data_2RRC # 2RRC # _audit_conform.dict_name mmcif_pdbx.dic _audit_conform.dict_version 5.391 _audit_conform.dict_location # loop_ _database_2.database_id _database_2.database_code _database_2.pdbx_database_accession _database_2.pdbx_DOI PDB 2RRC pdb_00002rrc 10.2210/pdb2rrc/pdb RCSB RCSB150193 ? ? WWPDB D_1000150193 ? ? BMRB 11176 ? 10.13018/BMR11176 # loop_ _pdbx_audit_revision_history.ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_history.data_content_type _pdbx_audit_revision_history.major_revision _pdbx_audit_revision_history.minor_revision _pdbx_audit_revision_history.revision_date 1 'Structure model' 1 0 2011-06-29 2 'Structure model' 1 1 2011-07-13 3 'Structure model' 1 2 2020-02-26 4 'Structure model' 1 3 2024-05-01 # _pdbx_audit_revision_details.ordinal 1 _pdbx_audit_revision_details.revision_ordinal 1 _pdbx_audit_revision_details.data_content_type 'Structure model' _pdbx_audit_revision_details.provider repository _pdbx_audit_revision_details.type 'Initial release' _pdbx_audit_revision_details.description ? _pdbx_audit_revision_details.details ? # loop_ _pdbx_audit_revision_group.ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_group.revision_ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_group.data_content_type 1 2 'Structure model' 'Version format compliance' 2 3 'Structure model' 'Database references' 3 3 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations' 4 3 'Structure model' Other 5 4 'Structure model' 'Data collection' 6 4 'Structure model' 'Database references' # loop_ _pdbx_audit_revision_category.ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_category.revision_ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_category.data_content_type _pdbx_audit_revision_category.category 1 3 'Structure model' database_2 2 3 'Structure model' pdbx_database_status 3 3 'Structure model' struct_conn 4 4 'Structure model' chem_comp_atom 5 4 'Structure model' chem_comp_bond 6 4 'Structure model' database_2 # loop_ _pdbx_audit_revision_item.ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_item.revision_ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_item.data_content_type _pdbx_audit_revision_item.item 1 3 'Structure model' '_pdbx_database_status.status_code_cs' 2 3 'Structure model' '_struct_conn.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag' 3 4 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_DOI' 4 4 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_database_accession' # _pdbx_database_status.deposit_site BMRB _pdbx_database_status.entry_id 2RRC _pdbx_database_status.process_site PDBJ _pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date 2010-06-23 _pdbx_database_status.SG_entry ? _pdbx_database_status.status_code REL _pdbx_database_status.status_code_mr REL _pdbx_database_status.status_code_sf ? _pdbx_database_status.status_code_cs REL _pdbx_database_status.pdb_format_compatible Y _pdbx_database_status.methods_development_category ? _pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data ? # _pdbx_database_related.db_name BMRB _pdbx_database_related.db_id 11176 _pdbx_database_related.details . _pdbx_database_related.content_type unspecified # loop_ _audit_author.pdbx_ordinal 'Nomura, Y.' 1 'Fujiwara, K.' 2 'Chiba, M.' 3 'Fukunaga, J.' 4 'Tanaka, Y.' 5 'Iibuchi, H.' 6 'Tanaka, T.' 7 'Nakamura, Y.' 8 'Kawai, G.' 9 'Kozu, T.' 10 'Sakamoto, T.' 11 # primary _citation.title 'A novel high affinity RNA motif that mimics DNA in AML1 Runt domain binding' _citation.journal_abbrev 'To be Published' _citation.journal_volume ? _citation.page_first ? _citation.page_last ? _citation.year ? _citation.journal_id_ASTM ? ? _citation.journal_id_ISSN ? _citation.journal_id_CSD 0353 _citation.book_publisher ? _citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed ? _citation.pdbx_database_id_DOI ? # loop_ _citation_author.citation_id _citation_author.ordinal _citation_author.identifier_ORCID primary 'Nomura, Y.' 1 ? primary 'Fukunaga, J.' 2 ? primary 'Tanaka, Y.' 3 ? primary 'Fujiwara, K.' 4 ? primary 'Chiba, M.' 5 ? primary 'Iibuchi, H.' 6 ? primary 'Tanaka, T.' 7 ? primary 'Nakamura, Y.' 8 ? primary 'Kawai, G.' 9 ? primary 'Sakamoto, T.' 10 ? primary 'Kozu, T.' 11 ? # 1 _entity.type polymer _entity.src_method syn _entity.pdbx_description "5'-R(P*GP*GP*AP*CP*CP*CP*(AP7)P*CP*CP*AP*CP*GP*GP*CP*GP*AP*GP*GP*UP*CP*CP*A)-3'" _entity.formula_weight 7071.322 _entity.pdbx_number_of_molecules 1 _entity.pdbx_ec ? _entity.pdbx_mutation ? _entity.pdbx_fragment ? _entity.details ? # _entity_poly.entity_id 1 _entity_poly.type polyribonucleotide _entity_poly.nstd_linkage no _entity_poly.nstd_monomer yes _entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code 'GGACCC(AP7)CCACGGCGAGGUCCA' _entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code_can GGACCCACCACGGCGAGGUCCA _entity_poly.pdbx_strand_id A _entity_poly.pdbx_target_identifier ? # loop_ _entity_poly_seq.entity_id _entity_poly_seq.num _entity_poly_seq.mon_id _entity_poly_seq.hetero 1 1 G n 1 2 G n 1 3 A n 1 4 C n 1 5 C n 1 6 C n 1 7 AP7 n 1 8 C n 1 9 C n 1 10 A n 1 11 C n 1 12 G n 1 13 G n 1 14 C n 1 15 G n 1 16 A n 1 17 G n 1 18 G n 1 19 U n 1 20 C n 1 21 C n 1 22 A n # _pdbx_entity_src_syn.entity_id 1 _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_src_id 1 _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_alt_source_flag sample _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_beg_seq_num ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_end_seq_num ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_scientific ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_common_name ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.ncbi_taxonomy_id ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.details 'AmpliScribe T7 Transcription Kit' # loop_ _chem_comp.type _chem_comp.mon_nstd_flag _chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms _chem_comp.formula _chem_comp.formula_weight A 'RNA linking' y "ADENOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE" ? 'C10 H14 N5 O7 P' 347.221 AP7 'RNA linking' n ;N1-PROTONATED ADENOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE ; ? 'C10 H15 N5 O7 P 1' 348.229 C 'RNA linking' y "CYTIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE" ? 'C9 H14 N3 O8 P' 323.197 G 'RNA linking' y "GUANOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE" ? 'C10 H14 N5 O8 P' 363.221 U 'RNA linking' y "URIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE" ? 'C9 H13 N2 O9 P' 324.181 # loop_ _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.asym_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.entity_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.seq_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.mon_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.ndb_seq_num _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_seq_num _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.auth_seq_num _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_mon_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.auth_mon_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_strand_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_ins_code _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.hetero A 1 1 G 1 1 1 G G A . n A 1 2 G 2 2 2 G G A . n A 1 3 A 3 3 3 A A A . n A 1 4 C 