#   1KVF 
_audit_conform.dict_name       mmcif_pdbx.dic 
_audit_conform.dict_version    5.398 
PDB   1KVF         pdb_00001kvf 10.2210/pdb1kvf/pdb 
RCSB  RCSB015380   ?            ?                   
WWPDB D_1000015380 ?            ?                   
1 'Structure model' 1 0 2002-03-06 
2 'Structure model' 1 1 2008-04-27 
3 'Structure model' 1 2 2011-07-13 
4 'Structure model' 1 3 2022-02-23 
5 'Structure model' 1 4 2024-11-13 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.ordinal             1 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.revision_ordinal    1 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.data_content_type   'Structure model' 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.provider            repository 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.type                'Initial release' 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.description         ? 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.details             ? 
1 2 'Structure model' 'Version format compliance' 
2 3 'Structure model' 'Version format compliance' 
3 4 'Structure model' 'Data collection'           
4 4 'Structure model' 'Database references'       
5 4 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations'      
6 5 'Structure model' 'Data collection'           
7 5 'Structure model' 'Structure summary'         
1  4 'Structure model' database_2                
2  4 'Structure model' pdbx_nmr_software         
3  4 'Structure model' pdbx_nmr_spectrometer     
4  4 'Structure model' pdbx_struct_assembly      
5  4 'Structure model' pdbx_struct_oper_list     
6  4 'Structure model' struct_conn               
7  4 'Structure model' struct_site               
8  5 'Structure model' chem_comp_atom            
9  5 'Structure model' chem_comp_bond            
10 5 'Structure model' pdbx_entry_details        
11 5 'Structure model' pdbx_modification_feature 
1 4 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_DOI'                
2 4 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_database_accession' 
3 4 'Structure model' ''             
4 4 'Structure model' '_pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.model'        
5 4 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag' 
6 4 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_asym_id'      
7 4 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_comp_id'      
8 4 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_seq_id'       
_pdbx_database_status.status_code                     REL 
_pdbx_database_status.entry_id                        1KVF 
_pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date   2002-01-25 
_pdbx_database_status.deposit_site                    RCSB 
_pdbx_database_status.process_site                    RCSB 
_pdbx_database_status.SG_entry                        . 
_pdbx_database_status.pdb_format_compatible           Y 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_mr                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_sf                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_cs                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data            ? 
_pdbx_database_status.methods_development_category    ? 
PDB 1gje 'Peptide Antagonist Of Igfbp-1, Minimized Average Structure' unspecified 
PDB 1kvg 'EPO-3 beta hairpin peptide'                                 unspecified 
'Skelton, N.J.'  1 
'Russell, S.'    2 
'de Sauvage, F.' 3 
'Cochran, A.G.'  4 
;Amino acid determinants of beta-hairpin conformation in erythropoeitin receptor agonist peptides derived from a phage display library
J.Mol.Biol.  316 1111 1125 2002 JMOBAK UK 0022-2836 0070 ? 11884148 10.1006/jmbi.2002.5410 
;Identification of a 13 amino acid peptide mimetic of erythropoietin  
and description of amino acids critical for the mimetic activity of EMP1
Biochemistry 37  3699 3710 1998 BICHAW US 0006-2960 0033 ? ?        10.1021/bi971956y      
primary 'Skelton, N.J.'   1  ? 
primary 'Russell, S.'     2  ? 
primary 'de Sauvage, F.'  3  ? 
primary 'Cochran, A.G.'   4  ? 
1       'Johnson, D.L.'   5  ? 
1       'Farrell, F.X.'   6  ? 
1       'Barbone, F.P.'   7  ? 
1       'McMahon, F.J.'   8  ? 
1       'Tullai, J.'      9  ? 
1       'Hoey, K.'        10 ? 
1       'Livnah, O.'      11 ? 
1       'Wrighton, N.C.'  12 ? 
1       'Middleton, S.A.' 13 ? 
1       'Loughney, D.A.'  14 ? 
1       'Dower, W.J.'     15 ? 
1       'Mulcahy, L.S.'   16 ? 
1       'Wilson, I.A.'    17 ? 
1       'Jolliffe, L.K.'  18 ? 
#                         1 
_entity.type                       polymer 
_entity.src_method                 syn 
_entity.pdbx_description           'PROTEIN: EMP-18 Receptor Agonist' 
_entity.formula_weight             1867.177 
_entity.pdbx_number_of_molecules   1 
_entity.pdbx_ec                    ? 
_entity.pdbx_mutation              ? 
_entity.pdbx_fragment              ? 
_entity.details                    ? 
_entity_poly.entity_id                      1 
_entity_poly.type                           'polypeptide(L)' 
_entity_poly.nstd_linkage                   no 
_entity_poly.nstd_monomer                   yes 
_entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code       'TYSCHFGPLTWVCKPQ(NH2)' 
_entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code_can   TYSCHFGPLTWVCKPQX 
_entity_poly.pdbx_strand_id                 A 
_entity_poly.pdbx_target_identifier         ? 
