#   2BEE 
_audit_conform.dict_name       mmcif_pdbx.dic 
_audit_conform.dict_version    5.387 
PDB   2BEE         pdb_00002bee 10.2210/pdb2bee/pdb 
NDB   DR0020       ?            ?                   
RCSB  RCSB034996   ?            ?                   
WWPDB D_1000034996 ?            ?                   
1 'Structure model' 1 0 2005-12-20 
2 'Structure model' 1 1 2008-05-01 
3 'Structure model' 1 2 2011-07-13 
4 'Structure model' 1 3 2022-03-09 
5 'Structure model' 1 4 2023-08-23 
6 'Structure model' 1 5 2024-03-13 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.ordinal             1 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.revision_ordinal    1 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.data_content_type   'Structure model' 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.provider            repository 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.type                'Initial release' 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.description         ? 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.details             ? 
1 2 'Structure model' 'Version format compliance' 
2 3 'Structure model' 'Version format compliance' 
3 4 'Structure model' 'Database references'       
4 4 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations'      
5 4 'Structure model' 'Structure summary'         
6 5 'Structure model' 'Data collection'           
7 5 'Structure model' 'Refinement description'    
8 6 'Structure model' 'Source and taxonomy'       
1  4 'Structure model' chem_comp                     
2  4 'Structure model' database_2                    
3  4 'Structure model' entity                        
4  4 'Structure model' pdbx_entity_nonpoly           
5  4 'Structure model' pdbx_molecule_features        
6  4 'Structure model' struct_site                   
7  5 'Structure model' chem_comp_atom                
8  5 'Structure model' chem_comp_bond                
9  5 'Structure model' pdbx_initial_refinement_model 
10 6 'Structure model' pdbx_entity_src_syn           
1  4 'Structure model' ''                     
2  4 'Structure model' '_chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms'            
3  4 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_DOI'                
4  4 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_database_accession' 
5  4 'Structure model' '_entity.pdbx_description'            
6  4 'Structure model' ''           
7  4 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_asym_id'      
8  4 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_comp_id'      
9  4 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_seq_id'       
10 6 'Structure model' '_pdbx_entity_src_syn.entity_id'      
_pdbx_database_status.status_code                     REL 
_pdbx_database_status.entry_id                        2BEE 
_pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date   2005-10-24 
_pdbx_database_status.deposit_site                    RCSB 
_pdbx_database_status.process_site                    RCSB 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_sf                  REL 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_mr                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.SG_entry                        ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_cs                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.methods_development_category    ? 
_pdbx_database_status.pdb_format_compatible           Y 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data            ? 
PDB 1J7T 'Complex between natural Paromomycin amd the 16S-Rrna A Site'                    unspecified 
PDB 2ESI 'Crystal structure of the complex between Kanamycin A and the 16S-Rrna A Site'   unspecified 
PDB 2BE0 'Complex Between Paromomycin Derivative JS5-39 and the 16S-Rrna A-Site'          unspecified 
PDB 2ESJ 'Crystal structure of the complex between Lividomycin A and the 16S-Rrna A Site' unspecified 
'Francois, B.' 1 
'Westhof, E.'  2 
#                        primary 
'Antibacterial aminoglycosides with a modified mode of binding to the ribosomal-RNA decoding site' 
_citation.journal_abbrev            ANGEW.CHEM.INT.ED.ENGL. 
_citation.journal_volume            43 
_citation.page_first                6735 
_citation.page_last                 6738 
_citation.year                      2004 
_citation.journal_id_ASTM           ACIEAY                   GE 
_citation.journal_id_ISSN           0570-0833 
_citation.journal_id_CSD            0179 
_citation.book_publisher            ? 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed   15593140 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_DOI      10.1002/anie.200462092 
primary 'Francois, B.'   1 ? 
primary 'Szychowski, J.' 2 ? 
primary 'Adhikari, S.S.' 3 ? 
primary 'Pachamuthu, K.' 4 ? 
primary 'Swayze, E.E.'   5 ? 
primary 'Griffey, R.H.'  6 ? 
primary 'Migawa, M.T.'   7 ? 
primary 'Westhof, E.'    8 ? 
primary 'Hanessian, S.'  9 ? 
1 polymer     syn "5'-R(*CP*GP*CP*GP*UP*CP*AP*CP*AP*CP*CP*GP*GP*UP*GP*AP*AP*GP*UP*CP*GP*C)-3'" 7048.259 2  ? ? ? 
'Eubacterial 16S Rrna A Site' 
2 non-polymer syn 
715.791  2  ? ? ? ?                             
3 water       nat water 18.015   63 ? ? ? ?                             
_entity_poly.entity_id                      1 
_entity_poly.type                           polyribonucleotide 
_entity_poly.nstd_linkage                   no 
_entity_poly.nstd_monomer                   no 
_entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code       CGCGUCACACCGGUGAAGUCGC 
_entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code_can   CGCGUCACACCGGUGAAGUCGC 
_entity_poly.pdbx_strand_id                 A,B 
_entity_poly.pdbx_target_identifier         ? 
3 water HOH 
1 1  C n 
1 2  G n 
1 3  C n 
1 4  G n 
1 5  U n 
1 6  C n 
1 7  A n 
1 8  C n 
1 9  A n 
1 10 C n 
1 11 C n 
1 12 G n 
1 13 G n 
1 14 U n 
1 15 G n 
1 16 A n 
1 17 A n 
1 18 G n 
1 19 U n 
1 20 C n 
1 21 G n 
1 22 C n 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.entity_id              1 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_src_id            1 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_alt_source_flag   sample 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_beg_seq_num       ? 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_end_seq_num       ? 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_scientific    'Streptomyces rimosus subsp. paromomycinus' 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_common_name   ? 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.ncbi_taxonomy_id       92743 
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.details                ? 
A   'RNA linking' y "ADENOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE" ? 'C10 H14 N5 O7 P' 347.221 
C   'RNA linking' y "CYTIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE" ? 'C9 H14 N3 O8 P'  323.197 
G   'RNA linking' y "GUANOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE" ? 'C10 H14 N5 O8 P' 363.221 
HOH non-polymer   . WATER ? 'H2 O'            18.015  
JS4 non-polymer   . 
'C28 H57 N7 O14'  715.791 
U   'RNA linking' y "URIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE" ? 'C9 H13 N2 O9 P'  324.181 
A 1 1  C 1  0  ?  ? ? A . n 
A 1 2  G 2  1  1  G G A . n 
A 1 3  C 3  2  2  C C A . n 
A 1 4  G 4  3  3  G G A . n 
A 1 5  U 5  4  4  U U A . n 
A 1 6  C 6  5  5  C C A . n 
A 1 7  A 7  6  6  A A A . n 
A 1 8  C 8  7  7  C C A . n 
A 1 9  A 9  8  8  A A A . n 
A 1 10 C 10 9  9  C C A . n 
A 1 11 C 11 10 10 C C A . n 
A 1 12 G 12 11 11 G G A . n 
A 1 13 G 13 12 12 G G A . n 
A 1 14 U 14 13 13 U U A . n 
A 1 15 G 15 14 14 G G A . n 
A 1 16 A 16 15 15 A A A . n 
A 1 17 A 17 16 16 A A A . n 
A 1 18 G 18 17 17 G G A . n 
A 1 19 U 19 18 18 U U A . n 
A 1 20 C 20 19 19 C C A . n 
A 1 21 G 21 20 20 G G A . n 
A 1 22 C 22 21 21 C C A . n 
B 1 1  C 1  21 ?  ? ? B . n 
B 1 2  G 2  22 22 G G B . n 
B 1 3  C 3  23 23 C C B . n 
B 1 4  G 4  24 24 G G B . n 
B 1 5  U 5  25 25 U U B . n 
B 1 6  C 6  26 26 C C B . n 
B 1 7  A 7  27 27 A A B . n 
B 1 8  C 8  28 28 C C B . n 
B 1 9  A 9  29 29 A A B . n 
B 1 10 C 10 30 30 C C B . n 
B 1 11 C 11 31 31 C C B . n 
B 1 12 G 12 32 32 G G B . n 
B 1 13 G 13 33 33 G G B . n 
B 1 14 U 14 34 34 U U B . n 
B 1 15 G 15 35 35 G G B . n 
B 1 16 A 16 36 36 A A B . n 
B 1 17 A 17 37 37 A A B . n 
B 1 18 G 18 38 38 G G B . n 
B 1 19 U 19 39 39 U U B . n 
B 1 20 C 20 40 40 C C B . n 
B 1 21 G 21 41 41 G G B . n 
B 1 22 C 22 42 42 C C B . n 
C 2 JS4 1  50  50  JS4 JS4 A . 