4 4 4 C C A . n A 1 5 C 5 5 5 C C A . n A 1 6 C 6 6 6 C C A . n A 1 7 AP7 7 7 7 AP7 AP7 A . n A 1 8 C 8 8 8 C C A . n A 1 9 C 9 9 9 C C A . n A 1 10 A 10 10 10 A A A . n A 1 11 C 11 11 11 C C A . n A 1 12 G 12 12 12 G G A . n A 1 13 G 13 13 13 G G A . n A 1 14 C 14 14 14 C C A . n A 1 15 G 15 15 15 G G A . n A 1 16 A 16 16 16 A A A . n A 1 17 G 17 17 17 G G A . n A 1 18 G 18 18 18 G G A . n A 1 19 U 19 19 19 U U A . n A 1 20 C 20 20 20 C C A . n A 1 21 C 21 21 21 C C A . n A 1 22 A 22 22 22 A A A . n # _cell.entry_id 2RRC _cell.length_a 1.000 _cell.length_b 1.000 _cell.length_c 1.000 _cell.angle_alpha 90.00 _cell.angle_beta 90.00 _cell.angle_gamma 90.00 _cell.Z_PDB 1 _cell.pdbx_unique_axis ? # _symmetry.entry_id 2RRC _symmetry.space_group_name_H-M 'P 1' _symmetry.pdbx_full_space_group_name_H-M ? _symmetry.cell_setting ? _symmetry.Int_Tables_number 1 # _exptl.absorpt_coefficient_mu ? _exptl.absorpt_correction_T_max ? _exptl.absorpt_correction_T_min ? _exptl.absorpt_correction_type ? _exptl.absorpt_process_details ? _exptl.crystals_number ? _exptl.details ? _exptl.entry_id 2RRC _exptl.method 'SOLUTION NMR' _exptl.method_details ? # _struct.entry_id 2RRC _struct.title 'Solution Structure of RNA aptamer against AML1 Runt domain' _struct.pdbx_model_details 'minimized average, model 1' _struct.pdbx_CASP_flag ? _struct.pdbx_model_type_details ? # _struct_keywords.entry_id 2RRC _struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords RNA _struct_keywords.text 'RNA aptamer, AML1/RUNX1, Molecular mimicry, RNA' # A _struct_asym.pdbx_blank_PDB_chainid_flag N _struct_asym.pdbx_modified N _struct_asym.entity_id 1 _struct_asym.details ? # 1 _struct_ref.db_name PDB _struct_ref.db_code 2RRC _struct_ref.pdbx_db_accession 2RRC _struct_ref.entity_id 1 _struct_ref.pdbx_align_begin ? _struct_ref.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code ? _struct_ref.pdbx_db_isoform ? # _struct_ref_seq.align_id 1 _struct_ref_seq.ref_id 1 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_PDB_id_code 2RRC _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_strand_id A _struct_ref_seq.seq_align_beg 1 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_beg_ins_code ? _struct_ref_seq.seq_align_end 22 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_end_ins_code ? _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_accession 2RRC _struct_ref_seq.db_align_beg 1 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_beg_ins_code ? _struct_ref_seq.db_align_end 22 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_end_ins_code ? _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_beg 1 _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_end 22 # 1 _pdbx_struct_assembly.details author_defined_assembly _pdbx_struct_assembly.method_details ? _pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_details monomeric _pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_count 1 # _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.assembly_id 1 _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.oper_expression 1 _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list A # 1 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.type 'identity operation' 1_555 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.symmetry_operation x,y,z _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][1] 1.0000000000 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][2] 0.0000000000 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][3] 0.0000000000 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[1] 0.0000000000 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][1] 0.0000000000 