#   2M7C 
_audit_conform.dict_name       mmcif_pdbx.dic 
_audit_conform.dict_version    5.371 
PDB   2M7C         pdb_00002m7c 10.2210/pdb2m7c/pdb 
RCSB  RCSB103300   ?            ?                   
BMRB  19180        ?            ?                   
WWPDB D_1000103300 ?            ?                   
unspecified 2LL5  PDB  'Cyclo-TC1 Trp-cage' 
unspecified 3UC7  PDB  .                    
unspecified 3UC8  PDB  .                    
unspecified 2JOF  PDB  .                    
unspecified 1L2Y  PDB  .                    
unspecified 2LDJ  PDB  .                    
unspecified 19180 BMRB .                    
unspecified 2M7D  PDB  .                    
_pdbx_database_status.deposit_site                    BMRB 
_pdbx_database_status.entry_id                        2M7C 
_pdbx_database_status.process_site                    RCSB 
_pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date   2013-04-18 
_pdbx_database_status.SG_entry                        ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code                     REL 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_mr                  REL 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_sf                  ? 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_cs                  REL 
_pdbx_database_status.methods_development_category    ? 
_pdbx_database_status.pdb_format_compatible           Y 
_pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data            REL 
'Byrne, A.'      1 
'Andersen, N.H.' 2 
'Kier, B.L.'     3 
#                        primary 
_citation.title                     'Circular Permutation of the Trp-cage: Fold Rescue upon Addition of a Hydrophobic Staple.' 
_citation.journal_abbrev            'RSC Adv' 
_citation.journal_volume            2013 
_citation.page_first                19824 
_citation.page_last                 19829 
_citation.year                      2013 
_citation.journal_id_ASTM           ?                   UK 
_citation.journal_id_ISSN           2046-2069 
_citation.journal_id_CSD            ? 
_citation.book_publisher            ? 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed   24376912 
_citation.pdbx_database_id_DOI      10.1039/C3RA43674H 
primary 'Byrne, A.'      1 ? 
primary 'Kier, B.L.'     2 ? 
primary 'Williams, D.V.' 3 ? 
primary 'Scian, M.'      4 ? 
primary 'Andersen, N.H.' 5 ? 
_cell.entry_id           2M7C 
_cell.length_a           1.000 
_cell.length_b           1.000 
_cell.length_c           1.000 
_cell.angle_alpha        90.00 
_cell.angle_beta         90.00 
_cell.angle_gamma        90.00 
_cell.Z_PDB              1 
_cell.pdbx_unique_axis   ? 
_symmetry.entry_id                         2M7C 
_symmetry.space_group_name_H-M             'P 1' 
_symmetry.pdbx_full_space_group_name_H-M   ? 
_symmetry.cell_setting                     ? 
_symmetry.Int_Tables_number                1 
#                         1 
_entity.type                       polymer 
_entity.src_method                 syn 
_entity.pdbx_description           'Trp-Cage mini-protein' 
_entity.formula_weight             2216.388 
_entity.pdbx_number_of_molecules   1 
_entity.pdbx_ec                    ? 
_entity.pdbx_mutation              ? 
_entity.pdbx_fragment              ? 
_entity.details                    ? 
_entity_poly.entity_id                      1 
_entity_poly.type                           'polypeptide(L)' 
_entity_poly.nstd_linkage                   no 
_entity_poly.nstd_monomer                   yes 
_entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code       'RPPPSD(AIB)AAYAQWLAD(DAL)GWAS' 
_entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code_can   RPPPSDAAAYAQWLADAGWAS 
_entity_poly.pdbx_strand_id                 A 
_entity_poly.pdbx_target_identifier         ? 