D 2 JS4 1  51  51  JS4 JS4 B . 
E 3 HOH 1  100 100 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 2  102 102 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 3  103 103 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 4  106 106 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 5  109 109 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 6  112 112 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 7  113 113 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 8  117 117 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 9  119 119 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 10 122 122 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 11 123 123 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 12 125 125 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 13 127 127 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 14 128 128 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 15 129 129 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 16 131 131 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 17 132 132 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 18 133 133 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 19 134 134 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 20 136 136 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 21 137 137 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 22 140 140 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 23 144 144 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 24 145 145 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 25 146 146 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 26 147 147 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 27 148 148 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 28 150 150 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 29 151 151 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 30 154 154 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 31 157 157 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 32 158 158 HOH HOH A . 
E 3 HOH 33 160 160 HOH HOH A . 
F 3 HOH 1  101 101 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 2  104 104 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 3  105 105 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 4  107 107 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 5  108 108 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 6  110 110 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 7  111 111 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 8  114 114 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 9  115 115 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 10 116 116 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 11 118 118 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 12 120 120 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 13 121 121 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 14 124 124 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 15 126 126 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 16 130 130 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 17 135 135 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 18 138 138 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 19 139 139 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 20 141 141 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 21 142 142 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 22 143 143 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 23 149 149 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 24 152 152 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 25 153 153 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 26 155 155 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 27 156 156 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 28 159 159 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 29 161 161 HOH HOH B . 
F 3 HOH 30 162 162 HOH HOH B . 
DENZO     'data reduction' .   ? 1 
SCALEPACK 'data scaling'   .   ? 2 
AMoRE     phasing          .   ? 3 
CNS       refinement       1.1 ? 4 
_cell.entry_id           2BEE 
_cell.length_a           39.171 
_cell.length_b           39.171 
_cell.length_c           99.027 
_cell.angle_alpha        90.00 
_cell.angle_beta         90.00 
_cell.angle_gamma        90.00 
_cell.Z_PDB              8 
_cell.pdbx_unique_axis   ? 
_cell.length_a_esd       ? 
_cell.length_b_esd       ? 
_cell.length_c_esd       ? 
_cell.angle_alpha_esd    ? 
_cell.angle_beta_esd     ? 
_cell.angle_gamma_esd    ? 
_symmetry.entry_id                         2BEE 
_symmetry.space_group_name_H-M             'P 41' 
_symmetry.pdbx_full_space_group_name_H-M   ? 
_symmetry.cell_setting                     ? 
_symmetry.Int_Tables_number                76 
_symmetry.space_group_name_Hall            ? 
_exptl.entry_id          2BEE 
_exptl.method            'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' 
_exptl.crystals_number   1 
#                    1 
_exptl_crystal.density_meas          ? 
_exptl_crystal.density_Matthews      2.69 
_exptl_crystal.density_percent_sol   54.35 
_exptl_crystal.description           ? 
_exptl_crystal.F_000                 ? 
_exptl_crystal.preparation           ? 
_exptl_crystal_grow.crystal_id      1 
_exptl_crystal_grow.method          'VAPOR DIFFUSION, HANGING DROP' 
_exptl_crystal_grow.temp            310 
_exptl_crystal_grow.temp_details    ? 
_exptl_crystal_grow.pH              6.4 
'MPD, KCl, MGSO4, GLYCEROL, Na Cacodylate, pH 6.4, VAPOR DIFFUSION, HANGING DROP, temperature 310K' 
_exptl_crystal_grow.pdbx_pH_range   . 
1 1  1 MPD             ? ? ? 
1 2  1 KCl             ? ? ? 
1 3  1 MGSO4           ? ? ? 
1 4  1 GLYCEROL        ? ? ? 
1 5  1 'Na Cacodylate' ? ? ? 
1 6  1 H2O             ? ? ? 
1 7  2 MPD             ? ? ? 
1 8  2 KCl             ? ? ? 
1 9  2 MGSO4           ? ? ? 
1 10 2 'Na Cacodylate' ? ? ? 
1 11 2 H2O             ? ? ? 
#                     1 
_diffrn.ambient_temp           110 
_diffrn.ambient_temp_details   ? 
_diffrn.crystal_id             1 
_diffrn_detector.diffrn_id              1 
_diffrn_detector.detector               CCD 
_diffrn_detector.type                   'ADSC QUANTUM 4' 
_diffrn_detector.pdbx_collection_date   2003-09-15 
_diffrn_detector.details                ? 
_diffrn_radiation.diffrn_id                        1 
_diffrn_radiation.wavelength_id                    1 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_monochromatic_or_laue_m_l   M 
_diffrn_radiation.monochromator                    ? 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_diffrn_protocol             'SINGLE WAVELENGTH' 
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_scattering_type             x-ray 
#           1 
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength   0.9999 
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wt           1.0 
_diffrn_source.diffrn_id                   1 
_diffrn_source.source                      SYNCHROTRON 
_diffrn_source.type                        'ESRF BEAMLINE ID14-4' 
_diffrn_source.pdbx_synchrotron_site       ESRF 
_diffrn_source.pdbx_synchrotron_beamline   ID14-4 
_diffrn_source.pdbx_wavelength             ? 
_diffrn_source.pdbx_wavelength_list        0.9999 
_reflns.entry_id                     2BEE 
_reflns.observed_criterion_sigma_I   5 
_reflns.observed_criterion_sigma_F   5 
_reflns.d_resolution_low             50 
_reflns.d_resolution_high            2.54 
_reflns.number_obs                   34100 
_reflns.number_all                   34644 
_reflns.percent_possible_obs         98.0 
_reflns.pdbx_Rmerge_I_obs            ? 
_reflns.pdbx_Rsym_value              ? 
_reflns.pdbx_netI_over_sigmaI        ? 
_reflns.B_iso_Wilson_estimate        ? 
_reflns.pdbx_redundancy              7 
_reflns.R_free_details               ? 
_reflns.pdbx_chi_squared             ? 
_reflns.pdbx_scaling_rejects         ? 
_reflns.pdbx_diffrn_id               1 
_reflns.pdbx_ordinal                 1 
_reflns_shell.d_res_high             2.6 
_reflns_shell.d_res_low              2.69 
_reflns_shell.percent_possible_all   100 
_reflns_shell.Rmerge_I_obs           ? 
_reflns_shell.pdbx_Rsym_value        ? 
_reflns_shell.meanI_over_sigI_obs    ? 
_reflns_shell.pdbx_redundancy        ? 
_reflns_shell.percent_possible_obs   ? 
_reflns_shell.number_unique_all      ? 
_reflns_shell.number_measured_all    ? 
_reflns_shell.number_measured_obs    ? 