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][2] 1.0000000000 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][3] 0.0000000000 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[2] 0.0000000000 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][1] 0.0000000000 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][2] 0.0000000000 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][3] 1.0000000000 _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[3] 0.0000000000 # 1 _struct_biol.details ? # loop_ _struct_conn.conn_type_id _struct_conn.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag _struct_conn.pdbx_PDB_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_label_atom_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr1_standard_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_symmetry _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_label_atom_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr2_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr2_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr1_auth_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_asym_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_comp_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_auth_seq_id _struct_conn.ptnr2_symmetry _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_atom_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_seq_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_comp_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_asym_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_label_alt_id _struct_conn.pdbx_ptnr3_PDB_ins_code _struct_conn.details _struct_conn.pdbx_dist_value _struct_conn.pdbx_value_order _struct_conn.pdbx_role covale1 covale both ? A C 6 "O3'" ? ? ? 1_555 A AP7 7 P ? ? A C 6 A AP7 7 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.636 ? ? covale2 covale both ? A AP7 7 "O3'" ? ? ? 1_555 A C 8 P ? ? A AP7 7 A C 8 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.636 ? ? hydrog1 hydrog ? ? A G 1 N1 ? ? ? 1_555 A C 21 N3 ? ? A G 1 A C 21 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog2 hydrog ? ? A G 1 N2 ? ? ? 1_555 A C 21 O2 ? ? A G 1 A C 21 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog3 hydrog ? ? A G 1 O6 ? ? ? 1_555 A C 21 N4 ? ? A G 1 A C 21 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog4 hydrog ? ? A G 2 N1 ? ? ? 1_555 A C 20 N3 ? ? A G 2 A C 20 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog5 hydrog ? ? A G 2 N2 ? ? ? 1_555 A C 20 O2 ? ? A G 2 A C 20 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog6 hydrog ? ? A G 2 O6 ? ? ? 1_555 A C 20 N4 ? ? A G 2 A C 20 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog7 hydrog ? ? A A 3 N1 ? ? ? 1_555 A U 19 N3 ? ? A A 3 A U 19 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog8 hydrog ? ? A A 3 N6 ? ? ? 1_555 A U 19 O4 ? ? A A 3 A U 19 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog9 hydrog ? ? A C 4 N3 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 18 N1 ? ? A C 4 A G 18 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog10 hydrog ? ? A C 4 N4 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 18 O6 ? ? A C 4 A G 18 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog11 hydrog ? ? A C 4 O2 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 18 N2 ? ? A C 4 A G 18 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog12 hydrog ? ? A C 5 N3 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 17 N1 ? ? A C 5 A G 17 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog13 hydrog ? ? A C 5 N4 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 17 O6 ? ? A C 5 A G 17 