6MA "O4'"  O N N 8   
6MA "C3'"  C N S 9   
6MA "O3'"  O N N 10  
6MA "C2'"  C N N 11  
6MA "C1'"  C N R 12  
6MA N9     N Y N 13  
6MA C8     C Y N 14  
6MA N7     N Y N 15  
6MA C5     C Y N 16  
6MA C6     C Y N 17  
6MA N1     N Y N 18  
6MA C2     C Y N 19  
6MA N3     N Y N 20  
6MA C4     C Y N 21  
6MA N6     N N N 22  
6MA C1     C N N 23  
6MA HOP3   H N N 24  
6MA HOP2   H N N 25  
6MA "H5'"  H N N 26  
6MA "H5''" H N N 27  
6MA "H4'"  H N N 28  
6MA "H3'"  H N N 29  
6MA "HO3'" H N N 30  
6MA "H2'"  H N N 31  
6MA "H2''" H N N 32  
6MA "H1'"  H N N 33  
6MA H8     H N N 34  
6MA H2     H N N 35  
6MA H61    H N N 36  
6MA H11    H N N 37  
6MA H12    H N N 38  
6MA H13    H N N 39  
DA  OP3    O N N 40  
DA  P      P N N 41  
DA  OP1    O N N 42  
DA  OP2    O N N 43  
DA  "O5'"  O N N 44  
DA  "C5'"  C N N 45  
DA  "C4'"  C N R 46  
DA  "O4'"  O N N 47  
DA  "C3'"  C N S 48  
DA  "O3'"  O N N 49  
DA  "C2'"  C N N 50  
DA  "C1'"  C N R 51  
DA  N9     N Y N 52  
DA  C8     C Y N 53  
DA  N7     N Y N 54  
DA  C5     C Y N 55  
DA  C6     C Y N 56  
DA  N6     N N N 57  
DA  N1     N Y N 58  
DA  C2     C Y N 59  
DA  N3     N Y N 60  
DA  C4     C Y N 61  
DA  HOP3   H N N 62  
DA  HOP2   H N N 63  
DA  "H5'"  H N N 64  
DA  "H5''" H N N 65  
DA  "H4'"  H N N 66  
DA  "H3'"  H N N 67  
DA  "HO3'" H N N 68  
DA  "H2'"  H N N 69  
DA  "H2''" H N N 70  
DA  "H1'"  H N N 71  
DA  H8     H N N 72  
DA  H61    H N N 73  
DA  H62    H N N 74  
DA  H2     H N N 75  
DC  OP3    O N N 76  
DC  P      P N N 77  
DC  OP1    O N N 78  
DC  OP2    O N N 79  
DC  "O5'"  O N N 80  
DC  "C5'"  C N N 81  
DC  "C4'"  C N R 82  
DC  "O4'"  O N N 83  
DC  "C3'"  C N S 84  
DC  "O3'"  O N N 85  
DC  "C2'"  C N N 86  
DC  "C1'"  C N R 87  
DC  N1     N N N 88  
DC  C2     C N N 89  
DC  O2     O N N 90  
DC  N3     N N N 91  
DC  C4     C N N 92  
DC  N4     N N N 93  
DC  C5     C N N 94  
DC  C6     C N N 95  
DC  HOP3   H N N 96  
DC  HOP2   H N N 97  
DC  "H5'"  H N N 98  
DC  "H5''" H N N 99  
DC  "H4'"  H N N 100 
DC  "H3'"  H N N 101 
DC  "HO3'" H N N 102 
DC  "H2'"  H N N 103 
DC  "H2''" H N N 104 
DC  "H1'"  H N N 105 
DC  H41    H N N 106 
DC  H42    H N N 107 
DC  H5     H N N 108 
DC  H6     H N N 109 
DG  OP3    O N N 110 
DG  P      P N N 111 
DG  OP1    O N N 112 
DG  OP2    O N N 113 
DG  "O5'"  O N N 114 
DG  "C5'"  C N N 115 
DG  "C4'"  C N R 116 
DG  "O4'"  O N N 117 
DG  "C3'"  C N S 118 
DG  "O3'"  O N N 119 
DG  "C2'"  C N N 120 
DG  "C1'"  C N R 121 
DG  N9     N Y N 122 
DG  C8     C Y N 123 
DG  N7     N Y N 124 
DG  C5     C Y N 125 
DG  C6     C N N 126 
DG  O6     O N N 127 
DG  N1     N N N 128 
DG  C2     C N N 129 
DG  N2     N N N 130 
DG  N3     N N N 131 
DG  C4     C Y N 132 
DG  HOP3   H N N 133 
DG  HOP2   H N N 134 
DG  "H5'"  H N N 135 
DG  "H5''" H N N 136 
DG  "H4'"  H N N 137 
DG  "H3'"  H N N 138 
DG  "HO3'" H N N 139 