_reflns_shell.number_unique_obs      ? 
_reflns_shell.pdbx_chi_squared       ? 
_reflns_shell.pdbx_diffrn_id         ? 
_reflns_shell.pdbx_ordinal           1 
_refine.entry_id                                 2BEE 
_refine.ls_number_reflns_obs                     4433 
_refine.ls_number_reflns_all                     4609 
_refine.pdbx_ls_sigma_I                          ? 
_refine.pdbx_ls_sigma_F                          2 
_refine.pdbx_data_cutoff_high_absF               ? 
_refine.pdbx_data_cutoff_low_absF                ? 
_refine.pdbx_data_cutoff_high_rms_absF           ? 
_refine.ls_d_res_low                             30 
_refine.ls_d_res_high                            2.6 
_refine.ls_percent_reflns_obs                    ? 
_refine.ls_R_factor_obs                          ? 
_refine.ls_R_factor_all                          0.22 
_refine.ls_R_factor_R_work                       0.22 
_refine.ls_R_factor_R_free                       0.26 
_refine.ls_R_factor_R_free_error                 ? 
_refine.ls_R_factor_R_free_error_details         ? 
_refine.ls_percent_reflns_R_free                 ? 
_refine.ls_number_reflns_R_free                  471 
_refine.ls_number_parameters                     ? 
_refine.ls_number_restraints                     ? 
_refine.occupancy_min                            ? 
_refine.occupancy_max                            ? 
_refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc               ? 
_refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc_free          ? 
_refine.B_iso_mean                               ? 
_refine.aniso_B[1][1]                            ? 
_refine.aniso_B[2][2]                            ? 
_refine.aniso_B[3][3]                            ? 
_refine.aniso_B[1][2]                            ? 
_refine.aniso_B[1][3]                            ? 
_refine.aniso_B[2][3]                            ? 
_refine.solvent_model_details                    ? 
_refine.solvent_model_param_ksol                 ? 
_refine.solvent_model_param_bsol                 ? 
_refine.pdbx_solvent_vdw_probe_radii             ? 
_refine.pdbx_solvent_ion_probe_radii             ? 
_refine.pdbx_solvent_shrinkage_radii             ? 
_refine.pdbx_ls_cross_valid_method               ? 
_refine.details                                  ? 
_refine.pdbx_starting_model                      'PDB ENTRY 1J7T' 
_refine.pdbx_method_to_determine_struct          'MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT' 
_refine.pdbx_isotropic_thermal_model             ? 
_refine.pdbx_stereochem_target_val_spec_case     ? 
_refine.pdbx_R_Free_selection_details            RANDOM 
_refine.pdbx_overall_ESU_R                       ? 
_refine.pdbx_overall_ESU_R_Free                  ? 
_refine.overall_SU_ML                            ? 
_refine.overall_SU_B                             ? 
_refine.ls_redundancy_reflns_obs                 ? 
_refine.overall_SU_R_Cruickshank_DPI             ? 
_refine.overall_SU_R_free                        ? 
_refine.ls_wR_factor_R_free                      ? 
_refine.ls_wR_factor_R_work                      ? 
_refine.overall_FOM_free_R_set                   ? 
_refine.overall_FOM_work_R_set                   ? 
_refine.pdbx_refine_id                           'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' 
_refine.pdbx_overall_phase_error                 ? 
_refine.pdbx_diffrn_id                           1 
_refine.pdbx_TLS_residual_ADP_flag               ? 
_refine.pdbx_overall_SU_R_free_Cruickshank_DPI   ? 
_refine.pdbx_overall_SU_R_Blow_DPI               ? 
_refine.pdbx_overall_SU_R_free_Blow_DPI          ? 
_refine_analyze.entry_id                        2BEE 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_coordinate_error_obs    0.43 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_sigma_a_obs             0.55 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_d_res_low_obs           5 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_coordinate_error_free   0.53 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_sigma_a_free            0.6 
_refine_analyze.Luzzati_d_res_low_free          ? 
_refine_analyze.number_disordered_residues      ? 
_refine_analyze.occupancy_sum_hydrogen          ? 
_refine_analyze.occupancy_sum_non_hydrogen      ? 
_refine_analyze.pdbx_refine_id                  'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' 
_refine_hist.pdbx_refine_id                   'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' 
_refine_hist.cycle_id                         LAST 
_refine_hist.pdbx_number_atoms_protein        0 
_refine_hist.pdbx_number_atoms_nucleic_acid   898 
_refine_hist.pdbx_number_atoms_ligand         98 
_refine_hist.number_atoms_solvent             63 
_refine_hist.number_atoms_total               1059 
_refine_hist.d_res_high                       2.6 
_refine_hist.d_res_low                        30 
c_bond_d           0.006  ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
c_angle_d          0.966  ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
c_dihedral_angle_d 10.202 ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
c_improper_angle_d 1.249  ? ? ? 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' ? 
_refine_ls_shell.pdbx_total_number_of_bins_used   ? 
_refine_ls_shell.d_res_high                       2.6 
_refine_ls_shell.d_res_low                        2.69 
_refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_R_work             ? 
_refine_ls_shell.R_factor_R_work                  ? 
_refine_ls_shell.percent_reflns_obs               100 
_refine_ls_shell.R_factor_R_free                  ? 
_refine_ls_shell.R_factor_R_free_error            ? 
_refine_ls_shell.percent_reflns_R_free            ? 
_refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_R_free             ? 
_refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_obs                ? 
_refine_ls_shell.redundancy_reflns_obs            ? 
_refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_all                ? 
_refine_ls_shell.R_factor_all                     ? 
_refine_ls_shell.pdbx_refine_id                   'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' 
_database_PDB_matrix.entry_id          2BEE 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][1]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][2]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][3]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][1]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][2]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][3]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][1]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][2]       0.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][3]       1.000000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[1]   0.00000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[2]   0.00000 
_database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[3]   0.00000 
_struct.entry_id                  2BEE 
_struct.title                     'Complex Between Paromomycin derivative JS4 and the 16S-Rrna A Site' 
_struct.pdbx_model_details        ? 
_struct.pdbx_CASP_flag            ? 
_struct.pdbx_model_type_details   ? 
_struct_keywords.entry_id        2BEE 
_struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords   RNA/antibiotic 
_struct_keywords.text            'RNA-AMINOGLYCOSIDE INTERACTIONS, A SITE, UOU PAIRS, AA BULGES, RNA-antibiotic complex' 
A N N 1 ? 
B N N 1 ? 
C N N 2 ? 
D N N 2 ? 
E N N 3 ? 
F N N 3 ? 
#                         1 
_struct_ref.entity_id                  1 
_struct_ref.db_name                    PDB 
_struct_ref.db_code                    2BEE 
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_accession          2BEE 
_struct_ref.pdbx_align_begin           ? 
_struct_ref.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code   ? 
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_isoform            ? 