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog14 hydrog ? ? A C 5 O2 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 17 N2 ? ? A C 5 A G 17 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog15 hydrog ? ? A C 6 N3 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 15 N1 ? ? A C 6 A G 15 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog16 hydrog ? ? A C 6 N4 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 15 O6 ? ? A C 6 A G 15 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog17 hydrog ? ? A C 6 O2 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 15 N2 ? ? A C 6 A G 15 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog18 hydrog ? ? A C 6 O2 ? ? ? 1_555 A A 16 N6 ? ? A C 6 A A 16 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? 'C-A MISPAIR' ? ? ? hydrog19 hydrog ? ? A AP7 7 N6 ? ? ? 1_555 A C 14 O2 ? ? A AP7 7 A C 14 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? 'AP7-C MISPAIR' ? ? ? hydrog20 hydrog ? ? A C 8 N3 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 13 N1 ? ? A C 8 A G 13 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog21 hydrog ? ? A C 8 N4 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 13 O6 ? ? A C 8 A G 13 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog22 hydrog ? ? A C 8 O2 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 13 N2 ? ? A C 8 A G 13 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? WATSON-CRICK ? ? ? hydrog23 hydrog ? ? A C 9 O2 ? ? ? 1_555 A G 12 N1 ? ? A C 9 A G 12 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? 'C-G PAIR' ? ? ? hydrog24 hydrog ? ? A G 15 N2 ? ? ? 1_555 A A 16 N7 ? ? A G 15 A A 16 1_555 ? ? ? ? ? ? 'G-A MISPAIR' ? ? ? # loop_ _struct_conn_type.criteria _struct_conn_type.reference covale ? ? hydrog ? ? # 1 _pdbx_validate_close_contact.PDB_model_num 7 _pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_atom_id_1 "O2'" _pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_asym_id_1 A _pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_comp_id_1 G _pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_seq_id_1 15 _pdbx_validate_close_contact.PDB_ins_code_1 ? _pdbx_validate_close_contact.label_alt_id_1 ? _pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_atom_id_2 "H3'" _pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_asym_id_2 A _pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_comp_id_2 A _pdbx_validate_close_contact.auth_seq_id_2 16 _pdbx_validate_close_contact.PDB_ins_code_2 ? _pdbx_validate_close_contact.label_alt_id_2 ? _pdbx_validate_close_contact.dist 1.59 # loop_ _pdbx_validate_planes.PDB_model_num _pdbx_validate_planes.auth_comp_id _pdbx_validate_planes.auth_asym_id _pdbx_validate_planes.auth_seq_id _pdbx_validate_planes.PDB_ins_code _pdbx_validate_planes.label_alt_id _pdbx_validate_planes.rmsd _pdbx_validate_planes.type 1 1 G A 17 ? ? 0.077 'SIDE CHAIN' 2 2 G A 17 ? ? 0.059 'SIDE CHAIN' 3 3 C A 6 ? ? 0.064 'SIDE CHAIN' 4 3 G A 17 ? ? 0.076 'SIDE CHAIN' 5 4 G A 17 ? ? 0.072 'SIDE CHAIN' 6 5 C A 6 ? ? 0.068 'SIDE CHAIN' 7 5 G A 17 ? ? 0.078 'SIDE CHAIN' 8 7 G A 17 ? ? 0.063 'SIDE CHAIN' 9 8 C A 6 ? ? 0.072 'SIDE CHAIN' 10 8 G A 17 ? ? 0.073 'SIDE CHAIN' 11 9 G A 17 ? ? 0.057 'SIDE CHAIN' 12 10 C A 9 ? ? 0.059 'SIDE CHAIN' 13 10 G A 17 ? ? 0.079 'SIDE CHAIN' 14 11 G A 17 ? ? 