DG  "H2'"  H N N 140 
DG  "H2''" H N N 141 
DG  "H1'"  H N N 142 
DG  H8     H N N 143 
DG  H1     H N N 144 
DG  H21    H N N 145 
DG  H22    H N N 146 
DT  OP3    O N N 147 
DT  P      P N N 148 
DT  OP1    O N N 149 
DT  OP2    O N N 150 
DT  "O5'"  O N N 151 
DT  "C5'"  C N N 152 
DT  "C4'"  C N R 153 
DT  "O4'"  O N N 154 
DT  "C3'"  C N S 155 
DT  "O3'"  O N N 156 
DT  "C2'"  C N N 157 
DT  "C1'"  C N R 158 
DT  N1     N N N 159 
DT  C2     C N N 160 
DT  O2     O N N 161 
DT  N3     N N N 162 
DT  C4     C N N 163 
DT  O4     O N N 164 
DT  C5     C N N 165 
DT  C7     C N N 166 
DT  C6     C N N 167 
DT  HOP3   H N N 168 
DT  HOP2   H N N 169 
DT  "H5'"  H N N 170 
DT  "H5''" H N N 171 
DT  "H4'"  H N N 172 
DT  "H3'"  H N N 173 
DT  "HO3'" H N N 174 
DT  "H2'"  H N N 175 
DT  "H2''" H N N 176 
DT  "H1'"  H N N 177 
DT  H3     H N N 178 
DT  H71    H N N 179 
DT  H72    H N N 180 
DT  H73    H N N 181 
DT  H6     H N N 182 
6MA OP3   P      sing N N 1   
6MA OP3   HOP3   sing N N 2   
6MA P     OP1    doub N N 3   
6MA P     OP2    sing N N 4   
6MA P     "O5'"  sing N N 5   
6MA OP2   HOP2   sing N N 6   
6MA "O5'" "C5'"  sing N N 7   
6MA "C5'" "C4'"  sing N N 8   
6MA "C5'" "H5'"  sing N N 9   
6MA "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 10  
6MA "C4'" "O4'"  sing N N 11  
6MA "C4'" "C3'"  sing N N 12  
6MA "C4'" "H4'"  sing N N 13  
6MA "O4'" "C1'"  sing N N 14  
6MA "C3'" "O3'"  sing N N 15  
6MA "C3'" "C2'"  sing N N 16  
6MA "C3'" "H3'"  sing N N 17  
6MA "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 18  
6MA "C2'" "C1'"  sing N N 19  
6MA "C2'" "H2'"  sing N N 20  
6MA "C2'" "H2''" sing N N 21  
6MA "C1'" N9     sing N N 22  
6MA "C1'" "H1'"  sing N N 23  
6MA N9    C8     sing Y N 24  
6MA N9    C4     sing Y N 25  
6MA C8    N7     doub Y N 26  
6MA C8    H8     sing N N 27  
6MA N7    C5     sing Y N 28  
6MA C5    C6     sing Y N 29  
6MA C5    C4     doub Y N 30  
6MA C6    N1     doub Y N 31  
6MA C6    N6     sing N N 32  
6MA N1    C2     sing Y N 33  
6MA C2    N3     doub Y N 34  
6MA C2    H2     sing N N 35  
6MA N3    C4     sing Y N 36  
6MA N6    C1     sing N N 37  
6MA N6    H61    sing N N 38  
6MA C1    H11    sing N N 39  
6MA C1    H12    sing N N 40  
6MA C1    H13    sing N N 41  
DA  OP3   P      sing N N 42  
DA  OP3   HOP3   sing N N 43  
DA  P     OP1    doub N N 44  
DA  P     OP2    sing N N 45  
DA  P     "O5'"  sing N N 46  
DA  OP2   HOP2   sing N N 47  
DA  "O5'" "C5'"  sing N N 48  
DA  "C5'" "C4'"  sing N N 49  
DA  "C5'" "H5'"  sing N N 50  
DA  "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 51  
DA  "C4'" "O4'"  sing N N 52  
DA  "C4'" "C3'"  sing N N 53  
DA  "C4'" "H4'"  sing N N 54  
DA  "O4'" "C1'"  sing N N 55  
DA  "C3'" "O3'"  sing N N 56  
DA  "C3'" "C2'"  sing N N 57  
DA  "C3'" "H3'"  sing N N 58  
DA  "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 59  