1 1  THR n 
1 2  TYR n 
1 3  SER n 
1 4  CYS n 
1 5  HIS n 
1 6  PHE n 
1 7  GLY n 
1 8  PRO n 
1 9  LEU n 
1 10 THR n 
1 11 TRP n 
1 12 VAL n 
1 13 CYS n 
1 14 LYS n 
1 15 PRO n 
1 16 GLN n 
1 17 NH2 n 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.entity_id              1 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_src_id            1 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_alt_source_flag   sample 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_beg_seq_num       ? 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_end_seq_num       ? 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_scientific    ? 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_common_name   ? 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.ncbi_taxonomy_id       ? 
'The peptide was chemically synthesized. It is a novel sequence derived from phage-display selection.' 
CYS 'L-peptide linking' y CYSTEINE      ? 'C3 H7 N O2 S'   121.158 
GLN 'L-peptide linking' y GLUTAMINE     ? 'C5 H10 N2 O3'   146.144 
GLY 'peptide linking'   y GLYCINE       ? 'C2 H5 N O2'     75.067  
HIS 'L-peptide linking' y HISTIDINE     ? 'C6 H10 N3 O2 1' 156.162 
LEU 'L-peptide linking' y LEUCINE       ? 'C6 H13 N O2'    131.173 
LYS 'L-peptide linking' y LYSINE        ? 'C6 H15 N2 O2 1' 147.195 
NH2 non-polymer         . 'AMINO GROUP' ? 'H2 N'           16.023  
PHE 'L-peptide linking' y PHENYLALANINE ? 'C9 H11 N O2'    165.189 
PRO 'L-peptide linking' y PROLINE       ? 'C5 H9 N O2'     115.130 
SER 'L-peptide linking' y SERINE        ? 'C3 H7 N O3'     105.093 
THR 'L-peptide linking' y THREONINE     ? 'C4 H9 N O3'     119.119 
TRP 'L-peptide linking' y TRYPTOPHAN    ? 'C11 H12 N2 O2'  204.225 
TYR 'L-peptide linking' y TYROSINE      ? 'C9 H11 N O3'    181.189 
VAL 'L-peptide linking' y VALINE        ? 'C5 H11 N O2'    117.146 
A 1 1  THR 1  1  1  THR THR A . n 
A 1 2  TYR 2  2  2  TYR TYR A . n 
A 1 3  SER 3  3  3  SER SER A . n 
A 1 4  CYS 4  4  4  CYS CYS A . n 
A 1 5  HIS 5  5  5  HIS HIS A . n 
A 1 6  PHE 6  6  6  PHE PHE A . n 
A 1 7  GLY 7  7  7  GLY GLY A . n 
A 1 8  PRO 8  8  8  PRO PRO A . n 
A 1 9  LEU 9  9  9  LEU LEU A . n 
A 1 10 THR 10 10 10 THR THR A . n 
A 1 11 TRP 11 11 11 TRP TRP A . n 
A 1 12 VAL 12 12 12 VAL VAL A . n 
A 1 13 CYS 13 13 13 CYS CYS A . n 
A 1 14 LYS 14 14 14 LYS LYS A . n 
A 1 15 PRO 15 15 15 PRO PRO A . n 
A 1 16 GLN 16 16 16 GLN GLN A . n 
A 1 17 NH2 17 17 17 NH2 NH2 A . n 
_exptl.entry_id          1KVF 
_exptl.method            'SOLUTION NMR' 
_exptl.crystals_number   ? 
#                    1 
_exptl_crystal.density_meas          ? 
_exptl_crystal.density_Matthews      ? 
_exptl_crystal.density_percent_sol   ? 
_exptl_crystal.description           ? 
#                     1 
_diffrn.ambient_temp           ? 
_diffrn.ambient_temp_details   ? 
_diffrn.crystal_id             1 
_diffrn_radiation.diffrn_id                        1 
_diffrn_radiation.wavelength_id                    1 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_monochromatic_or_laue_m_l   M 
_diffrn_radiation.monochromator                    ? 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_diffrn_protocol             'SINGLE WAVELENGTH' 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_scattering_type             ? 
#           1 
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength   . 
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wt           1.0 
_database_PDB_matrix.entry_id          1KVF 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][1]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][2]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][3]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][1]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][2]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][3]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][1]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][2]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][3]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[1]   0.00000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[2]   0.00000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[3]   0.00000 
_struct.entry_id                  1KVF 
_struct.title                     'EMP-18 Erythropoietin Receptor Agonist Peptide' 
_struct.pdbx_model_details        ? 
_struct.pdbx_CASP_flag            ? 
_struct.pdbx_model_type_details   ? 