0.069 'SIDE CHAIN' # 1 _pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_asym_id A _pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_comp_id AP7 _pdbx_struct_mod_residue.label_seq_id 7 _pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_asym_id A _pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_comp_id AP7 _pdbx_struct_mod_residue.auth_seq_id 7 _pdbx_struct_mod_residue.PDB_ins_code ? _pdbx_struct_mod_residue.parent_comp_id A _pdbx_struct_mod_residue.details ? # _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_constraint_violations_per_residue ? _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_constraints_per_residue ? _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_distance_constraint_violation ? _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.average_torsion_angle_constraint_violation ? _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformer_selection_criteria 'structures with the lowest energy' _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_calculated_total_number 100 _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_submitted_total_number 11 _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.distance_constraint_violation_method ? _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.entry_id 2RRC _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_distance_constraint_violation ? _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_lower_distance_constraint_violation ? _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_torsion_angle_constraint_violation ? _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.maximum_upper_distance_constraint_violation ? _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.representative_conformer 1 _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.torsion_angle_constraint_violation_method ? # _pdbx_nmr_representative.conformer_id 1 _pdbx_nmr_representative.entry_id 2RRC _pdbx_nmr_representative.selection_criteria 'minimized average' # _pdbx_nmr_sample_details.contents '0.6 mM AML22-1, 0.5 mM [U-100% 13C; U-100% 15N] AML22-2, 100% D2O' _pdbx_nmr_sample_details.solution_id 1 _pdbx_nmr_sample_details.solvent_system '100% D2O' # loop_ _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.component _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.concentration _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.concentration_range _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.concentration_units _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.isotopic_labeling _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample.solution_id AML22-1 0.6 ? mM ? 1 AML22-2 0.5 ? mM '[U-100% 13C; U-100% 15N]' 1 # _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.conditions_id 1 _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.ionic_strength ? _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pH 6.5 _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pressure ambient _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.pressure_units ? _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.temperature 283 _pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions.temperature_units K # loop_ _pdbx_nmr_exptl.conditions_id _pdbx_nmr_exptl.experiment_id _pdbx_nmr_exptl.solution_id _pdbx_nmr_exptl.type 1 1 1 '2D 1H-15N HSQC' 1 2 1 '2D 1H-13C HSQC' 1 3 1 '2D 1H-1H TOCSY' 1 4 1 '2D 1H-1H NOESY' # _pdbx_nmr_refine.entry_id 2RRC _pdbx_nmr_refine.method 'simulated annealing' _pdbx_nmr_refine.details ? _pdbx_nmr_refine.software_ordinal 1 # loop_ _pdbx_nmr_software.authors _pdbx_nmr_software.classification _pdbx_nmr_software.version _pdbx_nmr_software.ordinal 'Brunger, Adams, Clore, Gros, Nilges and Read' 'structure solution' CNS 1.1 1 'Brunger, Adams, Clore, Gros, Nilges and Read' refinement CNS 1.1 2 # loop_ _chem_comp_atom.comp_id _chem_comp_atom.atom_id _chem_comp_atom.type_symbol _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_aromatic_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_ordinal A