#   1HUA 
_audit_conform.dict_name       mmcif_pdbx.dic 
_audit_conform.dict_version    5.391 
PDB   1HUA         pdb_00001hua 10.2210/pdb1hua/pdb 
WWPDB D_1000174022 ?            ?                   
1 'Structure model' 1 0 1994-11-30 
2 'Structure model' 1 1 2008-03-21 
3 'Structure model' 1 2 2011-07-13 
4 'Structure model' 2 0 2020-07-29 
5 'Structure model' 2 1 2024-05-01 
1 1 'Structure model' repository 'Initial release' ?                          ? 
2 4 'Structure model' repository Remediation       'Carbohydrate remediation' ? 
1  2 'Structure model' 'Version format compliance' 
2  3 'Structure model' 'Non-polymer description'   
3  3 'Structure model' 'Version format compliance' 
4  4 'Structure model' Advisory                    
5  4 'Structure model' 'Atomic model'              
6  4 'Structure model' 'Data collection'           
7  4 'Structure model' 'Database references'       
8  4 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations'      
9  4 'Structure model' Other                       
10 4 'Structure model' 'Structure summary'         
11 5 'Structure model' 'Data collection'           
12 5 'Structure model' 'Database references'       
13 5 'Structure model' 'Structure summary'         
1  4 'Structure model' atom_site                     
2  4 'Structure model' chem_comp                     
3  4 'Structure model' database_PDB_caveat           
4  4 'Structure model' entity                        
5  4 'Structure model' pdbx_branch_scheme            
6  4 'Structure model' pdbx_chem_comp_identifier     
7  4 'Structure model' pdbx_database_status          
8  4 'Structure model' pdbx_entity_branch            
9  4 'Structure model' pdbx_entity_branch_descriptor 
10 4 'Structure model' pdbx_entity_branch_link       
11 4 'Structure model' pdbx_entity_branch_list       
12 4 'Structure model' pdbx_entity_nonpoly           
13 4 'Structure model' pdbx_nonpoly_scheme           
14 4 'Structure model' pdbx_struct_assembly_gen      
15 4 'Structure model' struct_asym                   
16 4 'Structure model' struct_conn                   
17 4 'Structure model' struct_ref                    
18 4 'Structure model' struct_ref_seq                
19 5 'Structure model' chem_comp                     
20 5 'Structure model' chem_comp_atom                
21 5 'Structure model' chem_comp_bond                
22 5 'Structure model' database_2                    
1  4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv'              
2  4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.Cartn_x'                     
3  4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.Cartn_y'                     
4  4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.Cartn_z'                     
5  4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.auth_atom_id'                
6  4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.auth_comp_id'                
7  4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.label_asym_id'               
8  4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.label_atom_id'               
9  4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.label_comp_id'               
10 4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.label_entity_id'             
11 4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.occupancy'                   
12 4 'Structure model' '_atom_site.type_symbol'                 
13 4 'Structure model' ''                        
14 4 'Structure model' '_chem_comp.type'                        
15 4 'Structure model' '_pdbx_database_status.process_site'     
16 4 'Structure model' '_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list' 
17 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_dist_value'           
18 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag'    
19 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_value_order'          
20 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_comp_id'        
21 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_label_asym_id'       
22 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_label_atom_id'       
23 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_label_comp_id'       
24 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_comp_id'        
25 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_label_asym_id'       
26 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_label_atom_id'       
27 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_label_comp_id'       
28 5 'Structure model' '_chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms'               
29 5 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_DOI'                   
30 5 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_database_accession'    
#     1 
_database_PDB_caveat.text   'NGA A 2 HAS WRONG CHIRALITY AT ATOM C4' 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code                     REL 
_pdbx_database_status.entry_id                        1HUA 
_pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date   1994-01-31 
_pdbx_database_status.deposit_site                    ? 
_pdbx_database_status.process_site                    BNL 
_pdbx_database_status.SG_entry                        . 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_sf                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_mr                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.pdb_format_compatible           Y 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_cs                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data            ? 
_pdbx_database_status.methods_development_category    ? 