DA  "C2'" "C1'"  sing N N 60  
DA  "C2'" "H2'"  sing N N 61  
DA  "C2'" "H2''" sing N N 62  
DA  "C1'" N9     sing N N 63  
DA  "C1'" "H1'"  sing N N 64  
DA  N9    C8     sing Y N 65  
DA  N9    C4     sing Y N 66  
DA  C8    N7     doub Y N 67  
DA  C8    H8     sing N N 68  
DA  N7    C5     sing Y N 69  
DA  C5    C6     sing Y N 70  
DA  C5    C4     doub Y N 71  
DA  C6    N6     sing N N 72  
DA  C6    N1     doub Y N 73  
DA  N6    H61    sing N N 74  
DA  N6    H62    sing N N 75  
DA  N1    C2     sing Y N 76  
DA  C2    N3     doub Y N 77  
DA  C2    H2     sing N N 78  
DA  N3    C4     sing Y N 79  
DC  OP3   P      sing N N 80  
DC  OP3   HOP3   sing N N 81  
DC  P     OP1    doub N N 82  
DC  P     OP2    sing N N 83  
DC  P     "O5'"  sing N N 84  
DC  OP2   HOP2   sing N N 85  
DC  "O5'" "C5'"  sing N N 86  
DC  "C5'" "C4'"  sing N N 87  
DC  "C5'" "H5'"  sing N N 88  
DC  "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 89  
DC  "C4'" "O4'"  sing N N 90  
DC  "C4'" "C3'"  sing N N 91  
DC  "C4'" "H4'"  sing N N 92  
DC  "O4'" "C1'"  sing N N 93  
DC  "C3'" "O3'"  sing N N 94  
DC  "C3'" "C2'"  sing N N 95  
DC  "C3'" "H3'"  sing N N 96  
DC  "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 97  
DC  "C2'" "C1'"  sing N N 98  
DC  "C2'" "H2'"  sing N N 99  
DC  "C2'" "H2''" sing N N 100 
DC  "C1'" N1     sing N N 101 
DC  "C1'" "H1'"  sing N N 102 
DC  N1    C2     sing N N 103 
DC  N1    C6     sing N N 104 
DC  C2    O2     doub N N 105 
DC  C2    N3     sing N N 106 
DC  N3    C4     doub N N 107 
DC  C4    N4     sing N N 108 
DC  C4    C5     sing N N 109 
DC  N4    H41    sing N N 110 
DC  N4    H42    sing N N 111 
DC  C5    C6     doub N N 112 
DC  C5    H5     sing N N 113 
DC  C6    H6     sing N N 114 
DG  OP3   P      sing N N 115 
DG  OP3   HOP3   sing N N 116 
DG  P     OP1    doub N N 117 
DG  P     OP2    sing N N 118 
DG  P     "O5'"  sing N N 119 
DG  OP2   HOP2   sing N N 120 
DG  "O5'" "C5'"  sing N N 121 
DG  "C5'" "C4'"  sing N N 122 
DG  "C5'" "H5'"  sing N N 123 
DG  "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 124 
DG  "C4'" "O4'"  sing N N 125 
DG  "C4'" "C3'"  sing N N 126 
DG  "C4'" "H4'"  sing N N 127 
DG  "O4'" "C1'"  sing N N 128 
DG  "C3'" "O3'"  sing N N 129 
DG  "C3'" "C2'"  sing N N 130 
DG  "C3'" "H3'"  sing N N 131 
DG  "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 132 
DG  "C2'" "C1'"  sing N N 133 
DG  "C2'" "H2'"  sing N N 134 
DG  "C2'" "H2''" sing N N 135 
DG  "C1'" N9     sing N N 136 
DG  "C1'" "H1'"  sing N N 137 
DG  N9    C8     sing Y N 138 
DG  N9    C4     sing Y N 139 
DG  C8    N7     doub Y N 140 
DG  C8    H8     sing N N 141 
DG  N7    C5     sing Y N 142 
DG  C5    C6     sing N N 143 
DG  C5    C4     doub Y N 144 
DG  C6    O6     doub N N 145 
DG  C6    N1     sing N N 146 
DG  N1    C2     sing N N 147 