OP3 O N N 1 A P P N N 2 A OP1 O N N 3 A OP2 O N N 4 A "O5'" O N N 5 A "C5'" C N N 6 A "C4'" C N R 7 A "O4'" O N N 8 A "C3'" C N S 9 A "O3'" O N N 10 A "C2'" C N R 11 A "O2'" O N N 12 A "C1'" C N R 13 A N9 N Y N 14 A C8 C Y N 15 A N7 N Y N 16 A C5 C Y N 17 A C6 C Y N 18 A N6 N N N 19 A N1 N Y N 20 A C2 C Y N 21 A N3 N Y N 22 A C4 C Y N 23 A HOP3 H N N 24 A HOP2 H N N 25 A "H5'" H N N 26 A "H5''" H N N 27 A "H4'" H N N 28 A "H3'" H N N 29 A "HO3'" H N N 30 A "H2'" H N N 31 A "HO2'" H N N 32 A "H1'" H N N 33 A H8 H N N 34 A H61 H N N 35 A H62 H N N 36 A H2 H N N 37 AP7 "C1'" C N R 38 AP7 N1 N Y N 39 AP7 C2 C Y N 40 AP7 N3 N Y N 41 AP7 C4 C Y N 42 AP7 C5 C Y N 43 AP7 C6 C Y N 44 AP7 N6 N N N 45 AP7 N7 N Y N 46 AP7 C8 C Y N 47 AP7 N9 N Y N 48 AP7 "C2'" C N R 49 AP7 "O2'" O N N 50 AP7 "C3'" C N S 51 AP7 "O3'" O N N 52 AP7 "C4'" C N R 53 AP7 "O4'" O N N 54 AP7 "C5'" C N N 55 AP7 "O5'" O N N 56 AP7 OP1 O N N 57 AP7 OP2 O N N 58 AP7 P P N N 59 AP7 OP3 O N N 60 AP7 "H1'" H N N 61 AP7 H1 H N N 62 AP7 H2 H N N 63 AP7 H61 H N N 64 AP7 H62 H N N 65 AP7 H8 H N N 66 AP7 "H2'" H N N 67 AP7 "HO2'" H N N 68 AP7 "H3'" H N N 69 AP7 "HO3'" H N N 70 AP7 "H4'" H N N 71 AP7 "H5''" H N N 72 AP7 "H5'" H N N 73 AP7 HOP2 H N N 74 AP7 HOP3 H N N 75 C OP3 O N N 76 C P P N N 77 C OP1 O N N 78 C OP2 O N N 79 C "O5'" O N N 80 C "C5'" C N N 81 C "C4'" C N R 82 C "O4'" O N N 83 C "C3'" C N S 84 C "O3'" O N N 85 C "C2'" C N R 86 C "O2'" O N N 87 C "C1'" C N R 88 C N1 N N N 89 C C2 C N N 90 C O2 O N N 91 C N3 N N N 92 C C4 C N N 93 C N4 N N N 94 C C5 C N N 95 C C6 C N N 96 C HOP3 H N N 97 C HOP2 H N N 98 C "H5'" H N N 99 C "H5''" H N N 100 C "H4'" H N N 101 C "H3'" H N N 102 C "HO3'" H N N 103 C "H2'" H N N 104 C "HO2'" H N N 105 C "H1'" H N N 106 C H41 H N N 107 C H42 H N N 108 C H5 H N N 109 C H6 H N N 110 G OP3 O N N 111 G P P N N 112 G OP1 O N N 113 G OP2 O N N 114 G "O5'" O N N 115 G "C5'" C N N 116 G "C4'" C N R 117 G "O4'" O N N 118 G "C3'" C N S 119 G "O3'" O N N 120 G "C2'" C N R 121 G "O2'" O N N 122 G "C1'" C N R 123 G N9 N Y N 124 G C8 C Y N 125 G N7 N Y N 126 G C5 C Y N 127 G C6 C N N 128 G O6 O N N 129 G N1 N N N 130 G C2 C N N 131 G N2 N N N 132 G N3 N N N 133 G C4 C Y N 134 G HOP3 H N N 135 G HOP2 H N N 136 G "H5'" H N N 137 G "H5''" H N N 138 G "H4'" H N N 139 G "H3'" H N N 140 G "HO3'" H N N 141 G "H2'" H N N 142 G "HO2'" H N N 143 G "H1'" H N N 144 G H8 H N N 145 G H1 H N N 146 G H21 H N N 147 G H22 H N N 148 U OP3 O N N 149 U P P N N 150 U OP1 O N N 151 U OP2 O N N 152 U "O5'" O N N 153 U "C5'" C N N 154 U "C4'" C N R 155 U "O4'" O N N 156 U "C3'" C N S 157 U "O3'" O N N 158 U "C2'" C N R 159 U "O2'" O N N 160 U "C1'" C N R 161 U N1 N N N 162 U C2 C N N 163 U O2 O N N 164 U N3 N N N 165 U C4 C N N 166 U O4 O N N 167 U C5 C N N 168 U C6 C N N 169 U HOP3 H N N 170 U HOP2 H N N 171 U "H5'" H N N 172 U "H5''" H N N 173 U "H4'" H N N 174 U "H3'" H N N 175 U "HO3'" H N N 176 U "H2'" H N N 177 U "HO2'" H N N 178 U "H1'" H N N 179 U H3 H N N 180 U H5 H N N 181 U H6 H N N 182 # loop_ _chem_comp_bond.comp_id _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1 _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_2 _chem_comp_bond.value_order _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_aromatic_flag _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_ordinal A OP3 P sing N N 1 A OP3 HOP3 sing N N 2 A P OP1 doub N N 3 A P OP2 sing N N 4 A P "O5'" sing N N 5 A OP2 HOP2 sing N N 6 A "O5'" "C5'" sing N N 7 A "C5'" "C4'" sing N N 8 A "C5'" "H5'" sing N N 9 A "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 10 A "C4'" "O4'" sing N N 11 A "C4'" "C3'" sing N N 12 A "C4'" "H4'" sing N N 13 A "O4'" "C1'" sing N