'Holmbeck, S.M.A.' 1 
'Petillo, P.A.'    2 
'Lerner, L.E.'     3 
#                        primary 
_citation.title                     'The solution conformation of hyaluronan: a combined NMR and molecular dynamics study.' 
_citation.journal_abbrev            Biochemistry 
_citation.journal_volume            33 
_citation.page_first                14246 
_citation.page_last                 14255 
_citation.year                      1994 
_citation.journal_id_ASTM           BICHAW                   US 
_citation.journal_id_ISSN           0006-2960 
_citation.journal_id_CSD            0033 
_citation.book_publisher            ? 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed   7947836 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_DOI      10.1021/bi00251a037 
primary 'Holmbeck, S.M.' 1 ? 
primary 'Petillo, P.A.'  2 ? 
primary 'Lerner, L.E.'   3 ? 
#                         1 
_entity.type                       branched 
_entity.src_method                 man 
'beta-D-glucopyranuronic acid-(1-3)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-galactopyranose-(1-4)-2,6-anhydro-L-gulonic acid' 
_entity.formula_weight             557.457 
_entity.pdbx_number_of_molecules   1 
_entity.pdbx_ec                    ? 
_entity.pdbx_mutation              ? 
_entity.pdbx_fragment              ? 
_entity.details                    ? 
_pdbx_entity_branch.entity_id   1 
_pdbx_entity_branch.type        oligosaccharide 
1 1 'WURCS=2.0/3,3,2/[A1121h_2-6][a2112h-1b_1-5_2*NCC/3=O][a2122A-1b_1-5]/1-2-3/a3-b1_b3-c1' WURCS  PDB2Glycan 1.1.0 
2 1 '[][D-1-deoxy-GlcpA]{[(4+1)][b-D-GalpNAc]{[(3+1)][b-D-GlcpA]{}}}'                        LINUCS PDB-CARE   ?     
1 1 2 NGA C1 O1 1 GC1 O4 HO4 sing ? 
2 1 3 BDP C1 O1 2 NGA O3 HO3 sing ? 
BDP 'D-saccharide, beta linking' . 'beta-D-glucopyranuronic acid'             
'beta-D-glucuronic acid; D-glucuronic acid; glucuronic acid' 'C6 H10 O7'   194.139 
GC1 D-saccharide                 . '2,6-anhydro-L-gulonic acid'               '1-deoxy-D-glucuronic acid' 'C6 H10 O6'   178.140 
NGA 'D-saccharide, beta linking' . 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-galactopyranose 
;N-acetyl-beta-D-galactosamine; 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-galactose; 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-galactose; 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-galactose; N-ACETYL-D-GALACTOSAMINE
'C8 H15 N O6' 221.208 
BDP 'CONDENSED IUPAC CARBOHYDRATE SYMBOL' GMML     1.0 DGlcpAb                          
BDP 'COMMON NAME'                         GMML     1.0 'b-D-glucopyranuronic acid'      
BDP 'IUPAC CARBOHYDRATE SYMBOL'           PDB-CARE 1.0 b-D-GlcpA                        
BDP 'SNFG CARBOHYDRATE SYMBOL'            GMML     1.0 GlcA                             
NGA 'CONDENSED IUPAC CARBOHYDRATE SYMBOL' GMML     1.0 DGalpNAcb                        
NGA 'COMMON NAME'                         GMML     1.0 N-acetyl-b-D-galactopyranosamine 
NGA 'IUPAC CARBOHYDRATE SYMBOL'           PDB-CARE 1.0 b-D-GalpNAc                      
NGA 'SNFG CARBOHYDRATE SYMBOL'            GMML     1.0 GalNAc                           
A 1 GC1 1 A GC1 1 ? NAG 2 n 
A 1 NGA 2 A NGA 2 ? NAG 2 n 
A 1 BDP 3 A BDP 3 ? GCU 1 n 
_cell.entry_id           1HUA 
_cell.length_a           1.000 
_cell.length_b           1.000 
_cell.length_c           1.000 
_cell.angle_alpha        90.00 
_cell.angle_beta         90.00 
_cell.angle_gamma        90.00 
_cell.Z_PDB              1 
_cell.pdbx_unique_axis   ? 