1 1  ARG n 
1 2  PRO n 
1 3  PRO n 
1 4  PRO n 
1 5  SER n 
1 6  ASP n 
1 7  AIB n 
1 8  ALA n 
1 9  ALA n 
1 10 TYR n 
1 11 ALA n 
1 12 GLN n 
1 13 TRP n 
1 14 LEU n 
1 15 ALA n 
1 16 ASP n 
1 17 DAL n 
1 18 GLY n 
1 19 TRP n 
1 20 ALA n 
1 21 SER n 
#                         1 
_struct_ref.db_name                    PDB 
_struct_ref.db_code                    2M7C 
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_accession          2M7C 
_struct_ref.entity_id                  1 
_struct_ref.pdbx_align_begin           ? 
_struct_ref.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code   RPPPSDAAAYAQWLADAGWAS 
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_isoform            ? 
_struct_ref_seq.align_id                      1 
_struct_ref_seq.ref_id                        1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_PDB_id_code              2M7C 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_strand_id                A 
_struct_ref_seq.seq_align_beg                 1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_beg_ins_code   ? 
_struct_ref_seq.seq_align_end                 21 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_end_ins_code   ? 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_accession             2M7C 
_struct_ref_seq.db_align_beg                  1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_beg_ins_code    ? 
_struct_ref_seq.db_align_end                  21 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_end_ins_code    ? 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_beg       1 
_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_end       21 
AIB 'L-peptide linking' n 'ALPHA-AMINOISOBUTYRIC ACID' ? 'C4 H9 N O2'     103.120 
ALA 'L-peptide linking' y ALANINE                      ? 'C3 H7 N O2'     89.093  
ARG 'L-peptide linking' y ARGININE                     ? 'C6 H15 N4 O2 1' 175.209 
ASP 'L-peptide linking' y 'ASPARTIC ACID'              ? 'C4 H7 N O4'     133.103 
DAL 'D-peptide linking' . D-ALANINE                    ? 'C3 H7 N O2'     89.093  
GLN 'L-peptide linking' y GLUTAMINE                    ? 'C5 H10 N2 O3'   146.144 
GLY 'peptide linking'   y GLYCINE                      ? 'C2 H5 N O2'     75.067  
LEU 'L-peptide linking' y LEUCINE                      ? 'C6 H13 N O2'    131.173 
PRO 'L-peptide linking' y PROLINE                      ? 'C5 H9 N O2'     115.130 
SER 'L-peptide linking' y SERINE                       ? 'C3 H7 N O3'     105.093 
TRP 'L-peptide linking' y TRYPTOPHAN                   ? 'C11 H12 N2 O2'  204.225 
TYR 'L-peptide linking' y TYROSINE                     ? 'C9 H11 N O3'    181.189 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl.conditions_id   1 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl.experiment_id   1 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl.solution_id     1 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl.type            '2D 1H-1H NOESY' 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.conditions_id       1 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.ionic_strength      0.11 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pH                  7 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pressure            ambient 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pressure_units      ? 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.temperature         280 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.temperature_units   K 
_pdbx_nmr_sample_details.contents         '50 mM sodium phosphate, 90% H2O/10% D2O' 
_pdbx_nmr_sample_details.solution_id      1 
_pdbx_nmr_sample_details.solvent_system   '90% H2O/10% D2O' 
_pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.field_strength    800 
_pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.manufacturer      Bruker 
_pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.model             DMX 
_pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.spectrometer_id   1 
_pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.type              'Bruker DMX' 
_pdbx_nmr_refine.entry_id           2M7C 
_pdbx_nmr_refine.method             'simulated annealing' 
_pdbx_nmr_refine.details            'Incorporated LJ potential relax as extra final step for improved refinement.' 
_pdbx_nmr_refine.software_ordinal   1 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_constraint_violations_per_residue     ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_constraints_per_residue               ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_distance_constraint_violation         ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_torsion_angle_constraint_violation    ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformer_selection_criteria                  'structures with the lowest energy' 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_calculated_total_number            40 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_submitted_total_number             32 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.distance_constraint_violation_method          ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.entry_id                                      2M7C 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_distance_constraint_violation         ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_lower_distance_constraint_violation   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_torsion_angle_constraint_violation    ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_upper_distance_constraint_violation   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.torsion_angle_constraint_violation_method     ? 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.conformer_id         1 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.entry_id             2M7C 
_pdbx_nmr_representative.selection_criteria   'lowest energy' 
'Brunger, Adams, Clore, Gros, Nilges and Read' 'structure solution' CNS 1.2 1 
?                                              refinement           CNS ?   2 
_exptl.absorpt_coefficient_mu     ? 