1 1 2BEE A 1 ? 22 ? 2BEE 0  ? 21 ? 0  21 
2 1 2BEE B 1 ? 22 ? 2BEE 21 ? 42 ? 21 42 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.details              author_defined_assembly 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.method_details       ? 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_details   dimeric 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_count     2 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.assembly_id       1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.oper_expression   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list      A,B,C,D,E,F 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.type                 'identity operation'                 1_555 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.symmetry_operation   x,y,z 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][1]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[1]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][2]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[2]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][3]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[3]            0.0000000000 
hydrog1  hydrog ? ? A G 2  N1 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 22 N3 ? ? A G 1  B C 42 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog2  hydrog ? ? A G 2  N2 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 22 O2 ? ? A G 1  B C 42 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog3  hydrog ? ? A G 2  O6 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 22 N4 ? ? A G 1  B C 42 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog4  hydrog ? ? A C 3  N3 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 21 N1 ? ? A C 2  B G 41 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog5  hydrog ? ? A C 3  N4 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 21 O6 ? ? A C 2  B G 41 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog6  hydrog ? ? A C 3  O2 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 21 N2 ? ? A C 2  B G 41 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog7  hydrog ? ? A G 4  N1 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 20 N3 ? ? A G 3  B C 40 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog8  hydrog ? ? A G 4  N2 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 20 O2 ? ? A G 3  B C 40 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog9  hydrog ? ? A G 4  O6 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 20 N4 ? ? A G 3  B C 40 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog10 hydrog ? ? A U 5  N3 ? ? ? 1_555 B U 19 O4 ? ? A U 4  B U 39 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? TYPE_16_PAIR ? ? ? 
hydrog11 hydrog ? ? A U 5  O2 ? ? ? 1_555 B U 19 N3 ? ? A U 4  B U 39 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? TYPE_16_PAIR ? ? ? 
hydrog12 hydrog ? ? A C 6  N3 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 18 N1 ? ? A C 5  B G 38 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog13 hydrog ? ? A C 6  N4 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 18 O6 ? ? A C 5  B G 38 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog14 hydrog ? ? A C 6  O2 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 18 N2 ? ? A C 5  B G 38 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog15 hydrog ? ? A C 8  N3 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 15 N1 ? ? A C 7  B G 35 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog16 hydrog ? ? A C 8  N4 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 15 O6 ? ? A C 7  B G 35 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog17 hydrog ? ? A C 8  O2 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 15 N2 ? ? A C 7  B G 35 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog18 hydrog ? ? A A 9  N1 ? ? ? 1_555 B U 14 N3 ? ? A A 8  B U 34 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog19 hydrog ? ? A A 9  N6 ? ? ? 1_555 B U 14 O4 ? ? A A 8  B U 34 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog20 hydrog ? ? A C 10 N3 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 13 N1 ? ? A C 9  B G 33 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog21 hydrog ? ? A C 10 N4 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 13 O6 ? ? A C 9  B G 33 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog22 hydrog ? ? A C 10 O2 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 13 N2 ? ? A C 9  B G 33 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog23 hydrog ? ? A C 11 N3 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 12 N1 ? ? A C 10 B G 32 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog24 hydrog ? ? A C 11 N4 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 12 O6 ? ? A C 10 B G 32 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog25 hydrog ? ? A C 11 O2 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 12 N2 ? ? A C 10 B G 32 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog26 hydrog ? ? A G 12 N1 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 11 N3 ? ? A G 11 B C 31 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog27 hydrog ? ? A G 12 N2 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 11 O2 ? ? A G 11 B C 31 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog28 hydrog ? ? A G 12 O6 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 11 N4 ? ? A G 11 B C 31 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog29 hydrog ? ? A G 13 N1 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 10 N3 ? ? A G 12 B C 30 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog30 hydrog ? ? A G 13 N2 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 10 O2 ? ? A G 12 B C 30 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog31 hydrog ? ? A G 13 O6 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 10 N4 ? ? A G 12 B C 30 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog32 hydrog ? ? A U 14 N3 ? ? ? 1_555 B A 9  N1 ? ? A U 13 B A 29 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog33 hydrog ? ? A U 14 O4 ? ? ? 1_555 B A 9  N6 ? ? A U 13 B A 29 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog34 hydrog ? ? A G 15 N1 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 8  N3 ? ? A G 14 B C 28 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog35 hydrog ? ? A G 15 N2 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 8  O2 ? ? A G 14 B C 28 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog36 hydrog ? ? A G 15 O6 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 8  N4 ? ? A G 14 B C 28 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog37 hydrog ? ? A G 18 N1 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 6  N3 ? ? A G 17 B C 26 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog38 hydrog ? ? A G 18 N2 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 6  O2 ? ? A G 17 B C 26 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog39 hydrog ? ? A G 18 O6 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 6  N4 ? ? A G 17 B C 26 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog40 hydrog ? ? A U 19 N3 ? ? ? 1_555 B U 5  O2 ? ? A U 18 B U 25 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? TYPE_16_PAIR ? ? ? 
hydrog41 hydrog ? ? A U 19 O4 ? ? ? 1_555 B U 5  N3 ? ? A U 18 B U 25 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? TYPE_16_PAIR ? ? ? 
hydrog42 hydrog ? ? A C 20 N3 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 4  N1 ? ? A C 19 B G 24 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog43 hydrog ? ? A C 20 N4 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 4  O6 ? ? A C 19 B G 24 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog44 hydrog ? ? A C 20 O2 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 4  N2 ? ? A C 19 B G 24 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog45 hydrog ? ? A G 21 N1 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 3  N3 ? ? A G 20 B C 23 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog46 hydrog ? ? A G 21 N2 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 3  O2 ? ? A G 20 B C 23 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog47 hydrog ? ? A G 21 O6 ? ? ? 1_555 B C 3  N4 ? ? A G 20 B C 23 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog48 hydrog ? ? A C 22 N3 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 2  N1 ? ? A C 21 B G 22 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog49 hydrog ? ? A C 22 N4 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 2  O6 ? ? A C 21 B G 22 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
hydrog50 hydrog ? ? A C 22 O2 ? ? ? 1_555 B G 2  N2 ? ? A C 21 B G 22 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? 
#          hydrog 
_struct_conn_type.criteria    ? 
_struct_conn_type.reference   ? 
AC1 Software A JS4 50 ? 16 'BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE JS4 A 50' 
AC2 Software B JS4 51 ? 13 'BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE JS4 B 51' 
1   ?        ? ?   ?  ? ?  ?                                   
1  AC1 16 U   A 14 ? U   A 13  . ? 1_555 ? 
2  AC1 16 G   A 15 ? G   A 14  . ? 1_555 ? 
3  AC1 16 A   A 16 ? A   A 15  . ? 1_555 ? 
4  AC1 16 A   A 17 ? A   A 16  . ? 1_555 ? 
5  AC1 16 G   A 18 ? G   A 17  . ? 1_555 ? 
6  AC1 16 U   A 19 ? U   A 18  . ? 1_555 ? 
7  AC1 16 HOH E .  ? HOH A 100 . ? 1_555 ? 
8  AC1 16 HOH E .  ? HOH A 109 . ? 1_555 ? 
9  AC1 16 HOH E .  ? HOH A 127 . ? 1_555 ? 
10 AC1 16 HOH E .  ? HOH A 129 . ? 1_555 ? 
11 AC1 16 HOH E .  ? HOH A 133 . ? 1_555 ? 
12 AC1 16 HOH E .  ? HOH A 148 . ? 1_555 ? 
13 AC1 16 U   B 5  ? U   B 25  . ? 1_555 ? 
14 AC1 16 C   B 6  ? C   B 26  . ? 1_555 ? 
15 AC1 16 A   B 7  ? A   B 27  . ? 1_555 ? 
16 AC1 16 A   B 9  ? A   B 29  . ? 1_555 ? 
17 AC2 13 U   A 5  ? U   A 4   . ? 1_555 ? 
18 AC2 13 C   A 6  ? C   A 5   . ? 1_555 ? 
19 AC2 13 A   A 7  ? A   A 6   . ? 1_555 ? 
20 AC2 13 A   A 9  ? A   A 8   . ? 1_555 ? 
21 AC2 13 U   B 14 ? U   B 34  . ? 1_555 ? 
22 AC2 13 G   B 15 ? G   B 35  . ? 1_555 ? 
23 AC2 13 A   B 16 ? A   B 36  . ? 1_555 ? 
24 AC2 13 A   B 17 ? A   B 37  . ? 1_555 ? 
25 AC2 13 G   B 18 ? G   B 38  . ? 1_555 ? 
26 AC2 13 U   B 19 ? U   B 39  . ? 1_555 ? 
27 AC2 13 HOH F .  ? HOH B 107 . ? 1_555 ? 
28 AC2 13 HOH F .  ? HOH B 120 . ? 1_555 ? 
29 AC2 13 HOH F .  ? HOH B 152 . ? 1_555 ? 
1 1 C33 ? A JS4 50 ? PLANAR . 