_symmetry.entry_id                         1HUA 
_symmetry.space_group_name_H-M             'P 1' 
_symmetry.pdbx_full_space_group_name_H-M   ? 
_symmetry.cell_setting                     ? 
_symmetry.Int_Tables_number                1 
_exptl.entry_id          1HUA 
_exptl.method            'SOLUTION NMR' 
_exptl.crystals_number   ? 
_database_PDB_matrix.entry_id          1HUA 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][1]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][2]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][3]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][1]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][2]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][3]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][1]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][2]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][3]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[1]   0.00000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[2]   0.00000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[3]   0.00000 
_struct.entry_id                  1HUA 
_struct.pdbx_model_details        ? 
_struct.pdbx_CASP_flag            ? 
_struct.pdbx_model_type_details   ? 
_struct_keywords.entry_id        1HUA 
_struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords   'TEXTURE OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE' 
_struct_keywords.text            'TEXTURE OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE' 
#                            A 
_struct_asym.pdbx_blank_PDB_chainid_flag   Y 
_struct_asym.pdbx_modified                 N 
_struct_asym.entity_id                     1 
_struct_asym.details                       ? 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.details              author_defined_assembly 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.method_details       ? 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_details   monomeric 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_count     1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.assembly_id       1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.oper_expression   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list      A 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.type                 'identity operation'                 1_555 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.symmetry_operation   x,y,z 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][1]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[1]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][2]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[2]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][3]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[3]            0.0000000000 
#   1 
covale1 covale both ? A GC1 . O4 ? ? ? 1_555 A NGA . C1 ? ? A GC1 1 A NGA 2 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.429 sing ? 
covale2 covale both ? A NGA . O3 ? ? ? 1_555 A BDP . C1 ? ? A NGA 2 A BDP 3 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.425 sing ? 
#          covale 
_struct_conn_type.criteria    ? 
_struct_conn_type.reference   ? 
#              1 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.PDB_model_num   2 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.auth_atom_id    C4 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.label_alt_id    ? 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.auth_asym_id    A 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.auth_comp_id    NGA 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.auth_seq_id     2 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.PDB_ins_code    ? 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.details         'WRONG HAND'           . 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.entry_id                             1HUA 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_calculated_total_number   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_submitted_total_number    2 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformer_selection_criteria         ? 
BDP C1   C N R 1  
