#   2LI0 
_audit_conform.dict_name       mmcif_pdbx.dic 
_audit_conform.dict_version    5.397 
PDB   2LI0         pdb_00002li0 10.2210/pdb2li0/pdb 
RCSB  RCSB102408   ?            ?                   
BMRB  17873        ?            10.13018/BMR17873   
WWPDB D_1000102408 ?            ?                   
1 'Structure model' 1 0 2012-04-04 
2 'Structure model' 1 1 2012-06-27 
3 'Structure model' 2 0 2020-07-29 
4 'Structure model' 2 1 2023-06-14 
5 'Structure model' 2 2 2024-10-09 
1 1 'Structure model' repository 'Initial release' ?                          ? 
2 3 'Structure model' repository Remediation       'Carbohydrate remediation' ? 
1  2 'Structure model' 'Database references'  
2  3 'Structure model' Advisory               
3  3 'Structure model' 'Atomic model'         
4  3 'Structure model' 'Data collection'      
5  3 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations' 
6  3 'Structure model' 'Source and taxonomy'  
7  3 'Structure model' 'Structure summary'    
8  4 'Structure model' 'Database references'  
9  4 'Structure model' Other                  
10 4 'Structure model' 'Structure summary'    
11 5 'Structure model' 'Data collection'      
12 5 'Structure model' 'Database references'  
13 5 'Structure model' 'Structure summary'    
1  3 'Structure model' atom_site                 
2  3 'Structure model' chem_comp                 
3  3 'Structure model' database_PDB_caveat       
4  3 'Structure model' entity                    
5  3 'Structure model' pdbx_chem_comp_identifier 
6  3 'Structure model' pdbx_entity_nonpoly       
7  3 'Structure model' pdbx_entity_src_syn       
8  3 'Structure model' pdbx_nmr_ensemble         
9  3 'Structure model' struct_conn               
10 3 'Structure model' struct_site               
11 3 'Structure model' struct_site_gen           
12 4 'Structure model' chem_comp                 
13 4 'Structure model' database_2                
14 4 'Structure model' pdbx_database_status      
15 5 'Structure model' chem_comp_atom            
16 5 'Structure model' chem_comp_bond            
17 5 'Structure model' database_2                
18 5 'Structure model' pdbx_entry_details        
19 5 'Structure model' pdbx_modification_feature 
1  3 'Structure model' '_atom_site.auth_atom_id'                         
2  3 'Structure model' '_atom_site.label_atom_id'                        
3  3 'Structure model' ''                                 
4  3 'Structure model' '_chem_comp.type'                                 
5  3 'Structure model' '_entity.pdbx_description'                        
6  3 'Structure model' ''                       
7  3 'Structure model' '_pdbx_entity_src_syn.ncbi_taxonomy_id'           
8  3 'Structure model' '_pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_scientific'        
9  3 'Structure model' '_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformer_selection_criteria' 
10 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_dist_value'                    
11 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag'             
12 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_role'                          
13 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_comp_id'                 
14 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_seq_id'                  
15 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_label_atom_id'                
16 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_label_comp_id'                
17 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_label_seq_id'                 
18 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_comp_id'                 
19 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_seq_id'                  
20 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_label_asym_id'                
21 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_label_atom_id'                
22 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_label_comp_id'                
23 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_label_seq_id'                 
24 4 'Structure model' '_chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms'                        
25 4 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_DOI'                            
26 4 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_database_accession'             
27 4 'Structure model' '_pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data'      
28 5 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_DOI'                            
29 5 'Structure model' '_pdbx_entry_details.has_protein_modification'    
#     1 
_database_PDB_caveat.text   'A2G A 10 HAS WRONG CHIRALITY AT ATOM C1' 
_pdbx_database_status.deposit_site                    BMRB 
_pdbx_database_status.entry_id                        2LI0 
_pdbx_database_status.process_site                    RCSB 
_pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date   2011-08-18 
_pdbx_database_status.SG_entry                        ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code                     REL 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_mr                  REL 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_sf                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_cs                  REL 
_pdbx_database_status.methods_development_category    ? 