_exptl.absorpt_correction_T_max   ? 
_exptl.absorpt_correction_T_min   ? 
_exptl.absorpt_correction_type    ? 
_exptl.absorpt_process_details    ? 
_exptl.crystals_number            ? 
;A circular permutant of the Trp-cage, with a 2 residue loop insertion (between previous N and C termini) and a 1 residue excision (of Gly15, to create new N and C termini).
_exptl.entry_id                   2M7C 
_exptl.method                     'SOLUTION NMR' 
_exptl.method_details             ? 
_struct.entry_id                  2M7C 
_struct.title                     'Circular Permutation of the Trp-cage: Fold Rescue upon Addition of a Hydrophobic Staple' 
_struct.pdbx_model_details        'lowest energy, model14' 
_struct.pdbx_CASP_flag            ? 
_struct.pdbx_model_type_details   ? 
_struct_keywords.entry_id        2M7C 
_struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords   'DE NOVO PROTEIN' 
_struct_keywords.text            'miniprotein, de novo protein, Trp-cage, circular permutant, microprotein' 
#                            A 
_struct_asym.pdbx_blank_PDB_chainid_flag   N 
_struct_asym.pdbx_modified                 N 
_struct_asym.entity_id                     1 
_struct_asym.details                       ? 
#        1 
_struct_biol.details   ? 
_struct_conf.conf_type_id            HELX_P                      HELX_P1 
_struct_conf.pdbx_PDB_helix_id       1 
_struct_conf.beg_label_comp_id       ASP 
_struct_conf.beg_label_asym_id       A 
_struct_conf.beg_label_seq_id        6 
_struct_conf.pdbx_beg_PDB_ins_code   ? 
_struct_conf.end_label_comp_id       ASP 
_struct_conf.end_label_asym_id       A 
_struct_conf.end_label_seq_id        16 
_struct_conf.pdbx_end_PDB_ins_code   ? 
_struct_conf.beg_auth_comp_id        ASP 
_struct_conf.beg_auth_asym_id        A 
_struct_conf.beg_auth_seq_id         6 
_struct_conf.end_auth_comp_id        ASP 
_struct_conf.end_auth_asym_id        A 
_struct_conf.end_auth_seq_id         16 
_struct_conf.pdbx_PDB_helix_class    1 
_struct_conf.details                 ? 
_struct_conf.pdbx_PDB_helix_length   11 
#          HELX_P 
_struct_conf_type.criteria    ? 
_struct_conf_type.reference   ? 
covale1 covale both ? A ASP 6  C ? ? ? 1_555 A AIB 7  N ? ? A ASP 6  A AIB 7  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.336 ? ? 
covale2 covale both ? A AIB 7  C ? ? ? 1_555 A ALA 8  N ? ? A AIB 7  A ALA 8  1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.337 ? ? 
covale3 covale both ? A ASP 16 C ? ? ? 1_555 A DAL 17 N ? ? A ASP 16 A DAL 17 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.338 ? ? 
covale4 covale both ? A DAL 17 C ? ? ? 1_555 A GLY 18 N ? ? A DAL 17 A GLY 18 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.337 ? ? 
#          covale 
_struct_conn_type.criteria    ? 
_struct_conn_type.reference   ? 
#                   AC1 
_struct_site.pdbx_evidence_code   Software 
_struct_site.pdbx_auth_asym_id    A 
_struct_site.pdbx_auth_comp_id    DAL 
_struct_site.pdbx_auth_seq_id     17 
_struct_site.pdbx_auth_ins_code   ? 