DG  N1    H1     sing N N 148 
DG  C2    N2     sing N N 149 
DG  C2    N3     doub N N 150 
DG  N2    H21    sing N N 151 
DG  N2    H22    sing N N 152 
DG  N3    C4     sing N N 153 
DT  OP3   P      sing N N 154 
DT  OP3   HOP3   sing N N 155 
DT  P     OP1    doub N N 156 
DT  P     OP2    sing N N 157 
DT  P     "O5'"  sing N N 158 
DT  OP2   HOP2   sing N N 159 
DT  "O5'" "C5'"  sing N N 160 
DT  "C5'" "C4'"  sing N N 161 
DT  "C5'" "H5'"  sing N N 162 
DT  "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 163 
DT  "C4'" "O4'"  sing N N 164 
DT  "C4'" "C3'"  sing N N 165 
DT  "C4'" "H4'"  sing N N 166 
DT  "O4'" "C1'"  sing N N 167 
DT  "C3'" "O3'"  sing N N 168 
DT  "C3'" "C2'"  sing N N 169 
DT  "C3'" "H3'"  sing N N 170 
DT  "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 171 
DT  "C2'" "C1'"  sing N N 172 
DT  "C2'" "H2'"  sing N N 173 
DT  "C2'" "H2''" sing N N 174 
DT  "C1'" N1     sing N N 175 
DT  "C1'" "H1'"  sing N N 176 
DT  N1    C2     sing N N 177 
DT  N1    C6     sing N N 178 
DT  C2    O2     doub N N 179 
DT  C2    N3     sing N N 180 
DT  N3    C4     sing N N 181 
DT  N3    H3     sing N N 182 
DT  C4    O4     doub N N 183 
DT  C4    C5     sing N N 184 
DT  C5    C7     sing N N 185 
DT  C5    C6     doub N N 186 
DT  C7    H71    sing N N 187 
DT  C7    H72    sing N N 188 
DT  C7    H73    sing N N 189 
DT  C6    H6     sing N N 190 
1OQ2 'double helix'         
1OQ2 'b-form double helix'  
1OQ2 'mismatched base pair' 
1 A DG 1  1_555 B DC 12 1_555 -0.205 -0.346 0.678  8.500   -6.180 -1.872  1  A_DG1:DC24_B  A 1  ? B 24 ? 19 1 
1 A DC 2  1_555 B DG 11 1_555 1.054  -0.390 0.052  -18.082 11.737 1.667   2  A_DC2:DG23_B  A 2  ? B 23 ? 19 1 
1 A DG 3  1_555 B DC 10 1_555 -0.183 -0.539 1.020  -6.300  14.307 8.818   3  A_DG3:DC22_B  A 3  ? B 22 ? 19 1 
1 A DA 4  1_555 B DT 9  1_555 0.154  -0.277 0.513  0.528   15.422 0.241   4  A_DA4:DT21_B  A 4  ? B 21 ? 20 1 
1 A DG 5  1_555 B DC 8  1_555 -0.161 -0.250 0.312  5.627   5.343  -1.221  5  A_DG5:DC20_B  A 5  ? B 20 ? 19 1 
1 A DA 6  1_555 B DT 7  1_555 0.213  0.139  0.161  7.286   1.656  -15.518 6  A_DA6:DT19_B  A 6  ? B 19 ? 20 1 
1 A DC 8  1_555 B DG 5  1_555 -0.209 -0.176 0.273  -7.394  -6.755 0.075   7  A_DC8:DG17_B  A 8  ? B 17 ? 19 1 
1 A DT 9  1_555 B DA 4  1_555 0.250  -0.260 0.025  -7.348  17.871 6.118   8  A_DT9:DA16_B  A 9  ? B 16 ? 20 1 
1 A DG 10 1_555 B DC 3  1_555 0.272  -0.224 -0.058 0.596   32.381 0.096   9  A_DG10:DC15_B A 10 ? B 15 ? 19 1 
1 A DC 11 1_555 B DG 2  1_555 0.073  -0.373 -0.617 -0.275  16.719 -4.557  10 A_DC11:DG14_B A 11 ? B 14 ? 19 1 
1 A DG 12 1_555 B DC 1  1_555 0.291  -0.124 -0.377 16.712  12.459 -7.377  11 A_DG12:DC13_B A 12 ? B 13 ? 19 1 
1 A DG 1  1_555 B DC 12 1_555 A DC 2  1_555 B DG 11 1_555 0.663  0.379  4.777 0.444   20.946  43.747 -1.989 -0.759 4.514 26.389  
-0.559  48.283 1  AA_DG1DC2:DG23DC24_BB   A 1  ? B 24 ? A 2  ? B 23 ? 