_struct_keywords.entry_id        1KVF 
_struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords   'DE NOVO PROTEIN' 
_struct_keywords.text            'BETA HAIRPIN PEPTIDE, DE NOVO PROTEIN' 
#                            A 
_struct_asym.pdbx_blank_PDB_chainid_flag   N 
_struct_asym.pdbx_modified                 N 
_struct_asym.entity_id                     1 
_struct_asym.details                       ? 
#                         1 
_struct_ref.entity_id                  1 
_struct_ref.db_name                    PDB 
_struct_ref.db_code                    1KVF 
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_accession          1KVF 
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_isoform            ? 
_struct_ref.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code   ? 
_struct_ref.pdbx_align_begin           ? 
_struct_ref_seq.align_id                      1 
_struct_ref_seq.ref_id                        1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_PDB_id_code              1KVF 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_strand_id                A 
_struct_ref_seq.seq_align_beg                 1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_beg_ins_code   ? 
_struct_ref_seq.seq_align_end                 17 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_end_ins_code   ? 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_accession             1KVF 
_struct_ref_seq.db_align_beg                  1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_beg_ins_code    ? 
_struct_ref_seq.db_align_end                  17 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_end_ins_code    ? 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_beg       1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_end       17 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.details              author_defined_assembly 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.method_details       ? 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_details   monomeric 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_count     1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.assembly_id       1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.oper_expression   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list      A 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.type                 'identity operation'                 1_555 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.symmetry_operation   x,y,z 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][1]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[1]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][2]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[2]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][3]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[3]            0.0000000000 
#   1 
disulf1 disulf ?    ? A CYS 4  SG ? ? ? 1_555 A CYS 13 SG ? ? A CYS 4  A CYS 13 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.048 ? ? 
covale1 covale both ? A GLN 16 C  ? ? ? 1_555 A NH2 17 N  ? ? A GLN 16 A NH2 17 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.334 ? ? 
disulf ? ? 
covale ? ? 
1 NH2 A 17 ? GLN A 16 ? NH2 A 17 ? 1_555 GLN A 16 ? 1_555 .  .  GLN 18 NH2 None 'Terminal amidation' 
2 CYS A 4  ? CYS A 13 ? CYS A 4  ? 1_555 CYS A 13 ? 1_555 SG SG .   .  .   None 'Disulfide bridge'   
1  GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 1  4.83  
2  GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 2  -0.49 
3  GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 3  1.02  
4  GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 4  -0.34 
5  GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 5  1.02  
6  GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 6  3.75  
7  GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 7  -5.54 
8  GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 8  2.09  
9  GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 9  1.27  
10 GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 10 3.35  
11 GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 11 -0.29 
12 GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 12 5.24  
13 GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 13 1.59  
14 GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 14 3.73  
15 GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 15 4.93  
16 GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 16 2.47  
17 GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 17 1.45  
18 GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 18 -1.19 
19 GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 19 2.78  
20 GLY 7 A . ? GLY 7 A PRO 8 A ? PRO 8 A 20 4.67  
#               A 
_struct_sheet.type             ? 
_struct_sheet.number_strands   2 
_struct_sheet.details          ? 
_struct_sheet_order.sheet_id     A 
_struct_sheet_order.range_id_1   1 
_struct_sheet_order.range_id_2   2 
_struct_sheet_order.offset       ? 
_struct_sheet_order.sense        anti-parallel 
A 1 SER A 3  ? PHE A 6  ? SER A 3  PHE A 6  
A 2 TRP A 11 ? LYS A 14 ? TRP A 11 LYS A 14 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.sheet_id                A 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_id_1              1 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_id_2              2 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_1_label_atom_id   N 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_1_label_comp_id   SER 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_1_label_asym_id   A 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_1_label_seq_id    3 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_1_PDB_ins_code    ? 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_1_auth_atom_id    N 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_1_auth_comp_id    SER 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_1_auth_asym_id    A 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_1_auth_seq_id     3 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_2_label_atom_id   O 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_2_label_comp_id   LYS 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_2_label_asym_id   A 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_2_label_seq_id    14 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_2_PDB_ins_code    ? 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_2_auth_atom_id    O 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_2_auth_comp_id    LYS 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_2_auth_asym_id    A 
_pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond.range_2_auth_seq_id     14 
#                   AC1 
_struct_site.pdbx_evidence_code   Software 
_struct_site.pdbx_auth_asym_id    A 
_struct_site.pdbx_auth_comp_id    NH2 
_struct_site.pdbx_auth_seq_id     17 
_struct_site.pdbx_auth_ins_code   ? 
_struct_site.pdbx_num_residues    1 
_struct_site.details              'BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE NH2 A 17' 
#                   1 
_struct_site_gen.site_id              AC1 
_struct_site_gen.pdbx_num_res         1 
_struct_site_gen.label_comp_id        GLN 
_struct_site_gen.label_asym_id        A 
_struct_site_gen.label_seq_id         16 
_struct_site_gen.pdbx_auth_ins_code   ? 