_struct_site.pdbx_num_residues    7 
_struct_site.details              'BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE DAL A 17' 
1 AC1 7 TRP A 13 ? TRP A 13 . ? 1_555 ? 
2 AC1 7 LEU A 14 ? LEU A 14 . ? 1_555 ? 
3 AC1 7 ALA A 15 ? ALA A 15 . ? 1_555 ? 
4 AC1 7 ASP A 16 ? ASP A 16 . ? 1_555 ? 
5 AC1 7 GLY A 18 ? GLY A 18 . ? 1_555 ? 
6 AC1 7 TRP A 19 ? TRP A 19 . ? 1_555 ? 
7 AC1 7 ALA A 20 ? ALA A 20 . ? 1_555 ? 
_atom_sites.entry_id                    2M7C 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2]   0.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3]   1.000000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2]      0.00000 
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3]      0.00000 
A 1 1  ARG 1  1  1  ARG ARG A . n 
A 1 2  PRO 2  2  2  PRO PRO A . n 
A 1 3  PRO 3  3  3  PRO PRO A . n 
A 1 4  PRO 4  4  4  PRO PRO A . n 
A 1 5  SER 5  5  5  SER SER A . n 
A 1 6  ASP 6  6  6  ASP ASP A . n 
A 1 7  AIB 7  7  7  AIB AIB A . n 
A 1 8  ALA 8  8  8  ALA ALA A . n 
A 1 9  ALA 9  9  9  ALA ALA A . n 
A 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR A . n 
A 1 11 ALA 11 11 11 ALA ALA A . n 
A 1 12 GLN 12 12 12 GLN GLN A . n 
A 1 13 TRP 13 13 13 TRP TRP A . n 
A 1 14 LEU 14 14 14 LEU LEU A . n 
A 1 15 ALA 15 15 15 ALA ALA A . n 
A 1 16 ASP 16 16 16 ASP ASP A . n 
A 1 17 DAL 17 17 17 DAL DAL A . n 
A 1 18 GLY 18 18 18 GLY GLY A . n 
A 1 19 TRP 19 19 19 TRP TRP A . n 
A 1 20 ALA 20 20 20 ALA ALA A . n 
A 1 21 SER 21 21 21 SER SER A . n 
#               1 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_asym_id    A 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_comp_id    AIB 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_seq_id     7 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_asym_id     A 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_comp_id     AIB 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_seq_id      7 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.PDB_ins_code     ? 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.parent_comp_id   ALA 
_pdbx_struct_mod_residue.details          'ALPHA-AMINOISOBUTYRIC ACID' 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.details              author_defined_assembly 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.method_details       ? 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_details   monomeric 
_pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_count     1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.assembly_id       1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.oper_expression   1 
_pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list      A 
#                   1 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.type                 'identity operation'                 1_555 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.symmetry_operation   x,y,z 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][1]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[1]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][2]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][3]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[2]            0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][1]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][2]         0.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][3]         1.0000000000 
_pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[3]            0.0000000000 
1 'Structure model' 1 0 2013-12-25 
2 'Structure model' 1 1 2014-01-15 
3 'Structure model' 1 2 2023-06-14 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.ordinal             1 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.revision_ordinal    1 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.data_content_type   'Structure model' 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.provider            repository 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.type                'Initial release' 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.description         ? 
_pdbx_audit_revision_details.details             ? 