1 A DC 2  1_555 B DG 11 1_555 A DG 3  1_555 B DC 10 1_555 -0.167 -1.151 4.065 -10.038 -36.458 27.786 3.035  -1.025 3.384 -52.998 
14.591  46.622 2  AA_DC2DG3:DC22DG23_BB   A 2  ? B 23 ? A 3  ? B 22 ? 
1 A DG 3  1_555 B DC 10 1_555 A DA 4  1_555 B DT 9  1_555 -0.477 -1.645 3.280 6.318   -0.973  35.025 -2.550 1.698  3.191 -1.600  
-10.391 35.586 3  AA_DG3DA4:DT21DC22_BB   A 3  ? B 22 ? A 4  ? B 21 ? 
1 A DA 4  1_555 B DT 9  1_555 A DG 5  1_555 B DC 8  1_555 -0.821 -0.008 3.580 -1.396  9.404   29.303 -2.041 1.245  3.447 18.002  
2.672   30.775 4  AA_DA4DG5:DC20DT21_BB   A 4  ? B 21 ? A 5  ? B 20 ? 
1 A DG 5  1_555 B DC 8  1_555 A DA 6  1_555 B DT 7  1_555 -1.351 -0.832 3.395 2.080   13.007  35.692 -2.917 2.338  2.851 20.384  
-3.260  37.971 5  AA_DG5DA6:DT19DC20_BB   A 5  ? B 20 ? A 6  ? B 19 ? 
1 A DA 6  1_555 B DT 7  1_555 A DC 8  1_555 B DG 5  1_555 0.673  -0.008 7.085 -1.607  -0.867  69.013 0.062  -0.721 7.069 -0.765  
1.418   69.035 6  AA_DA6DC8:DG17DT19_BB   A 6  ? B 19 ? A 8  ? B 17 ? 
1 A DC 8  1_555 B DG 5  1_555 A DT 9  1_555 B DA 4  1_555 0.151  -0.734 4.225 -4.402  -20.132 35.603 1.942  -0.870 4.024 -30.029 
6.567   40.969 7  AA_DC8DT9:DA16DG17_BB   A 8  ? B 17 ? A 9  ? B 16 ? 
1 A DT 9  1_555 B DA 4  1_555 A DG 10 1_555 B DC 3  1_555 -0.507 -0.951 3.204 -0.271  10.859  33.392 -3.106 0.803  2.773 18.306  
0.457   35.067 8  AA_DT9DG10:DC15DA16_BB  A 9  ? B 16 ? A 10 ? B 15 ? 
1 A DG 10 1_555 B DC 3  1_555 A DC 11 1_555 B DG 2  1_555 -0.567 -0.281 3.982 3.404   8.839   31.438 -2.319 1.706  3.690 15.867  
-6.110  32.799 9  AA_DG10DC11:DG14DC15_BB A 10 ? B 15 ? A 11 ? B 14 ? 
1 A DC 11 1_555 B DG 2  1_555 A DG 12 1_555 B DC 1  1_555 -0.261 0.135  3.123 -0.491  5.950   27.816 -1.035 0.424  3.089 12.199  
1.007   28.437 10 AA_DC11DG12:DC13DG14_BB A 11 ? B 14 ? A 12 ? B 13 ? 
_atom_sites.entry_id                    1OQ2 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3]      0.00000 