2 1 C33 ? B JS4 51 ? PLANAR . 
_struct_site_keywords.site_id   1 
_struct_site_keywords.text      BIS-INTERCALATION 
1 1 Y 1 A C 0  ? A C 1 
2 1 Y 1 B C 21 ? B C 1 
A   OP3    O N N 1   
A   P      P N N 2   
A   OP1    O N N 3   
A   OP2    O N N 4   
A   "O5'"  O N N 5   
A   "C5'"  C N N 6   
A   "C4'"  C N R 7   
A   "O4'"  O N N 8   
A   "C3'"  C N S 9   
A   "O3'"  O N N 10  
A   "C2'"  C N R 11  
A   "O2'"  O N N 12  
A   "C1'"  C N R 13  
A   N9     N Y N 14  
A   C8     C Y N 15  
A   N7     N Y N 16  
A   C5     C Y N 17  
A   C6     C Y N 18  
A   N6     N N N 19  
A   N1     N Y N 20  
A   C2     C Y N 21  
A   N3     N Y N 22  
A   C4     C Y N 23  
A   HOP3   H N N 24  
A   HOP2   H N N 25  
A   "H5'"  H N N 26  
A   "H5''" H N N 27  
A   "H4'"  H N N 28  
A   "H3'"  H N N 29  
A   "HO3'" H N N 30  
A   "H2'"  H N N 31  
A   "HO2'" H N N 32  
A   "H1'"  H N N 33  
A   H8     H N N 34  
A   H61    H N N 35  
A   H62    H N N 36  
A   H2     H N N 37  
C   OP3    O N N 38  
C   P      P N N 39  
C   OP1    O N N 40  
C   OP2    O N N 41  
C   "O5'"  O N N 42  
C   "C5'"  C N N 43  
C   "C4'"  C N R 44  
C   "O4'"  O N N 45  
C   "C3'"  C N S 46  
C   "O3'"  O N N 47  
C   "C2'"  C N R 48  
C   "O2'"  O N N 49  
C   "C1'"  C N R 50  
C   N1     N N N 51  
C   C2     C N N 52  
C   O2     O N N 53  
C   N3     N N N 54  
C   C4     C N N 55  
C   N4     N N N 56  
C   C5     C N N 57  
C   C6     C N N 58  
C   HOP3   H N N 59  
C   HOP2   H N N 60  
C   "H5'"  H N N 61  
C   "H5''" H N N 62  
C   "H4'"  H N N 63  
C   "H3'"  H N N 64  
C   "HO3'" H N N 65  
C   "H2'"  H N N 66  
C   "HO2'" H N N 67  
C   "H1'"  H N N 68  
C   H41    H N N 69  
C   H42    H N N 70  
C   H5     H N N 71  
C   H6     H N N 72  
G   OP3    O N N 73  
G   P      P N N 74  
G   OP1    O N N 75  
G   OP2    O N N 76  
G   "O5'"  O N N 77  
G   "C5'"  C N N 78  
G   "C4'"  C N R 79  
G   "O4'"  O N N 80  
G   "C3'"  C N S 81  
G   "O3'"  O N N 82  
G   "C2'"  C N R 83  
G   "O2'"  O N N 84  
G   "C1'"  C N R 85  
G   N9     N Y N 86  
G   C8     C Y N 87  
G   N7     N Y N 88  
G   C5     C Y N 89  
G   C6     C N N 90  
G   O6     O N N 91  
G   N1     N N N 92  
G   C2     C N N 93  
G   N2     N N N 94  
G   N3     N N N 95  
G   C4     C Y N 96  
G   HOP3   H N N 97  
G   HOP2   H N N 98  
G   "H5'"  H N N 99  
G   "H5''" H N N 100 
G   "H4'"  H N N 101 
G   "H3'"  H N N 102 
G   "HO3'" H N N 103 
G   "H2'"  H N N 104 
G   "HO2'" H N N 105 
G   "H1'"  H N N 106 
G   H8     H N N 107 
G   H1     H N N 108 
G   H21    H N N 109 
G   H22    H N N 110 
HOH O      O N N 111 
HOH H1     H N N 112 
HOH H2     H N N 113 
JS4 C11    C N S 114 
JS4 O11    O N N 115 
JS4 C21    C N R 116 
JS4 N21    N N N 117 
JS4 C31    C N R 118 
JS4 O31    O N N 119 
JS4 C41    C N S 120 
JS4 O41    O N N 121 
JS4 C51    C N R 122 
JS4 O51    O N N 123 
JS4 C61    C N N 124 
JS4 O61    O N N 125 
JS4 C12    C N R 126 
JS4 N12    N N N 127 
JS4 C22    C N N 128 
JS4 C32    C N S 129 
JS4 N32    N N N 130 
JS4 C42    C N R 131 
JS4 C52    C N R 132 
JS4 O52    O N N 133 
JS4 C62    C N S 134 
JS4 O62    O N N 135 
JS4 C13    C N S 136 
JS4 C23    C N R 137 
JS4 O23    O N N 138 
JS4 C33    C N R 139 
JS4 C43    C N R 140 
JS4 O43    O N N 141 
JS4 C53    C N N 142 
JS4 O33    O N N 143 
JS4 O53    O N N 144 
JS4 C63    C N N 145 
JS4 C73    C N N 146 
JS4 N73    N N N 147 
JS4 C83    C N N 148 
JS4 C15    C N N 149 
JS4 C25    C N N 150 
JS4 N25    N N N 151 
JS4 C14    C N R 152 
JS4 C24    C N R 153 
JS4 N24    N N N 154 
JS4 C34    C N R 155 
JS4 O34    O N N 156 
JS4 C44    C N S 157 
JS4 O44    O N N 158 
JS4 C54    C N S 159 
JS4 O54    O N N 160 
JS4 C64    C N N 161 
JS4 N64    N N N 162 
JS4 H11    H N N 163 
JS4 H21    H N N 164 
JS4 H211   H N N 165 
JS4 H212   H N N 166 
JS4 H31    H N N 167 
JS4 H5     H N N 168 
JS4 H41    H N N 169 
JS4 H4     H N N 170 
JS4 H51    H N N 171 
JS4 H611   H N N 172 
JS4 H612   H N N 173 
JS4 H61    H N N 174 
JS4 H12    H N N 175 
JS4 H121   H N N 176 
JS4 H122   H N N 177 
JS4 H221   H N N 178 
JS4 H222   H N N 179 
JS4 H32    H N N 180 
JS4 H321   H N N 181 
JS4 H322   H N N 182 
JS4 H42    H N N 183 
JS4 H52    H N N 184 
JS4 H62    H N N 185 
JS4 H3     H N N 186 
JS4 H13    H N N 187 
JS4 H23    H N N 188 
JS4 H33    H N N 189 
JS4 H43    H N N 190 
JS4 H531   H N N 191 
JS4 H532   H N N 192 
JS4 H53    H N N 193 
JS4 H631   H N N 194 
JS4 H632   H N N 195 
JS4 H731   H N N 196 
JS4 H732   H N N 197 
JS4 H73    H N N 198 
JS4 H831   H N N 199 
JS4 H832   H N N 200 
JS4 H151   H N N 201 
JS4 H152   H N N 202 
JS4 H11A   H N N 203 
JS4 H12A   H N N 204 
JS4 H251   H N N 205 
JS4 H252   H N N 206 
JS4 H14    H N N 207 
JS4 H24    H N N 208 
JS4 H241   H N N 209 
JS4 H242   H N N 210 
JS4 H34    H N N 211 
JS4 H2     H N N 212 
JS4 H44    H N N 213 
JS4 H1     H N N 214 
JS4 H54    H N N 215 
JS4 H641   H N N 216 
JS4 H642   H N N 217 
JS4 H21A   H N N 218 
JS4 H22    H N N 219 
U   OP3    O N N 220 
U   P      P N N 221 
U   OP1    O N N 222 
U   OP2    O N N 223 
U   "O5'"  O N N 224 
U   "C5'"  C N N 225 
U   "C4'"  C N R 226 
U   "O4'"  O N N 227 
U   "C3'"  C N S 228 
U   "O3'"  O N N 229 
U   "C2'"  C N R 230 
U   "O2'"  O N N 231 
U   "C1'"  C N R 232 
U   N1     N N N 233 
U   C2     C N N 234 
U   O2     O N N 235 
U   N3     N N N 236 
U   C4     C N N 237 
U   O4     O N N 238 
U   C5     C N N 239 