_pdbx_database_status.pdb_format_compatible           Y 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data            REL 
17873 BMRB unspecified . 
2LHV  PDB  unspecified . 
2LHW  PDB  unspecified . 
2LHX  PDB  unspecified . 
2LHY  PDB  unspecified . 
2LHZ  PDB  unspecified . 
2LI1  PDB  unspecified . 
2LI2  PDB  unspecified . 
'Borgert, A.'           1  
'Heimburg-Molinaro, J.' 2  
'Lasanajak, Y.'         3  
'Ju, T.'                4  
'Liu, M.'               5  
'Thompson, P.'          6  
'Ragupathi, G.'         7  
'Barany, G.'            8  
'Cummings, R.'          9  
'Smith, D.'             10 
'Live, D.'              11 
#                        primary 
_citation.title                     'Deciphering structural elements of mucin glycoprotein recognition.' 
_citation.journal_abbrev            'Acs Chem.Biol.' 
_citation.journal_volume            7 
_citation.page_first                1031 
_citation.page_last                 1039 
_citation.year                      2012 
_citation.journal_id_ASTM           ?                   US 
_citation.journal_id_ISSN           1554-8929 
_citation.journal_id_CSD            ? 
_citation.book_publisher            ? 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed   22444368 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_DOI      10.1021/cb300076s 
primary 'Borgert, A.'           1  ? 
primary 'Heimburg-Molinaro, J.' 2  ? 
primary 'Song, X.'              3  ? 
primary 'Lasanajak, Y.'         4  ? 
primary 'Ju, T.'                5  ? 
primary 'Liu, M.'               6  ? 
primary 'Thompson, P.'          7  ? 
primary 'Ragupathi, G.'         8  ? 
primary 'Barany, G.'            9  ? 
primary 'Smith, D.F.'           10 ? 
primary 'Cummings, R.D.'        11 ? 
primary 'Live, D.'              12 ? 
1 polymer     syn 'MUC2 Mucin Domain Peptide'                 781.939 1 ? ? ? ? 
2 non-polymer man 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-galactopyranose 221.208 1 ? ? ? ? 
_entity_poly.entity_id                      1 
_entity_poly.type                           'polypeptide(L)' 
_entity_poly.nstd_linkage                   no 
_entity_poly.nstd_monomer                   yes 
_entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code       '(ACE)PTTTPLK(NH2)' 
_entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code_can   XPTTTPLKX 
_entity_poly.pdbx_strand_id                 A 
_entity_poly.pdbx_target_identifier         ? 
_pdbx_entity_nonpoly.entity_id   2        2-acetamido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-galactopyranose 
_pdbx_entity_nonpoly.comp_id     A2G 
1 1 ACE n 
1 2 PRO n 
1 3 THR n 
1 4 THR n 
1 5 THR n 
1 6 PRO n 
1 7 LEU n 
1 8 LYS n 
1 9 NH2 n 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.entity_id              1 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_src_id            1 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_alt_source_flag   sample 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_beg_seq_num       ? 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_end_seq_num       ? 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_scientific    'synthetic construct' 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_common_name   ? 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.ncbi_taxonomy_id       32630 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.details                'Synthesized via solid phase peptide synthesis' 
A2G 'D-saccharide, alpha linking' . 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-galactopyranose 
;N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosamine; 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-galactose; 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-galactose; 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-galactose; N-ACETYL-2-DEOXY-2-AMINO-GALACTOSE
'C8 H15 N O6'    221.208 
ACE non-polymer                   . 'ACETYL GROUP'                              ? 'C2 H4 O'        44.053  
LEU 'L-peptide linking'           y LEUCINE                                     ? 'C6 H13 N O2'    131.173 
LYS 'L-peptide linking'           y LYSINE                                      ? 'C6 H15 N2 O2 1' 147.195 
NH2 non-polymer                   . 'AMINO GROUP'                               ? 'H2 N'           16.023  
PRO 'L-peptide linking'           y PROLINE                                     ? 'C5 H9 N O2'     115.130 
THR 'L-peptide linking'           y THREONINE                                   ? 'C4 H9 N O3'     119.119 
A2G 'CONDENSED IUPAC CARBOHYDRATE SYMBOL' GMML     1.0 DGalpNAca                        
A2G 'COMMON NAME'                         GMML     1.0 N-acetyl-a-D-galactopyranosamine 
A2G 'IUPAC CARBOHYDRATE SYMBOL'           PDB-CARE 1.0 a-D-GalpNAc                      
A2G 'SNFG CARBOHYDRATE SYMBOL'            GMML     1.0 GalNAc                           