BDP C2   C N R 2  
BDP C3   C N S 3  
BDP C4   C N S 4  
BDP C5   C N S 5  
BDP C6   C N N 6  
BDP O2   O N N 7  
BDP O3   O N N 8  
BDP O4   O N N 9  
BDP O5   O N N 10 
BDP O6A  O N N 11 
BDP O1   O N N 12 
BDP O6B  O N N 13 
BDP H1   H N N 14 
BDP H2   H N N 15 
BDP H3   H N N 16 
BDP H4   H N N 17 
BDP H5   H N N 18 
BDP HO2  H N N 19 
BDP HO3  H N N 20 
BDP HO4  H N N 21 
BDP HO1  H N N 22 
BDP HO6B H N N 23 
GC1 O4   O N N 24 
GC1 C1   C N N 25 
GC1 C2   C N N 26 
GC1 C3   C N N 27 
GC1 C4   C N N 28 
GC1 C5   C N N 29 
GC1 C6   C N N 30 
GC1 O2   O N N 31 
GC1 O3   O N N 32 
GC1 O5   O N N 33 
GC1 O6B  O N N 34 
GC1 O6A  O N N 35 
GC1 H1A  H N N 36 
GC1 H2   H N N 37 
GC1 H3   H N N 38 
GC1 H4   H N N 39 
GC1 H5   H N N 40 
GC1 H1   H N N 41 
GC1 HO4  H N N 42 
GC1 HO2  H N N 43 
GC1 HO3  H N N 44 
GC1 HO6B H N N 45 
NGA C1   C N R 46 
NGA C2   C N R 47 
NGA C3   C N R 48 
NGA C4   C N R 49 
NGA C5   C N R 50 
NGA C6   C N N 51 
NGA C7   C N N 52 
NGA C8   C N N 53 
NGA N2   N N N 54 
NGA O1   O N N 55 
NGA O3   O N N 56 
NGA O4   O N N 57 
NGA O5   O N N 58 
NGA O6   O N N 59 
NGA O7   O N N 60 
NGA H1   H N N 61 
NGA H2   H N N 62 
NGA H3   H N N 63 
NGA H4   H N N 64 
NGA H5   H N N 65 
NGA H61  H N N 66 
NGA H62  H N N 67 
NGA H81  H N N 68 
NGA H82  H N N 69 
NGA H83  H N N 70 
NGA HN2  H N N 71 
NGA HO1  H N N 72 
NGA HO3  H N N 73 
NGA HO4  H N N 74 
NGA HO6  H N N 75 
BDP C1  C2   sing N N 1  
BDP C1  O5   sing N N 2  
BDP C1  O1   sing N N 3  
BDP C1  H1   sing N N 4  
BDP C2  C3   sing N N 5  
BDP C2  O2   sing N N 6  
BDP C2  H2   sing N N 7  
BDP C3  C4   sing N N 8  
BDP C3  O3   sing N N 9  
BDP C3  H3   sing N N 10 
BDP C4  C5   sing N N 11 
BDP C4  O4   sing N N 12 
BDP C4  H4   sing N N 13 
BDP C5  C6   sing N N 14 
BDP C5  O5   sing N N 15 
BDP C5  H5   sing N N 16 
BDP C6  O6A  doub N N 17 
BDP C6  O6B  sing N N 18 
BDP O2  HO2  sing N N 19 
BDP O3  HO3  sing N N 20 
BDP O4  HO4  sing N N 21 
BDP O1  HO1  sing N N 22 
BDP O6B HO6B sing N N 23 
GC1 O4  C4   sing N N 24 
GC1 O4  HO4  sing N N 25 
GC1 C1  C2   sing N N 26 
GC1 C1  H1   sing N N 27 
GC1 C1  H1A  sing N N 28 
GC1 C1  O5   sing N N 29 
GC1 C2  O2   sing N N 30 
GC1 C2  H2   sing N N 31 
GC1 C2  C3   sing N N 32 
GC1 C3  O3   sing N N 33 
GC1 C3  H3   sing N N 34 
GC1 C3  C4   sing N N 35 
GC1 C4  H4   sing N N 36 
GC1 C4  C5   sing N N 37 
GC1 C5  O5   sing N N 38 
GC1 C5  H5   sing N N 39 
GC1 C5  C6   sing N N 40 
GC1 C6  O6A  doub N N 41 
GC1 C6  O6B  sing N N 42 
GC1 O2  HO2  sing N N 43 
GC1 O3  HO3  sing N N 44 
GC1 O6B HO6B sing N N 45 
NGA C1  C2   sing N N 46 
NGA C1  O1   sing N N 47 
NGA C1  O5   sing N N 48 
NGA C1  H1   sing N N 49 
NGA C2  C3   sing N N 50 
NGA C2  N2   sing N N 51 
NGA C2  H2   sing N N 52 
NGA C3  C4   sing N N 53 
NGA C3  O3   sing N N 54 
NGA C3  H3   sing N N 55 
NGA C4  C5   sing N N 56 
NGA C4  O4   sing N N 57 
NGA C4  H4   sing N N 58 
NGA C5  C6   sing N N 59 
NGA C5  O5   sing N N 60 
NGA C5  H5   sing N N 61 
NGA C6  O6   sing N N 62 
NGA C6  H61  sing N N 63 
NGA C6  H62  sing N N 64 
NGA C7  C8   sing N N 65 
NGA C7  N2   sing N N 66 
NGA C7  O7   doub N N 67 
NGA C8  H81  sing N N 68 
NGA C8  H82  sing N N 69 
NGA C8  H83  sing N N 70 
NGA N2  HN2  sing N N 71 
NGA O1  HO1  sing N N 72 
NGA O3  HO3  sing N N 73 
NGA O4  HO4  sing N N 74 
NGA O6  HO6  sing N N 75 
1 GC1 1 n 
1 NGA 2 n 
1 BDP 3 n 
_atom_sites.entry_id                    1HUA 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3]      0.00000 