_struct_site_gen.auth_comp_id         GLN 
_struct_site_gen.auth_asym_id         A 
_struct_site_gen.auth_seq_id          16 
_struct_site_gen.label_atom_id        . 
_struct_site_gen.label_alt_id         ? 
_struct_site_gen.symmetry             1_555 
_struct_site_gen.details              ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.entry_id                   1KVF 
_pdbx_entry_details.compound_details           ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.source_details             ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.nonpolymer_details         ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.sequence_details           ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.has_ligand_of_interest     ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.has_protein_modification   Y 
1  1  LEU A 9  ? ? -99.96  -60.23 
2  2  LEU A 9  ? ? -121.72 -55.17 
3  3  LEU A 9  ? ? -123.72 -55.96 
4  5  LEU A 9  ? ? -139.97 -52.66 
5  7  TYR A 2  ? ? -82.27  47.81  
6  7  LEU A 9  ? ? -140.46 36.08  
7  10 LEU A 9  ? ? -140.05 -54.63 
8  11 LEU A 9  ? ? -140.90 33.58  
9  12 LEU A 9  ? ? -102.18 -64.84 
10 12 LYS A 14 ? ? -118.92 75.76  
11 13 LEU A 9  ? ? -140.22 25.41  
12 16 SER A 3  ? ? -113.25 74.57  
13 18 LEU A 9  ? ? -140.17 26.54  
14 19 TYR A 2  ? ? -76.90  45.86  
15 19 LEU A 9  ? ? -140.08 -54.87 
16 19 PRO A 15 ? ? -51.13  107.87 
17 20 TYR A 2  ? ? -145.29 21.14  
18 20 LEU A 9  ? ? -103.06 -64.73 
#              1 
_pdbx_validate_planes.PDB_model_num   5 
_pdbx_validate_planes.auth_comp_id    TYR 
_pdbx_validate_planes.auth_asym_id    A 
_pdbx_validate_planes.auth_seq_id     2 
_pdbx_validate_planes.PDB_ins_code    ? 
_pdbx_validate_planes.label_alt_id    ? 
_pdbx_validate_planes.rmsd            0.069 
_pdbx_validate_planes.type            'SIDE CHAIN' 
#     999 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.entry_id                                      1KVF 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_calculated_total_number            80 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_submitted_total_number             20 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformer_selection_criteria                  'structures with the least restraint violations' 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_constraints_per_residue               ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_constraint_violations_per_residue     ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_distance_constraint_violation         ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_distance_constraint_violation         ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_upper_distance_constraint_violation   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_lower_distance_constraint_violation   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.distance_constraint_violation_method          ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_torsion_angle_constraint_violation    ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_torsion_angle_constraint_violation    ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.torsion_angle_constraint_violation_method     ? 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.entry_id             1KVF 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.conformer_id         1 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.selection_criteria   'closest to the average' 
1 '3 mM peptide' '90% H2O, 10% D2O, pH 5.1' 
2 '3 mM peptide' '100 % D2O pH 5.1'         
1 303 ambient 5.1 0 ? K 
2 303 ambient 5.1 0 ? K 
1 1 1 2D-ROESY 
2 1 1 2D-NOESY 
3 1 1 DQF-COSY 
4 2 2 COSY-35  
5 2 2 2D-NOESY 
6 2 2 2D-ROESY 
_pdbx_nmr_details.entry_id   1KVF 
;This structure was determined using standard 2D homonuclear techniques. 
The sample contains a mixture of cis and trans isomers about the Gly7-Pro8 peptide bond. 
Both sets of resonances were assigned. 
The trans isoform is not well ordered in solution. 
The cis isoform is structured, especially within the disulfide cycle. 
Structures were calculated on the basis of restraints generated only from the cis isoform.
_pdbx_nmr_refine.entry_id           1KVF 
_pdbx_nmr_refine.method             'distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics' 
;The structures are based on 52 NOE distance restraints, 11 phi and 4 chi-1 dihedral angle restraints. 
No hydrogen bond restraints were employed. 
The mean backbone atom RMSD to the mean structure within the disulfide cycle is 0.43 +/- 0.12 Angstoms.