A 1 1 ACE 1 1 1 ACE ACE A . n 
A 1 2 PRO 2 2 2 PRO PRO A . n 
A 1 3 THR 3 3 3 THR THR A . n 
A 1 4 THR 4 4 4 THR THR A . n 
A 1 5 THR 5 5 5 THR THR A . n 
A 1 6 PRO 6 6 6 PRO PRO A . n 
A 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU A . n 
A 1 8 LYS 8 8 8 LYS LYS A . n 
A 1 9 NH2 9 9 9 NH2 NH2 A . n 
_pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.asym_id         B 
_pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.entity_id       2 
_pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.mon_id          A2G 
_pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.ndb_seq_num     1 
_pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_seq_num     10 
_pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.auth_seq_num    10 
_pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_mon_id      A2G 
_pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.auth_mon_id     A2G 
_pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_strand_id   A 
_pdbx_nonpoly_scheme.pdb_ins_code    . 
_exptl.absorpt_coefficient_mu     ? 
_exptl.absorpt_correction_T_max   ? 
_exptl.absorpt_correction_T_min   ? 
_exptl.absorpt_correction_type    ? 
_exptl.absorpt_process_details    ? 
_exptl.crystals_number            ? 
_exptl.details                    ? 
_exptl.entry_id                   2LI0 
_exptl.method                     'SOLUTION NMR' 
_exptl.method_details             ? 
_struct.entry_id                  2LI0 
_struct.title                     'Mono-O-GalNAc glycosylated Mucin sequence based on MUC2 Mucin glycoprotein tandem repeat' 
_struct.pdbx_model_details        'closest to the average, model 1' 
_struct.pdbx_CASP_flag            ? 
_struct.pdbx_model_type_details   ? 
_struct_keywords.entry_id        2LI0 
_struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords   'SUGAR BINDING PROTEIN' 
_struct_keywords.text            'glycosylation, Tn antigen, SUGAR BINDING PROTEIN' 
A N N 1 ? 
B N N 2 ? 
#                         1 
_struct_ref.db_name                    PDB 
_struct_ref.db_code                    2LI0 
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_accession          2LI0 
_struct_ref.entity_id                  1 
_struct_ref.pdbx_align_begin           ? 
_struct_ref.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code   ? 
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_isoform            ? 
_struct_ref_seq.align_id                      1 
_struct_ref_seq.ref_id                        1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_PDB_id_code              2LI0 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_strand_id                A 
_struct_ref_seq.seq_align_beg                 1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_beg_ins_code   ? 
_struct_ref_seq.seq_align_end                 9 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_end_ins_code   ? 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_accession             2LI0 
_struct_ref_seq.db_align_beg                  1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_beg_ins_code    ? 
_struct_ref_seq.db_align_end                  9 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_end_ins_code    ? 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_beg       1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_end       9 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.details              author_defined_assembly 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.method_details       ? 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_details   monomeric 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_count     1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.assembly_id       1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.oper_expression   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list      A,B 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.type                 'identity operation'                 1_555 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.symmetry_operation   x,y,z 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][1]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[1]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][2]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[2]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][3]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[3]            0.0000000000 
covale1 covale both ? A ACE 1 C   ? ? ? 1_555 A PRO 2 N  ? ? A ACE 1 A PRO 2  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.305 ? ?               
covale2 covale one  ? A THR 5 OG1 ? ? ? 1_555 B A2G . C1 ? ? A THR 5 A A2G 10 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.414 ? O-Glycosylation 
covale3 covale both ? A LYS 8 C   ? ? ? 1_555 A NH2 9 N  ? ? A LYS 8 A NH2 9  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.305 ? ?               