U   C6     C N N 240 
U   HOP3   H N N 241 
U   HOP2   H N N 242 
U   "H5'"  H N N 243 
U   "H5''" H N N 244 
U   "H4'"  H N N 245 
U   "H3'"  H N N 246 
U   "HO3'" H N N 247 
U   "H2'"  H N N 248 
U   "HO2'" H N N 249 
U   "H1'"  H N N 250 
U   H3     H N N 251 
U   H5     H N N 252 
U   H6     H N N 253 
A   OP3   P      sing N N 1   
A   OP3   HOP3   sing N N 2   
A   P     OP1    doub N N 3   
A   P     OP2    sing N N 4   
A   P     "O5'"  sing N N 5   
A   OP2   HOP2   sing N N 6   
A   "O5'" "C5'"  sing N N 7   
A   "C5'" "C4'"  sing N N 8   
A   "C5'" "H5'"  sing N N 9   
A   "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 10  
A   "C4'" "O4'"  sing N N 11  
A   "C4'" "C3'"  sing N N 12  
A   "C4'" "H4'"  sing N N 13  
A   "O4'" "C1'"  sing N N 14  
A   "C3'" "O3'"  sing N N 15  
A   "C3'" "C2'"  sing N N 16  
A   "C3'" "H3'"  sing N N 17  
A   "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 18  
A   "C2'" "O2'"  sing N N 19  
A   "C2'" "C1'"  sing N N 20  
A   "C2'" "H2'"  sing N N 21  
A   "O2'" "HO2'" sing N N 22  
A   "C1'" N9     sing N N 23  
A   "C1'" "H1'"  sing N N 24  
A   N9    C8     sing Y N 25  
A   N9    C4     sing Y N 26  
A   C8    N7     doub Y N 27  
A   C8    H8     sing N N 28  
A   N7    C5     sing Y N 29  
A   C5    C6     sing Y N 30  
A   C5    C4     doub Y N 31  
A   C6    N6     sing N N 32  
A   C6    N1     doub Y N 33  
A   N6    H61    sing N N 34  
A   N6    H62    sing N N 35  
A   N1    C2     sing Y N 36  
A   C2    N3     doub Y N 37  
A   C2    H2     sing N N 38  
A   N3    C4     sing Y N 39  
C   OP3   P      sing N N 40  
C   OP3   HOP3   sing N N 41  
C   P     OP1    doub N N 42  
C   P     OP2    sing N N 43  
C   P     "O5'"  sing N N 44  
C   OP2   HOP2   sing N N 45  
C   "O5'" "C5'"  sing N N 46  
C   "C5'" "C4'"  sing N N 47  
C   "C5'" "H5'"  sing N N 48  
C   "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 49  
C   "C4'" "O4'"  sing N N 50  
C   "C4'" "C3'"  sing N N 51  
C   "C4'" "H4'"  sing N N 52  
C   "O4'" "C1'"  sing N N 53  
C   "C3'" "O3'"  sing N N 54  
C   "C3'" "C2'"  sing N N 55  
C   "C3'" "H3'"  sing N N 56  
C   "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 57  
C   "C2'" "O2'"  sing N N 58  
C   "C2'" "C1'"  sing N N 59  
C   "C2'" "H2'"  sing N N 60  
C   "O2'" "HO2'" sing N N 61  
C   "C1'" N1     sing N N 62  
C   "C1'" "H1'"  sing N N 63  
C   N1    C2     sing N N 64  
C   N1    C6     sing N N 65  
C   C2    O2     doub N N 66  
C   C2    N3     sing N N 67  
C   N3    C4     doub N N 68  
C   C4    N4     sing N N 69  
C   C4    C5     sing N N 70  
C   N4    H41    sing N N 71  
C   N4    H42    sing N N 72  
C   C5    C6     doub N N 73  
C   C5    H5     sing N N 74  
C   C6    H6     sing N N 75  
G   OP3   P      sing N N 76  
G   OP3   HOP3   sing N N 77  
G   P     OP1    doub N N 78  
G   P     OP2    sing N N 79  
G   P     "O5'"  sing N N 80  
G   OP2   HOP2   sing N N 81  
G   "O5'" "C5'"  sing N N 82  
G   "C5'" "C4'"  sing N N 83  
G   "C5'" "H5'"  sing N N 84  
G   "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 85  
G   "C4'" "O4'"  sing N N 86  
G   "C4'" "C3'"  sing N N 87  
G   "C4'" "H4'"  sing N N 88  
G   "O4'" "C1'"  sing N N 89  
G   "C3'" "O3'"  sing N N 90  
G   "C3'" "C2'"  sing N N 91  
G   "C3'" "H3'"  sing N N 92  
G   "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 93  
G   "C2'" "O2'"  sing N N 94  
G   "C2'" "C1'"  sing N N 95  
G   "C2'" "H2'"  sing N N 96  
G   "O2'" "HO2'" sing N N 97  
G   "C1'" N9     sing N N 98  
G   "C1'" "H1'"  sing N N 99  
G   N9    C8     sing Y N 100 
G   N9    C4     sing Y N 101 
G   C8    N7     doub Y N 102 
G   C8    H8     sing N N 103 
G   N7    C5     sing Y N 104 
G   C5    C6     sing N N 105 
G   C5    C4     doub Y N 106 
G   C6    O6     doub N N 107 
G   C6    N1     sing N N 108 
G   N1    C2     sing N N 109 
G   N1    H1     sing N N 110 
G   C2    N2     sing N N 111 
G   C2    N3     doub N N 112 
G   N2    H21    sing N N 113 
G   N2    H22    sing N N 114 
G   N3    C4     sing N N 115 
HOH O     H1     sing N N 116 
HOH O     H2     sing N N 117 
JS4 C11   O11    sing N N 118 
JS4 C11   C21    sing N N 119 
JS4 C11   O51    sing N N 120 
JS4 C11   H11    sing N N 121 
JS4 O11   C42    sing N N 122 
JS4 C21   N21    sing N N 123 
JS4 C21   C31    sing N N 124 
JS4 C21   H21    sing N N 125 
JS4 N21   H211   sing N N 126 
JS4 N21   H212   sing N N 127 
JS4 C31   O31    sing N N 128 
JS4 C31   C41    sing N N 129 
JS4 C31   H31    sing N N 130 
JS4 O31   H5     sing N N 131 
JS4 C41   O41    sing N N 132 
JS4 C41   C51    sing N N 133 
JS4 C41   H41    sing N N 134 
JS4 O41   H4     sing N N 135 
JS4 C51   O51    sing N N 136 
JS4 C51   C61    sing N N 137 
JS4 C51   H51    sing N N 138 
JS4 C61   O61    sing N N 139 
JS4 C61   H611   sing N N 140 
JS4 C61   H612   sing N N 141 
JS4 O61   H61    sing N N 142 
JS4 C12   N12    sing N N 143 
JS4 C12   C22    sing N N 144 
JS4 C12   C62    sing N N 145 
JS4 C12   H12    sing N N 146 
JS4 N12   H121   sing N N 147 
JS4 N12   H122   sing N N 148 
JS4 C22   C32    sing N N 149 
JS4 C22   H221   sing N N 150 
JS4 C22   H222   sing N N 151 
JS4 C32   N32    sing N N 152 
JS4 C32   C42    sing N N 153 
JS4 C32   H32    sing N N 154 
JS4 N32   H321   sing N N 155 
JS4 N32   H322   sing N N 156 
JS4 C42   C52    sing N N 157 
JS4 C42   H42    sing N N 158 
JS4 C52   O52    sing N N 159 