_pdbx_nmr_refine.software_ordinal   1 
DGII     98.0 'structure solution' 'Timothy Havel' 1 
Discover 3.1  refinement           Accelrys        2 
CYS N    N N N 1   
CYS CA   C N R 2   
CYS C    C N N 3   
CYS O    O N N 4   
CYS CB   C N N 5   
CYS SG   S N N 6   
CYS OXT  O N N 7   
CYS H    H N N 8   
CYS H2   H N N 9   
CYS HA   H N N 10  
CYS HB2  H N N 11  
CYS HB3  H N N 12  
CYS HG   H N N 13  
CYS HXT  H N N 14  
GLN N    N N N 15  
GLN CA   C N S 16  
GLN C    C N N 17  
GLN O    O N N 18  
GLN CB   C N N 19  
GLN CG   C N N 20  
GLN CD   C N N 21  
GLN OE1  O N N 22  
GLN NE2  N N N 23  
GLN OXT  O N N 24  
GLN H    H N N 25  
GLN H2   H N N 26  
GLN HA   H N N 27  
GLN HB2  H N N 28  
GLN HB3  H N N 29  
GLN HG2  H N N 30  
GLN HG3  H N N 31  
GLN HE21 H N N 32  
GLN HE22 H N N 33  
GLN HXT  H N N 34  
GLY N    N N N 35  
GLY CA   C N N 36  
GLY C    C N N 37  
GLY O    O N N 38  
GLY OXT  O N N 39  
GLY H    H N N 40  
GLY H2   H N N 41  
GLY HA2  H N N 42  
GLY HA3  H N N 43  
GLY HXT  H N N 44  
HIS N    N N N 45  
HIS CA   C N S 46  
HIS C    C N N 47  
HIS O    O N N 48  
HIS CB   C N N 49  
HIS CG   C Y N 50  
HIS ND1  N Y N 51  
HIS CD2  C Y N 52  
HIS CE1  C Y N 53  
HIS NE2  N Y N 54  
HIS OXT  O N N 55  
HIS H    H N N 56  
HIS H2   H N N 57  
HIS HA   H N N 58  
HIS HB2  H N N 59  
HIS HB3  H N N 60  
HIS HD1  H N N 61  
HIS HD2  H N N 62  
HIS HE1  H N N 63  
HIS HE2  H N N 64  
HIS HXT  H N N 65  
LEU N    N N N 66  
LEU CA   C N S 67  
LEU C    C N N 68  
LEU O    O N N 69  
LEU CB   C N N 70  
LEU CG   C N N 71  
LEU CD1  C N N 72  
LEU CD2  C N N 73  
LEU OXT  O N N 74  
LEU H    H N N 75  
LEU H2   H N N 76  
LEU HA   H N N 77  
LEU HB2  H N N 78  
LEU HB3  H N N 79  
LEU HG   H N N 80  
LEU HD11 H N N 81  
LEU HD12 H N N 82  
LEU HD13 H N N 83  
LEU HD21 H N N 84  
LEU HD22 H N N 85  
LEU HD23 H N N 86  
LEU HXT  H N N 87  
LYS N    N N N 88  
LYS CA   C N S 89  
LYS C    C N N 90  
LYS O    O N N 91  
LYS CB   C N N 92  
LYS CG   C N N 93  
LYS CD   C N N 94  
LYS CE   C N N 95  
LYS NZ   N N N 96  
LYS OXT  O N N 97  
LYS H    H N N 98  
LYS H2   H N N 99  
LYS HA   H N N 100 
LYS HB2  H N N 101 
LYS HB3  H N N 102 
LYS HG2  H N N 103 
LYS HG3  H N N 104 
LYS HD2  H N N 105 
LYS HD3  H N N 106 
LYS HE2  H N N 107 
LYS HE3  H N N 108 
LYS HZ1  H N N 109 
LYS HZ2  H N N 110 
LYS HZ3  H N N 111 
LYS HXT  H N N 112 
NH2 N    N N N 113 
NH2 HN1  H N N 114 
NH2 HN2  H N N 115 
PHE N    N N N 116 
PHE CA   C N S 117 
PHE C    C N N 118 
PHE O    O N N 119 
PHE CB   C N N 120 
PHE CG   C Y N 121 
PHE CD1  C Y N 122 
PHE CD2  C Y N 123 
PHE CE1  C Y N 124 
PHE CE2  C Y N 125 
PHE CZ   C Y N 126 
PHE OXT  O N N 127 
PHE H    H N N 128 
PHE H2   H N N 129 
PHE HA   H N N 130 
PHE HB2  H N N 131 
PHE HB3  H N N 132 
PHE HD1  H N N 133 
PHE HD2  H N N 134 
PHE HE1  H N N 135 
PHE HE2  H N N 136 
PHE HZ   H N N 137 
PHE HXT  H N N 138 
PRO N    N N N 139 
PRO CA   C N S 140 
PRO C    C N N 141 
PRO O    O N N 142 
PRO CB   C N N 143 
PRO CG   C N N 144 
PRO CD   C N N 145 
PRO OXT  O N N 146 
PRO H    H N N 147 
PRO HA   H N N 148 
PRO HB2  H N N 149 