#          covale 
_struct_conn_type.criteria    ? 
_struct_conn_type.reference   ? 
1 ACE A 1 ? PRO A 2 ? ACE A 1  ? 1_555 PRO A 2 ? 1_555 .  .   PRO 13 ACE None            'Terminal acetylation' 
2 NH2 A 9 ? LYS A 8 ? NH2 A 9  ? 1_555 LYS A 8 ? 1_555 .  .   LYS 20 NH2 None            'Terminal amidation'   
3 A2G B . ? THR A 5 ? A2G A 10 ? 1_555 THR A 5 ? 1_555 C1 OG1 THR 3  A2G O-Glycosylation Carbohydrate           
_pdbx_entry_details.entry_id                   2LI0 
_pdbx_entry_details.nonpolymer_details         ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.source_details             ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.has_ligand_of_interest     ? 
_pdbx_entry_details.has_protein_modification   Y 
1  2  HG1 A THR 3 ? ? H A THR 4 ? ? 1.32 
2  2  O   A THR 5 ? ? H A LEU 7 ? ? 1.50 
3  2  O   A THR 5 ? ? N A LEU 7 ? ? 2.13 
4  6  HG1 A THR 3 ? ? H A THR 4 ? ? 1.32 
5  16 O   A THR 5 ? ? H A LEU 7 ? ? 1.54 
6  16 O   A THR 5 ? ? N A LEU 7 ? ? 2.15 
7  22 O   A THR 5 ? ? H A LEU 7 ? ? 1.58 
8  22 O   A THR 5 ? ? N A LEU 7 ? ? 2.16 
9  50 O   A THR 5 ? ? H A LEU 7 ? ? 1.59 
10 50 O   A THR 5 ? ? N A LEU 7 ? ? 2.17 
11 52 O   A THR 5 ? ? H A LEU 7 ? ? 1.26 
12 52 O   A THR 5 ? ? N A LEU 7 ? ? 2.03 
13 53 O   A THR 5 ? ? H A LEU 7 ? ? 1.23 
14 53 O   A THR 5 ? ? N A LEU 7 ? ? 2.02 
15 55 O   A THR 5 ? ? H A LEU 7 ? ? 1.47 
16 55 O   A THR 5 ? ? N A LEU 7 ? ? 2.12 
1   1  PRO A 6 ? ? -45.63  77.29   
2   1  LEU A 7 ? ? -72.81  -164.08 
3   2  PRO A 6 ? ? -44.67  64.55   
4   2  LEU A 7 ? ? -167.93 39.44   
5   3  THR A 3 ? ? -151.40 -65.44  
6   4  THR A 3 ? ? -151.42 -122.20 
7   4  PRO A 6 ? ? -44.55  106.45  
8   5  THR A 3 ? ? -151.48 67.23   
9   5  PRO A 6 ? ? -44.56  84.95   
10  6  PRO A 6 ? ? -44.54  178.12  
11  8  PRO A 6 ? ? -44.59  75.71   
12  8  LEU A 7 ? ? -167.85 -144.08 
13  9  THR A 3 ? ? -88.59  49.49   
14  9  PRO A 6 ? ? -44.57  87.55   
15  9  LEU A 7 ? ? -167.64 -169.03 
16  10 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.53  77.42   
17  10 LEU A 7 ? ? -167.65 13.18   
18  14 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.59  70.30   
19  14 LEU A 7 ? ? -167.99 -3.94   
20  15 PRO A 6 ? ? -45.08  77.78   
21  15 LEU A 7 ? ? -167.68 -145.54 
22  16 THR A 3 ? ? -151.38 16.00   
23  16 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.69  66.05   
24  16 LEU A 7 ? ? -75.28  -96.00  
25  17 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.63  77.60   
26  17 LEU A 7 ? ? -167.73 15.20   
27  18 THR A 3 ? ? -88.58  -70.81  
28  19 THR A 3 ? ? -88.51  43.36   
29  19 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.57  74.16   
30  19 LEU A 7 ? ? -167.85 18.75   
31  21 THR A 3 ? ? -151.41 -53.17  
32  22 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.66  67.30   
33  22 LEU A 7 ? ? -75.09  -96.42  
34  23 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.62  108.38  
35  24 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.62  73.16   
36  24 LEU A 7 ? ? -167.95 -137.87 
37  25 THR A 3 ? ? -88.66  -133.64 
38  25 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.64  81.10   
39  25 LEU A 7 ? ? -167.29 -148.71 
40  26 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.77  70.15   
41  26 LEU A 7 ? ? -168.02 24.10   
42  27 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.49  80.71   