JS4 C52   C62    sing N N 160 
JS4 C52   H52    sing N N 161 
JS4 O52   C13    sing N N 162 
JS4 C62   O62    sing N N 163 
JS4 C62   H62    sing N N 164 
JS4 O62   H3     sing N N 165 
JS4 C13   C23    sing N N 166 
JS4 C13   O43    sing N N 167 
JS4 C13   H13    sing N N 168 
JS4 C23   O23    sing N N 169 
JS4 C23   C33    sing N N 170 
JS4 C23   H23    sing N N 171 
JS4 O23   C63    sing N N 172 
JS4 C33   C43    sing N N 173 
JS4 C33   O33    sing N N 174 
JS4 C33   H33    sing N N 175 
JS4 C43   O43    sing N N 176 
JS4 C43   C53    sing N N 177 
JS4 C43   H43    sing N N 178 
JS4 C53   O53    sing N N 179 
JS4 C53   H531   sing N N 180 
JS4 C53   H532   sing N N 181 
JS4 O33   C14    sing N N 182 
JS4 O53   H53    sing N N 183 
JS4 C63   C73    sing N N 184 
JS4 C63   H631   sing N N 185 
JS4 C63   H632   sing N N 186 
JS4 C73   N73    sing N N 187 
JS4 C73   H731   sing N N 188 
JS4 C73   H732   sing N N 189 
JS4 N73   C83    sing N N 190 
JS4 N73   H73    sing N N 191 
JS4 C83   C15    sing N N 192 
JS4 C83   H831   sing N N 193 
JS4 C83   H832   sing N N 194 
JS4 C15   C25    sing N N 195 
JS4 C15   H151   sing N N 196 
JS4 C15   H152   sing N N 197 
JS4 C25   N25    sing N N 198 
JS4 C25   H11A   sing N N 199 
JS4 C25   H12A   sing N N 200 
JS4 N25   H251   sing N N 201 
JS4 N25   H252   sing N N 202 
JS4 C14   C24    sing N N 203 
JS4 C14   O54    sing N N 204 
JS4 C14   H14    sing N N 205 
JS4 C24   N24    sing N N 206 
JS4 C24   C34    sing N N 207 
JS4 C24   H24    sing N N 208 
JS4 N24   H241   sing N N 209 
JS4 N24   H242   sing N N 210 
JS4 C34   O34    sing N N 211 
JS4 C34   C44    sing N N 212 
JS4 C34   H34    sing N N 213 
JS4 O34   H2     sing N N 214 
JS4 C44   O44    sing N N 215 
JS4 C44   C54    sing N N 216 
JS4 C44   H44    sing N N 217 
JS4 O44   H1     sing N N 218 
JS4 C54   O54    sing N N 219 
JS4 C54   C64    sing N N 220 
JS4 C54   H54    sing N N 221 
JS4 C64   N64    sing N N 222 
JS4 C64   H641   sing N N 223 
JS4 C64   H642   sing N N 224 
JS4 N64   H21A   sing N N 225 
JS4 N64   H22    sing N N 226 
U   OP3   P      sing N N 227 
U   OP3   HOP3   sing N N 228 
U   P     OP1    doub N N 229 
U   P     OP2    sing N N 230 
U   P     "O5'"  sing N N 231 
U   OP2   HOP2   sing N N 232 
U   "O5'" "C5'"  sing N N 233 
U   "C5'" "C4'"  sing N N 234 
U   "C5'" "H5'"  sing N N 235 
U   "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 236 
U   "C4'" "O4'"  sing N N 237 
U   "C4'" "C3'"  sing N N 238 
U   "C4'" "H4'"  sing N N 239 
U   "O4'" "C1'"  sing N N 240 
U   "C3'" "O3'"  sing N N 241 
U   "C3'" "C2'"  sing N N 242 
U   "C3'" "H3'"  sing N N 243 
U   "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 244 
U   "C2'" "O2'"  sing N N 245 
U   "C2'" "C1'"  sing N N 246 
U   "C2'" "H2'"  sing N N 247 
U   "O2'" "HO2'" sing N N 248 
U   "C1'" N1     sing N N 249 
U   "C1'" "H1'"  sing N N 250 
U   N1    C2     sing N N 251 
U   N1    C6     sing N N 252 
U   C2    O2     doub N N 253 
U   C2    N3     sing N N 254 
U   N3    C4     sing N N 255 
U   N3    H3     sing N N 256 
U   C4    O4     doub N N 257 
U   C4    C5     sing N N 258 
U   C5    C6     doub N N 259 
U   C5    H5     sing N N 260 
U   C6    H6     sing N N 261 
2BEE 'double helix'         
2BEE 'a-form double helix'  
2BEE 'mismatched base pair' 
2BEE 'internal loop'        
1 A G 2  1_555 B C 22 1_555 0.374  -0.362 -0.075 -4.436 -2.387  -4.172 1  A_G1:C42_B  A 1  ? B 42 ? 19 1 
1 A C 3  1_555 B G 21 1_555 -0.059 -0.215 0.071  -0.420 -4.791  -1.906 2  A_C2:G41_B  A 2  ? B 41 ? 19 1 
1 A G 4  1_555 B C 20 1_555 0.371  0.208  -0.053 -9.568 -11.164 5.853  3  A_G3:C40_B  A 3  ? B 40 ? 19 1 
1 A U 5  1_555 B U 19 1_555 2.274  -1.732 0.252  2.753  -6.158  7.956  4  A_U4:U39_B  A 4  ? B 39 ? 16 1 
1 A C 6  1_555 B G 18 1_555 0.110  -0.072 -0.176 -4.637 -7.169  2.024  5  A_C5:G38_B  A 5  ? B 38 ? 19 1 
1 A C 8  1_555 B G 15 1_555 0.595  -0.109 -0.014 9.959  -19.502 3.833  6  A_C7:G35_B  A 7  ? B 35 ? 19 1 
1 A A 9  1_555 B U 14 1_555 0.136  -0.271 0.234  2.509  -10.190 1.566  7  A_A8:U34_B  A 8  ? B 34 ? 20 1 
1 A C 10 1_555 B G 13 1_555 0.421  -0.213 0.213  2.358  -13.481 2.080  8  A_C9:G33_B  A 9  ? B 33 ? 19 1 
1 A C 11 1_555 B G 12 1_555 0.334  0.151  0.073  -0.886 -8.638  6.285  9  A_C10:G32_B A 10 ? B 32 ? 19 1 
1 A G 12 1_555 B C 11 1_555 -0.181 0.032  0.047  -1.553 -8.680  5.541  10 A_G11:C31_B A 11 ? B 31 ? 19 1 
1 A G 13 1_555 B C 10 1_555 -0.538 -0.071 0.282  -2.594 -15.085 4.072  11 A_G12:C30_B A 12 ? B 30 ? 19 1 
1 A U 14 1_555 B A 9  1_555 0.031  -0.220 0.306  -3.153 -11.202 7.078  12 A_U13:A29_B A 13 ? B 29 ? 20 1 
1 A G 15 1_555 B C 8  1_555 -0.819 -0.093 0.204  -6.740 -19.082 1.775  13 A_G14:C28_B A 14 ? B 28 ? 19 1 
1 A G 18 1_555 B C 6  1_555 -0.354 -0.025 -0.385 3.797  -6.352  -0.233 14 A_G17:C26_B A 17 ? B 26 ? 19 1 
1 A U 19 1_555 B U 5  1_555 -2.399 -1.763 0.189  -2.642 -4.482  4.899  15 A_U18:U25_B A 18 ? B 25 ? 16 1 
1 A C 20 1_555 B G 4  1_555 -0.283 -0.135 0.120  4.501  -7.682  2.978  16 A_C19:G24_B A 19 ? B 24 ? 19 1 
1 A G 21 1_555 B C 3  1_555 0.334  -0.282 -0.022 -0.813 -3.350  -4.576 17 A_G20:C23_B A 20 ? B 23 ? 19 1 
1 A C 22 1_555 B G 2  1_555 0.346  -0.473 0.079  1.434  -2.832  -2.828 18 A_C21:G22_B A 21 ? B 22 ? 19 1 
1 A G 2  1_555 B C 22 1_555 A C 3  1_555 B G 21 1_555 -0.212 -1.829 3.268 -1.702  0.480  25.976 -4.192 0.006  3.241 1.067  3.782   
26.035 1  AA_G1C2:G41C42_BB   A 1  ? B 42 ? A 2  ? B 41 ? 