PRO HB3  H N N 150 
PRO HG2  H N N 151 
PRO HG3  H N N 152 
PRO HD2  H N N 153 
PRO HD3  H N N 154 
PRO HXT  H N N 155 
SER N    N N N 156 
SER CA   C N S 157 
SER C    C N N 158 
SER O    O N N 159 
SER CB   C N N 160 
SER OG   O N N 161 
SER OXT  O N N 162 
SER H    H N N 163 
SER H2   H N N 164 
SER HA   H N N 165 
SER HB2  H N N 166 
SER HB3  H N N 167 
SER HG   H N N 168 
SER HXT  H N N 169 
THR N    N N N 170 
THR CA   C N S 171 
THR C    C N N 172 
THR O    O N N 173 
THR CB   C N R 174 
THR OG1  O N N 175 
THR CG2  C N N 176 
THR OXT  O N N 177 
THR H    H N N 178 
THR H2   H N N 179 
THR HA   H N N 180 
THR HB   H N N 181 
THR HG1  H N N 182 
THR HG21 H N N 183 
THR HG22 H N N 184 
THR HG23 H N N 185 
THR HXT  H N N 186 
TRP N    N N N 187 
TRP CA   C N S 188 
TRP C    C N N 189 
TRP O    O N N 190 
TRP CB   C N N 191 
TRP CG   C Y N 192 
TRP CD1  C Y N 193 
TRP CD2  C Y N 194 
TRP NE1  N Y N 195 
TRP CE2  C Y N 196 
TRP CE3  C Y N 197 
TRP CZ2  C Y N 198 
TRP CZ3  C Y N 199 
TRP CH2  C Y N 200 
TRP OXT  O N N 201 
TRP H    H N N 202 
TRP H2   H N N 203 
TRP HA   H N N 204 
TRP HB2  H N N 205 
TRP HB3  H N N 206 
TRP HD1  H N N 207 
TRP HE1  H N N 208 
TRP HE3  H N N 209 
TRP HZ2  H N N 210 
TRP HZ3  H N N 211 
TRP HH2  H N N 212 
TRP HXT  H N N 213 
TYR N    N N N 214 
TYR CA   C N S 215 
TYR C    C N N 216 
TYR O    O N N 217 
TYR CB   C N N 218 
TYR CG   C Y N 219 
TYR CD1  C Y N 220 
TYR CD2  C Y N 221 
TYR CE1  C Y N 222 
TYR CE2  C Y N 223 
TYR CZ   C Y N 224 
TYR OH   O N N 225 
TYR OXT  O N N 226 
TYR H    H N N 227 
TYR H2   H N N 228 
TYR HA   H N N 229 
TYR HB2  H N N 230 
TYR HB3  H N N 231 
TYR HD1  H N N 232 
TYR HD2  H N N 233 
TYR HE1  H N N 234 
TYR HE2  H N N 235 
TYR HH   H N N 236 
TYR HXT  H N N 237 
VAL N    N N N 238 
VAL CA   C N S 239 
VAL C    C N N 240 
VAL O    O N N 241 
VAL CB   C N N 242 
VAL CG1  C N N 243 
VAL CG2  C N N 244 
VAL OXT  O N N 245 
VAL H    H N N 246 
VAL H2   H N N 247 
VAL HA   H N N 248 
VAL HB   H N N 249 
VAL HG11 H N N 250 
VAL HG12 H N N 251 
VAL HG13 H N N 252 
VAL HG21 H N N 253 
VAL HG22 H N N 254 
VAL HG23 H N N 255 
VAL HXT  H N N 256 
CYS N   CA   sing N N 1   
CYS N   H    sing N N 2   
CYS N   H2   sing N N 3   
CYS CA  C    sing N N 4   
CYS CA  CB   sing N N 5   
CYS CA  HA   sing N N 6   
CYS C   O    doub N N 7   
CYS C   OXT  sing N N 8   
CYS CB  SG   sing N N 9   
CYS CB  HB2  sing N N 10  
CYS CB  HB3  sing N N 11  
CYS SG  HG   sing N N 12  
CYS OXT HXT  sing N N 13  
GLN N   CA   sing N N 14  
GLN N   H    sing N N 15  
GLN N   H2   sing N N 16  
GLN CA  C    sing N N 17  
GLN CA  CB   sing N N 18  
GLN CA  HA   sing N N 19  
GLN C   O    doub N N 20  
GLN C   OXT  sing N N 21  
GLN CB  CG   sing N N 22  
GLN CB  HB2  sing N N 23  
GLN CB  HB3  sing N N 24  
GLN CG  CD   sing N N 25  
GLN CG  HG2  sing N N 26  
GLN CG  HG3  sing N N 27  
GLN CD  OE1  doub N N 28  
GLN CD  NE2  sing N N 29  
GLN NE2 HE21 sing N N 30  
GLN NE2 HE22 sing N N 31  
GLN OXT HXT  sing N N 32  
GLY N   CA   sing N N 33  
GLY N   H    sing N N 34  
GLY N   H2   sing N N 35  
GLY CA  C    sing N N 36  