43  27 LEU A 7 ? ? -167.21 -148.99 
44  28 THR A 3 ? ? -88.59  32.85   
45  28 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.53  83.94   
46  28 LEU A 7 ? ? -167.04 -61.89  
47  29 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.55  109.40  
48  30 THR A 3 ? ? -151.28 -48.54  
49  31 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.56  93.27   
50  31 LEU A 7 ? ? -165.45 -52.88  
51  32 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.51  72.82   
52  32 LEU A 7 ? ? -168.01 20.08   
53  34 THR A 3 ? ? -151.39 17.17   
54  34 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.67  70.42   
55  34 LEU A 7 ? ? -168.54 25.10   
56  36 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.57  103.58  
57  37 THR A 3 ? ? -88.57  33.36   
58  37 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.53  72.83   
59  37 LEU A 7 ? ? -167.93 -138.86 
60  38 THR A 3 ? ? -151.45 35.67   
61  38 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.65  70.45   
62  38 LEU A 7 ? ? -168.14 -134.36 
63  39 THR A 3 ? ? -151.43 81.13   
64  39 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.62  80.59   
65  39 LEU A 7 ? ? -166.37 -57.98  
66  40 THR A 3 ? ? -151.40 66.94   
67  40 PRO A 6 ? ? -51.11  104.35  
68  41 THR A 3 ? ? -151.36 56.41   
69  42 THR A 3 ? ? -151.37 64.02   
70  42 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.64  108.01  
71  43 THR A 3 ? ? -151.52 -41.31  
72  43 THR A 4 ? ? -152.06 -153.25 
73  43 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.55  105.16  
74  44 THR A 3 ? ? -151.45 80.86   
75  46 THR A 3 ? ? -88.59  -128.08 
76  46 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.53  69.47   
77  46 LEU A 7 ? ? -168.82 27.41   
78  47 THR A 3 ? ? -151.45 -38.77  
79  47 THR A 4 ? ? -151.74 -157.26 
80  47 PRO A 6 ? ? -42.48  97.64   
81  48 THR A 4 ? ? -151.87 -153.37 
82  49 THR A 4 ? ? -151.16 12.36   
83  49 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.67  93.04   
84  50 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.63  67.57   
85  50 LEU A 7 ? ? -169.07 47.34   
86  52 THR A 3 ? ? -88.52  -104.33 
87  52 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.55  56.19   
88  52 LEU A 7 ? ? -75.65  -78.88  
89  53 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.63  55.01   
90  53 LEU A 7 ? ? -75.53  -78.90  
91  54 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.61  108.39  
92  55 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.62  63.63   
93  55 LEU A 7 ? ? -75.62  -101.60 
94  56 THR A 3 ? ? -151.37 -128.34 
95  57 THR A 3 ? ? -88.58  -148.67 
96  58 THR A 3 ? ? -151.50 -134.70 
97  58 PRO A 6 ? ? -44.56  105.61  
98  59 PRO A 6 ? ? -46.26  107.09  
99  60 THR A 3 ? ? -151.45 -43.95  
100 60 THR A 4 ? ? -151.98 -151.96 
#              1 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.PDB_model_num   29 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.auth_atom_id    C1 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.label_alt_id    ? 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.auth_asym_id    A 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.auth_comp_id    A2G 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.auth_seq_id     10 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.PDB_ins_code    ? 