1 2 'Structure model' 'Database references'  
2 3 'Structure model' 'Database references'  
3 3 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations' 
4 3 'Structure model' Other                  
1 3 'Structure model' database_2           
2 3 'Structure model' pdbx_database_status 
3 3 'Structure model' struct_conn          
4 3 'Structure model' struct_site          
1  3 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_DOI'                       
2  3 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_database_accession'        
3  3 'Structure model' '_pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data' 
4  3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_dist_value'               
5  3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag'        
6  3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_comp_id'            
7  3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_seq_id'             
8  3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_label_comp_id'           
9  3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr1_label_seq_id'            
10 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_comp_id'            
11 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_seq_id'             
12 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_label_comp_id'           
13 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.ptnr2_label_seq_id'            
14 3 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_asym_id'             
15 3 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_comp_id'             
16 3 'Structure model' '_struct_site.pdbx_auth_seq_id'              
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.component             'sodium phosphate-1' 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.concentration         50 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.concentration_range   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.concentration_units   mM 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.isotopic_labeling     ? 
_pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.solution_id           1 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.disulfide_bond_constraints_total_count        ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.entry_id                                      2M7C 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.hydrogen_bond_constraints_total_count         ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NA_alpha-angle_constraints_total_count        ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NA_beta-angle_constraints_total_count         ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NA_chi-angle_constraints_total_count          ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NA_delta-angle_constraints_total_count        ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NA_epsilon-angle_constraints_total_count      ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NA_gamma-angle_constraints_total_count        ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NA_other-angle_constraints_total_count        ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NA_sugar_pucker_constraints_total_count       ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NOE_constraints_total                         293 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NOE_interentity_total_count                   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NOE_interproton_distance_evaluation           ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NOE_intraresidue_total_count                  ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NOE_long_range_total_count                    ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NOE_medium_range_total_count                  ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NOE_motional_averaging_correction             ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NOE_pseudoatom_corrections                    ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.NOE_sequential_total_count                    ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.protein_chi_angle_constraints_total_count     ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.protein_other_angle_constraints_total_count   ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.protein_phi_angle_constraints_total_count     ? 
_pdbx_nmr_constraints.protein_psi_angle_constraints_total_count     ? 
1  2  PRO A 3  ? ? -58.89 108.90 
2  2  ASP A 6  ? ? -39.69 132.48 
3  2  ALA A 20 ? ? -92.59 43.11  
4  3  ALA A 20 ? ? -92.81 42.77  
5  4  ALA A 20 ? ? -92.04 41.40  
6  5  ALA A 20 ? ? -94.06 41.98  
7  6  ALA A 20 ? ? -94.50 41.88  
8  7  ALA A 20 ? ? -90.95 40.13  
9  8  ALA A 20 ? ? -94.66 41.26  
10 10 ALA A 20 ? ? -91.15 43.71  
11 11 ALA A 20 ? ? -92.93 42.23  
12 12 ALA A 20 ? ? -93.75 42.50  
13 13 ALA A 20 ? ? -97.56 35.05  
14 14 ASP A 6  ? ? -38.09 132.94 
15 14 ALA A 20 ? ? -91.84 41.87  
16 15 ALA A 20 ? ? -91.27 41.97  
17 16 ALA A 20 ? ? -90.82 43.28  
18 17 ASP A 6  ? ? -46.40 152.76 
19 17 ALA A 20 ? ? -92.39 41.28  
20 18 ALA A 20 ? ? -90.43 42.14  
21 19 ALA A 20 ? ? -93.08 41.65  
22 20 ALA A 20 ? ? -95.46 41.02  
23 21 ALA A 20 ? ? -91.45 43.48  
24 22 ALA A 20 ? ? -95.30 41.44  
25 23 ALA A 20 ? ? -91.10 42.28  
26 24 ASP A 6  ? ? -49.68 151.66 
27 24 ALA A 20 ? ? -91.83 43.47  
28 25 ALA A 20 ? ? -90.01 41.17  
29 26 ASP A 6  ? ? -48.90 150.89 
30 26 ALA A 20 ? ? -94.10 42.22  
31 27 ASP A 6  ? ? -47.66 151.00 
32 27 ALA A 20 ? ? -91.82 43.88  
33 28 ALA A 20 ? ? -91.89 41.42  
34 29 ALA A 20 ? ? -91.87 42.78  
35 30 ALA A 20 ? ? -97.76 33.14  
36 32 ALA A 20 ? ? -91.78 42.16  