GLY CA  HA2  sing N N 37  
GLY CA  HA3  sing N N 38  
GLY C   O    doub N N 39  
GLY C   OXT  sing N N 40  
GLY OXT HXT  sing N N 41  
HIS N   CA   sing N N 42  
HIS N   H    sing N N 43  
HIS N   H2   sing N N 44  
HIS CA  C    sing N N 45  
HIS CA  CB   sing N N 46  
HIS CA  HA   sing N N 47  
HIS C   O    doub N N 48  
HIS C   OXT  sing N N 49  
HIS CB  CG   sing N N 50  
HIS CB  HB2  sing N N 51  
HIS CB  HB3  sing N N 52  
HIS CG  ND1  sing Y N 53  
HIS CG  CD2  doub Y N 54  
HIS ND1 CE1  doub Y N 55  
HIS ND1 HD1  sing N N 56  
HIS CD2 NE2  sing Y N 57  
HIS CD2 HD2  sing N N 58  
HIS CE1 NE2  sing Y N 59  
HIS CE1 HE1  sing N N 60  
HIS NE2 HE2  sing N N 61  
HIS OXT HXT  sing N N 62  
LEU N   CA   sing N N 63  
LEU N   H    sing N N 64  
LEU N   H2   sing N N 65  
LEU CA  C    sing N N 66  
LEU CA  CB   sing N N 67  
LEU CA  HA   sing N N 68  
LEU C   O    doub N N 69  
LEU C   OXT  sing N N 70  
LEU CB  CG   sing N N 71  
LEU CB  HB2  sing N N 72  
LEU CB  HB3  sing N N 73  
LEU CG  CD1  sing N N 74  
LEU CG  CD2  sing N N 75  
LEU CG  HG   sing N N 76  
LEU CD1 HD11 sing N N 77  
LEU CD1 HD12 sing N N 78  
LEU CD1 HD13 sing N N 79  
LEU CD2 HD21 sing N N 80  
LEU CD2 HD22 sing N N 81  
LEU CD2 HD23 sing N N 82  
LEU OXT HXT  sing N N 83  
LYS N   CA   sing N N 84  
LYS N   H    sing N N 85  
LYS N   H2   sing N N 86  
LYS CA  C    sing N N 87  
LYS CA  CB   sing N N 88  
LYS CA  HA   sing N N 89  
LYS C   O    doub N N 90  
LYS C   OXT  sing N N 91  
LYS CB  CG   sing N N 92  
LYS CB  HB2  sing N N 93  
LYS CB  HB3  sing N N 94  
LYS CG  CD   sing N N 95  
LYS CG  HG2  sing N N 96  
LYS CG  HG3  sing N N 97  
LYS CD  CE   sing N N 98  
LYS CD  HD2  sing N N 99  
LYS CD  HD3  sing N N 100 
LYS CE  NZ   sing N N 101 
LYS CE  HE2  sing N N 102 
LYS CE  HE3  sing N N 103 
LYS NZ  HZ1  sing N N 104 
LYS NZ  HZ2  sing N N 105 
LYS NZ  HZ3  sing N N 106 
LYS OXT HXT  sing N N 107 
NH2 N   HN1  sing N N 108 
NH2 N   HN2  sing N N 109 
PHE N   CA   sing N N 110 
PHE N   H    sing N N 111 
PHE N   H2   sing N N 112 
PHE CA  C    sing N N 113 
PHE CA  CB   sing N N 114 
PHE CA  HA   sing N N 115 
PHE C   O    doub N N 116 
PHE C   OXT  sing N N 117 
PHE CB  CG   sing N N 118 
PHE CB  HB2  sing N N 119 
PHE CB  HB3  sing N N 120 
PHE CG  CD1  doub Y N 121 
PHE CG  CD2  sing Y N 122 
PHE CD1 CE1  sing Y N 123 
PHE CD1 HD1  sing N N 124 
PHE CD2 CE2  doub Y N 125 
PHE CD2 HD2  sing N N 126 
PHE CE1 CZ   doub Y N 127 
PHE CE1 HE1  sing N N 128 
PHE CE2 CZ   sing Y N 129 
PHE CE2 HE2  sing N N 130 
PHE CZ  HZ   sing N N 131 
PHE OXT HXT  sing N N 132 
PRO N   CA   sing N N 133 
PRO N   CD   sing N N 134 
PRO N   H    sing N N 135 
PRO CA  C    sing N N 136 
PRO CA  CB   sing N N 137 
PRO CA  HA   sing N N 138 
PRO C   O    doub N N 139 
PRO C   OXT  sing N N 140 
PRO CB  CG   sing N N 141 
PRO CB  HB2  sing N N 142 
PRO CB  HB3  sing N N 143 
PRO CG  CD   sing N N 144 
PRO CG  HG2  sing N N 145 
PRO CG  HG3  sing N N 146 
PRO CD  HD2  sing N N 147 
PRO CD  HD3  sing N N 148 
PRO OXT HXT  sing N N 149 
SER N   CA   sing N N 150 
SER N   H    sing N N 151 