_pdbx_validate_chiral.details         PLANAR           . 
#               1 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_asym_id    A 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_comp_id    THR 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_seq_id     5 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_asym_id     A 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_comp_id     THR 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_seq_id      5 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.PDB_ins_code     ? 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.parent_comp_id   THR 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.details          'GLYCOSYLATION SITE' 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_constraint_violations_per_residue     ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_constraints_per_residue               ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_distance_constraint_violation         ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_torsion_angle_constraint_violation    ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformer_selection_criteria                  'structures with the least restraint violations' 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_calculated_total_number            100 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_submitted_total_number             62 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.distance_constraint_violation_method          ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.entry_id                                      2LI0 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_distance_constraint_violation         0.25 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_lower_distance_constraint_violation   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_torsion_angle_constraint_violation    5 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_upper_distance_constraint_violation   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.torsion_angle_constraint_violation_method     ? 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.conformer_id         1 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.entry_id             2LI0 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.selection_criteria   'closest to the average' 
'2-10 mM MUC2 Mucin Domain Peptide, 2-10 mM SUGAR (N-ACETYL-2-DEOXY-2-AMINO-GALACTOSE), 90% H2O/10% D2O' 1 '90% H2O/10% D2O' ? ? ? 
'2-10 mM MUC2 Mucin Domain Peptide, 2-10 mM SUGAR (N-ACETYL-2-DEOXY-2-AMINO-GALACTOSE), 100% D2O'        2 '100% D2O'        ? ? ? 
'MUC2 Mucin Domain Peptide-1'                  ? 2-10 mM ? 1 
'MUC2 Mucin Domain Peptide-3'                  ? 2-10 mM ? 2 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.conditions_id          1 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.ionic_strength         ? 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pH                     4.5 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pressure               ambient 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pressure_units         ? 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.temperature            288 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.temperature_units      K 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.label                  ? 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pH_units               ? 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.ionic_strength_units   ? 