1 A C 3  1_555 B G 21 1_555 A G 4  1_555 B C 20 1_555 0.833  -1.909 3.352 1.634   11.906 33.950 -4.683 -1.131 2.594 19.641 -2.695  
35.955 2  AA_C2G3:C40G41_BB   A 2  ? B 41 ? A 3  ? B 40 ? 
1 A G 4  1_555 B C 20 1_555 A U 5  1_555 B U 19 1_555 0.410  -1.295 3.011 -2.571  -2.731 39.666 -1.606 -0.878 3.059 -4.013 3.779   
39.835 3  AA_G3U4:U39C40_BB   A 3  ? B 40 ? A 4  ? B 39 ? 
1 A U 5  1_555 B U 19 1_555 A C 6  1_555 B G 18 1_555 -0.464 -2.723 3.302 6.239   2.409  25.522 -6.585 2.609  2.845 5.337  -13.822 
26.369 4  AA_U4C5:G38U39_BB   A 4  ? B 39 ? A 5  ? B 38 ? 
1 A C 6  1_555 B G 18 1_555 A C 8  1_555 B G 15 1_555 1.550  -3.469 6.072 -12.062 22.382 77.551 -3.667 -1.730 4.855 17.439 9.398   
80.984 5  AA_C5C7:G35G38_BB   A 5  ? B 38 ? A 7  ? B 35 ? 
1 A C 8  1_555 B G 15 1_555 A A 9  1_555 B U 14 1_555 0.003  -1.709 3.200 -3.740  13.324 31.788 -4.681 -0.513 2.305 23.010 6.459   
34.599 6  AA_C7A8:U34G35_BB   A 7  ? B 35 ? A 8  ? B 34 ? 
1 A A 9  1_555 B U 14 1_555 A C 10 1_555 B G 13 1_555 -0.140 -1.549 3.101 0.770   6.134  35.208 -3.329 0.329  2.797 10.045 -1.261  
35.730 7  AA_A8C9:G33U34_BB   A 8  ? B 34 ? A 9  ? B 33 ? 
1 A C 10 1_555 B G 13 1_555 A C 11 1_555 B G 12 1_555 -0.146 -1.452 3.253 1.719   5.116  32.161 -3.441 0.547  2.981 9.154  -3.076  
32.599 8  AA_C9C10:G32G33_BB  A 9  ? B 33 ? A 10 ? B 32 ? 
1 A C 11 1_555 B G 12 1_555 A G 12 1_555 B C 11 1_555 -0.103 -1.827 3.238 0.272   5.768  23.931 -5.926 0.319  2.727 13.658 -0.644  
24.608 9  AA_C10G11:C31G32_BB A 10 ? B 32 ? A 11 ? B 31 ? 
1 A G 12 1_555 B C 11 1_555 A G 13 1_555 B C 10 1_555 0.224  -1.456 3.268 -1.825  4.032  31.731 -3.344 -0.725 3.047 7.329  3.317   
32.031 10 AA_G11G12:C30C31_BB A 11 ? B 31 ? A 12 ? B 30 ? 
1 A G 13 1_555 B C 10 1_555 A U 14 1_555 B A 9  1_555 0.391  -1.472 3.145 -0.988  6.466  35.845 -3.182 -0.753 2.834 10.399 1.590   
36.418 11 AA_G12U13:A29C30_BB A 12 ? B 30 ? A 13 ? B 29 ? 
1 A U 14 1_555 B A 9  1_555 A G 15 1_555 B C 8  1_555 -0.248 -1.780 2.967 2.278   12.684 29.767 -4.979 0.765  2.035 23.361 -4.196  
32.379 12 AA_U13G14:C28A29_BB A 13 ? B 29 ? A 14 ? B 28 ? 
1 A G 15 1_555 B C 8  1_555 A G 18 1_555 B C 6  1_555 -1.507 -3.559 6.159 13.557  23.567 78.053 -3.748 1.744  4.847 18.211 -10.475 
81.934 13 AA_G14G17:C26C28_BB A 14 ? B 28 ? A 17 ? B 26 ? 
1 A G 18 1_555 B C 6  1_555 A U 19 1_555 B U 5  1_555 0.474  -2.762 3.355 -7.327  1.833  26.328 -6.282 -2.780 2.923 3.923  15.680  
27.371 14 AA_G17U18:U25C26_BB A 17 ? B 26 ? A 18 ? B 25 ? 
1 A U 19 1_555 B U 5  1_555 A C 20 1_555 B G 4  1_555 -0.386 -1.329 3.135 0.028   -2.845 40.271 -1.615 0.563  3.218 -4.125 -0.041  
40.367 15 AA_U18C19:G24U25_BB A 18 ? B 25 ? A 19 ? B 24 ? 
1 A C 20 1_555 B G 4  1_555 A G 21 1_555 B C 3  1_555 -0.761 -2.098 3.229 0.835   11.136 34.061 -4.836 1.345  2.427 18.407 -1.381  
35.793 16 AA_C19G20:C23G24_BB A 19 ? B 24 ? A 20 ? B 23 ? 
1 A G 21 1_555 B C 3  1_555 A C 22 1_555 B G 2  1_555 0.459  -1.787 3.250 -0.518  0.411  28.104 -3.775 -1.065 3.215 0.846  1.067   
28.111 17 AA_G20C21:G22C23_BB A 20 ? B 23 ? A 21 ? B 22 ? 
#               1 
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.entity_id_list   ? 
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.type             'experimental model' 
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.source_name      PDB 
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.accession_code   1J7T 
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.details          'PDB ENTRY 1J7T' 
_atom_sites.entry_id                    2BEE 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1]   0.025529 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2]   0.025529 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3]   0.010098 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3]      0.00000 