SER N   H2   sing N N 152 
SER CA  C    sing N N 153 
SER CA  CB   sing N N 154 
SER CA  HA   sing N N 155 
SER C   O    doub N N 156 
SER C   OXT  sing N N 157 
SER CB  OG   sing N N 158 
SER CB  HB2  sing N N 159 
SER CB  HB3  sing N N 160 
SER OG  HG   sing N N 161 
SER OXT HXT  sing N N 162 
THR N   CA   sing N N 163 
THR N   H    sing N N 164 
THR N   H2   sing N N 165 
THR CA  C    sing N N 166 
THR CA  CB   sing N N 167 
THR CA  HA   sing N N 168 
THR C   O    doub N N 169 
THR C   OXT  sing N N 170 
THR CB  OG1  sing N N 171 
THR CB  CG2  sing N N 172 
THR CB  HB   sing N N 173 
THR OG1 HG1  sing N N 174 
THR CG2 HG21 sing N N 175 
THR CG2 HG22 sing N N 176 
THR CG2 HG23 sing N N 177 
THR OXT HXT  sing N N 178 
TRP N   CA   sing N N 179 
TRP N   H    sing N N 180 
TRP N   H2   sing N N 181 
TRP CA  C    sing N N 182 
TRP CA  CB   sing N N 183 
TRP CA  HA   sing N N 184 
TRP C   O    doub N N 185 
TRP C   OXT  sing N N 186 
TRP CB  CG   sing N N 187 
TRP CB  HB2  sing N N 188 
TRP CB  HB3  sing N N 189 
TRP CG  CD1  doub Y N 190 
TRP CG  CD2  sing Y N 191 
TRP CD1 NE1  sing Y N 192 
TRP CD1 HD1  sing N N 193 
TRP CD2 CE2  doub Y N 194 
TRP CD2 CE3  sing Y N 195 
TRP NE1 CE2  sing Y N 196 
TRP NE1 HE1  sing N N 197 
TRP CE2 CZ2  sing Y N 198 
TRP CE3 CZ3  doub Y N 199 
TRP CE3 HE3  sing N N 200 
TRP CZ2 CH2  doub Y N 201 
TRP CZ2 HZ2  sing N N 202 
TRP CZ3 CH2  sing Y N 203 
TRP CZ3 HZ3  sing N N 204 
TRP CH2 HH2  sing N N 205 
TRP OXT HXT  sing N N 206 
TYR N   CA   sing N N 207 
TYR N   H    sing N N 208 
TYR N   H2   sing N N 209 
TYR CA  C    sing N N 210 
TYR CA  CB   sing N N 211 
TYR CA  HA   sing N N 212 
TYR C   O    doub N N 213 
TYR C   OXT  sing N N 214 
TYR CB  CG   sing N N 215 
TYR CB  HB2  sing N N 216 
TYR CB  HB3  sing N N 217 
TYR CG  CD1  doub Y N 218 
TYR CG  CD2  sing Y N 219 
TYR CD1 CE1  sing Y N 220 
TYR CD1 HD1  sing N N 221 
TYR CD2 CE2  doub Y N 222 
TYR CD2 HD2  sing N N 223 
TYR CE1 CZ   doub Y N 224 
TYR CE1 HE1  sing N N 225 
TYR CE2 CZ   sing Y N 226 
TYR CE2 HE2  sing N N 227 
TYR CZ  OH   sing N N 228 
TYR OH  HH   sing N N 229 
TYR OXT HXT  sing N N 230 
VAL N   CA   sing N N 231 
VAL N   H    sing N N 232 
VAL N   H2   sing N N 233 
VAL CA  C    sing N N 234 
VAL CA  CB   sing N N 235 
VAL CA  HA   sing N N 236 
VAL C   O    doub N N 237 
VAL C   OXT  sing N N 238 
VAL CB  CG1  sing N N 239 
VAL CB  CG2  sing N N 240 
VAL CB  HB   sing N N 241 
VAL CG1 HG11 sing N N 242 
VAL CG1 HG12 sing N N 243 
VAL CG1 HG13 sing N N 244 
VAL CG2 HG21 sing N N 245 
VAL CG2 HG22 sing N N 246 
VAL CG2 HG23 sing N N 247 
VAL OXT HXT  sing N N 248 
_pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.spectrometer_id   1 
_pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.type              ? 
_pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.manufacturer      Bruker 
_pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.model             AVANCE 
_pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.field_strength    500 
_atom_sites.entry_id                    1KVF 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3]      0.00000 