1 1 2 '2D 1H-1H NOESY' 
1 2 1 '3D TOCSY-NOESY' 
1 3 1 '2D 1H-15N HSQC' 
1 4 1 '2D 1H-13C HSQC' 
1 5 1 '2D 1H-1H TOCSY' 
1 6 2 '2D 1H-1H COSY'  
1 7 1 '2D 1H-13C HMBC' 
_pdbx_nmr_refine.entry_id           2LI0 
_pdbx_nmr_refine.method             'torsion space simulated annealing' 
_pdbx_nmr_refine.details            ? 
_pdbx_nmr_refine.software_ordinal   1 
'Brunger A. T.'                     'structure solution' CNS       ? 1 
'Schwieters, Kuszewski, Tjandra and Clore' refinement           XPLOR-NIH ? 2 
A2G O5   O N N 1   
A2G C1   C N S 2   
A2G O1   O N N 3   
A2G C2   C N R 4   
A2G N2   N N N 5   
A2G C3   C N R 6   
A2G O3   O N N 7   
A2G C4   C N R 8   
A2G O4   O N N 9   
A2G C5   C N R 10  
A2G C6   C N N 11  
A2G O6   O N N 12  
A2G C7   C N N 13  
A2G O7   O N N 14  
A2G C8   C N N 15  
A2G H1   H N N 16  
A2G HO1  H N N 17  
A2G H2   H N N 18  
A2G HN2  H N N 19  
A2G H3   H N N 20  
A2G HO3  H N N 21  
A2G H4   H N N 22  
A2G HO4  H N N 23  
A2G H5   H N N 24  
A2G H61  H N N 25  
A2G H81  H N N 26  
A2G H82  H N N 27  
A2G H83  H N N 28  
A2G H62  H N N 29  
A2G HO6  H N N 30  
ACE C    C N N 31  
ACE O    O N N 32  
ACE CH3  C N N 33  
ACE H    H N N 34  
ACE H1   H N N 35  
ACE H2   H N N 36  
ACE H3   H N N 37  
LEU N    N N N 38  
LEU CA   C N S 39  
LEU C    C N N 40  
LEU O    O N N 41  
LEU CB   C N N 42  
LEU CG   C N N 43  
LEU CD1  C N N 44  
LEU CD2  C N N 45  
LEU OXT  O N N 46  
LEU H    H N N 47  
LEU H2   H N N 48  
LEU HA   H N N 49  
LEU HB2  H N N 50  
LEU HB3  H N N 51  
LEU HG   H N N 52  
LEU HD11 H N N 53  
LEU HD12 H N N 54  
LEU HD13 H N N 55  
LEU HD21 H N N 56  
LEU HD22 H N N 57  
LEU HD23 H N N 58  
LEU HXT  H N N 59  
LYS N    N N N 60  
LYS CA   C N S 61  
LYS C    C N N 62  
LYS O    O N N 63  
LYS CB   C N N 64  
LYS CG   C N N 65  
LYS CD   C N N 66  
LYS CE   C N N 67  
LYS NZ   N N N 68  
LYS OXT  O N N 69  
LYS H    H N N 70  
LYS H2   H N N 71  
LYS HA   H N N 72  
LYS HB2  H N N 73  
LYS HB3  H N N 74  
LYS HG2  H N N 75  
LYS HG3  H N N 76  
LYS HD2  H N N 77  
LYS HD3  H N N 78  
LYS HE2  H N N 79  
LYS HE3  H N N 80  
LYS HZ1  H N N 81  
LYS HZ2  H N N 82  
LYS HZ3  H N N 83  
LYS HXT  H N N 84  
NH2 N    N N N 85  
NH2 HN1  H N N 86  
NH2 HN2  H N N 87  
PRO N    N N N 88  
PRO CA   C N S 89  
PRO C    C N N 90  
PRO O    O N N 91  
PRO CB   C N N 92  
PRO CG   C N N 93  
PRO CD   C N N 94  
PRO OXT  O N N 95  
PRO H    H N N 96  
PRO HA   H N N 97  
PRO HB2  H N N 98  
PRO HB3  H N N 99  
PRO HG2  H N N 100 
PRO HG3  H N N 101 
PRO HD2  H N N 102 
PRO HD3  H N N 103 
PRO HXT  H N N 104 
THR N    N N N 105 
THR CA   C N S 106 
THR C    C N N 107 
THR O    O N N 108 
THR CB   C N R 109 
THR OG1  O N N 110 
THR CG2  C N N 111 
THR OXT  O N N 112 
THR H    H N N 113 
THR H2   H N N 114 
THR HA   H N N 115 
THR HB   H N N 116 
THR HG1  H N N 117 
THR HG21 H N N 118 
THR HG22 H N N 119 
THR HG23 H N N 120 
THR HXT  H N N 121 
A2G O5  C5   sing N N 1   
A2G C1  O5   sing N N 2   
A2G C1  C2   sing N N 3   
A2G C1  H1   sing N N 4   
A2G O1  C1   sing N N 5   
A2G O1  HO1  sing N N 6   
A2G C2  C3   sing N N 7   
A2G C2  H2   sing N N 8   
A2G N2  C2   sing N N 9   
A2G N2  HN2  sing N N 10  
A2G C3  C4   sing N N 11  
A2G C3  O3   sing N N 12  
A2G C3  H3   sing N N 13  
A2G O3  HO3  sing N N 14  
A2G C4  O4   sing N N 15  
A2G C4  H4   sing N N 16  
A2G O4  HO4  sing N N 17  
A2G C5  C4   sing N N 18  
A2G C5  C6   sing N N 19  
A2G C5  H5   sing N N 20  
A2G C6  O6   sing N N 21  
A2G C6  H61  sing N N 22  
A2G C7  N2   sing N N 23  
A2G O7  C7   doub N N 24  
A2G C8  C7   sing N N 25  
A2G C8  H81  sing N N 26  
A2G C8  H82  sing N N 27  
A2G C8  H83  sing N N 28  
A2G C6  H62  sing N N 29  
A2G O6  HO6  sing N N 30  
ACE C   O    doub N N 31  
ACE C   CH3  sing N N 32  
ACE C   H    sing N N 33  
ACE CH3 H1   sing N N 34  
ACE CH3 H2   sing N N 35  
ACE CH3 H3   sing N N 36  
LEU N   CA   sing N N 37  
LEU N   H    sing N N 38  
LEU N   H2   sing N N 39  
LEU CA  C    sing N N 40  
LEU CA  CB   sing N N 41  
LEU CA  HA   sing N N 42  
LEU C   O    doub N N 43  
LEU C   OXT  sing N N 44  
LEU CB  CG   sing N N 45  
LEU CB  HB2  sing N N 46  
LEU CB  HB3  sing N N 47  
LEU CG  CD1  sing N N 48  
LEU CG  CD2  sing N N 49  
LEU CG  HG   sing N N 50  
LEU CD1 HD11 sing N N 51  
LEU CD1 HD12 sing N N 52  
LEU CD1 HD13 sing N N 53  
LEU CD2 HD21 sing N N 54  
LEU CD2 HD22 sing N N 55  
LEU CD2 HD23 sing N N 56  
LEU OXT HXT  sing N N 57  
LYS N   CA   sing N N 58  
LYS N   H    sing N N 59  
LYS N   H2   sing N N 60  
LYS CA  C    sing N N 61  
LYS CA  CB   sing N N 62  
LYS CA  HA   sing N N 63  
LYS C   O    doub N N 64  
LYS C   OXT  sing N N 65  
LYS CB  CG   sing N N 66  
LYS CB  HB2  sing N N 67  
LYS CB  HB3  sing N N 68  
LYS CG  CD   sing N N 69  
LYS CG  HG2  sing N N 70  
LYS CG  HG3  sing N N 71  
LYS CD  CE   sing N N 72  
LYS CD  HD2  sing N N 73  
LYS CD  HD3  sing N N 74  
LYS CE  NZ   sing N N 75  
LYS CE  HE2  sing N N 76  
LYS CE  HE3  sing N N 77  
LYS NZ  HZ1  sing N N 78  
LYS NZ  HZ2  sing N N 79  
LYS NZ  HZ3  sing N N 80  
LYS OXT HXT  sing N N 81  
NH2 N   HN1  sing N N 82  
NH2 N   HN2  sing N N 83  
PRO N   CA   sing N N 84  
PRO N   CD   sing N N 85  
PRO N   H    sing N N 86  
PRO CA  C    sing N N 87  
PRO CA  CB   sing N N 88  
PRO CA  HA   sing N N 89  
PRO C   O    doub N N 90  
PRO C   OXT  sing N N 91  
PRO CB  CG   sing N N 92  
PRO CB  HB2  sing N N 93  
PRO CB  HB3  sing N N 94  
PRO CG  CD   sing N N 95  
PRO CG  HG2  sing N N 96  
PRO CG  HG3  sing N N 97  
PRO CD  HD2  sing N N 98  
PRO CD  HD3  sing N N 99  
PRO OXT HXT  sing N N 100 
THR N   CA   sing N N 101 
THR N   H    sing N N 102 
THR N   H2   sing N N 103 
THR CA  C    sing N N 104 
THR CA  CB   sing N N 105 
THR CA  HA   sing N N 106 
THR C   O    doub N N 107 
THR C   OXT  sing N N 108 
THR CB  OG1  sing N N 109 
THR CB  CG2  sing N N 110 
THR CB  HB   sing N N 111 
THR OG1 HG1  sing N N 112 
THR CG2 HG21 sing N N 113 
THR CG2 HG22 sing N N 114 
THR CG2 HG23 sing N N 115 
THR OXT HXT  sing N N 116 
600 Varian INOVA 1 'Varian INOVA' 
800 Varian INOVA 2 'Varian INOVA' 
900 Varian INOVA 3 'Varian INOVA' 
_atom_sites.entry_id                    2LI0 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3]      0.00000 