N 14 A "C3'" "O3'" sing N N 15 A "C3'" "C2'" sing N N 16 A "C3'" "H3'" sing N N 17 A "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 18 A "C2'" "O2'" sing N N 19 A "C2'" "C1'" sing N N 20 A "C2'" "H2'" sing N N 21 A "O2'" "HO2'" sing N N 22 A "C1'" N9 sing N N 23 A "C1'" "H1'" sing N N 24 A N9 C8 sing Y N 25 A N9 C4 sing Y N 26 A C8 N7 doub Y N 27 A C8 H8 sing N N 28 A N7 C5 sing Y N 29 A C5 C6 sing Y N 30 A C5 C4 doub Y N 31 A C6 N6 sing N N 32 A C6 N1 doub Y N 33 A N6 H61 sing N N 34 A N6 H62 sing N N 35 A N1 C2 sing Y N 36 A C2 N3 doub Y N 37 A C2 H2 sing N N 38 A N3 C4 sing Y N 39 AP7 "C1'" N9 sing N N 40 AP7 "C1'" "C2'" sing N N 41 AP7 "C1'" "O4'" sing N N 42 AP7 "C1'" "H1'" sing N N 43 AP7 N1 C2 sing Y N 44 AP7 N1 C6 doub Y N 45 AP7 N1 H1 sing N N 46 AP7 C2 N3 doub Y N 47 AP7 C2 H2 sing N N 48 AP7 N3 C4 sing Y N 49 AP7 C4 C5 doub Y N 50 AP7 C4 N9 sing Y N 51 AP7 C5 C6 sing Y N 52 AP7 C5 N7 sing Y N 53 AP7 C6 N6 sing N N 54 AP7 N6 H61 sing N N 55 AP7 N6 H62 sing N N 56 AP7 N7 C8 doub Y N 57 AP7 C8 N9 sing Y N 58 AP7 C8 H8 sing N N 59 AP7 "C2'" "O2'" sing N N 60 AP7 "C2'" "C3'" sing N N 61 AP7 "C2'" "H2'" sing N N 62 AP7 "O2'" "HO2'" sing N N 63 AP7 "C3'" "O3'" sing N N 64 AP7 "C3'" "C4'" sing N N 65 AP7 "C3'" "H3'" sing N N 66 AP7 "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 67 AP7 "C4'" "O4'" sing N N 68 AP7 "C4'" "C5'" sing N N 69 AP7 "C4'" "H4'" sing N N 70 AP7 "C5'" "O5'" sing N N 71 AP7 "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 72 AP7 "C5'" "H5'" sing N N 73 AP7 "O5'" P sing N N 74 AP7 OP1 P doub N N 75 AP7 OP2 P sing N N 76 AP7 OP2 HOP2 sing N N 77 AP7 P OP3 sing N N 78 AP7 OP3 HOP3 sing N N 79 C OP3 P sing N N 80 C OP3 HOP3 sing N N 81 C P OP1 doub N N 82 C P OP2 sing N N 83 C P "O5'" sing N N 84 C OP2 HOP2 sing N N 85 C "O5'" "C5'" sing N N 86 C "C5'" "C4'" sing N N 87 C "C5'" "H5'" sing N N 88 C "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 89 C "C4'" "O4'" sing N N 90 C "C4'" "C3'" sing N N 91 C "C4'" "H4'" sing N N 92 C "O4'" "C1'" sing N N 93 C "C3'" "O3'" sing N N 94 C "C3'" "C2'" sing N N 95 C "C3'" "H3'" sing N N 96 C "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 97 C "C2'" "O2'" sing N N 98 C "C2'" "C1'" sing N N 99 C "C2'" "H2'" sing N N 100 C "O2'" "HO2'" sing N N 101 C "C1'" N1 sing N N 102 C "C1'" "H1'" sing N N 103 C N1 C2 sing N N 104 C N1 C6 sing N N 105 C C2 O2 doub N N 106 C C2 N3 sing N N 107 C N3 C4 doub N N 108 C C4 N4 sing N N 109 C C4 C5 sing N N 110 C N4 H41 sing N N 111 C N4 H42 sing N N 112 C C5 C6 doub N N 113 C C5 H5 sing N N 114 C C6 H6 sing N N 115 G OP3 P sing N N 116 G OP3 HOP3 sing N N 117 G P OP1 doub N N 118 G P OP2 sing N N 119 G P "O5'" sing N N 120 G OP2 HOP2 sing N N 121 G "O5'" "C5'" sing N N 122 G "C5'" "C4'" sing N N 123 G "C5'" "H5'" sing N N 124 G "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 125 G "C4'" "O4'" sing N N 126 G "C4'" "C3'" sing N N 127 G "C4'" "H4'" sing N N 128 G "O4'" "C1'" sing N N 129 G "C3'" "O3'" sing N N 130 G "C3'" "C2'" sing N N 131 G "C3'" "H3'" sing N N 132 G "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 133 G "C2'" "O2'" sing N N 134 G "C2'" "C1'" sing N N 135 G "C2'" "H2'" sing N N 136 G "O2'" "HO2'" sing N N 137 G "C1'" N9 sing N N 138 G "C1'" "H1'" sing N N 139 G N9 C8 sing Y N 140 G N9 C4 sing Y N 141 G C8 N7 doub Y N 142 G C8 H8 sing N N 143 G N7 C5 sing Y N 144 G C5 C6 sing N N 145 G C5 C4 doub Y N 146 G C6 O6 doub N N 147 G C6 N1 sing N N 148 G N1 C2 sing N N 149 G N1 H1 sing N N 150 G C2 N2 sing N N 151 G C2 N3 doub N N 152 G N2 H21 sing N N 153 G N2 H22 sing N N 154 G N3 C4 sing N N 155 U OP3 P sing N N 156 U OP3 HOP3 sing N N 157 U P OP1 doub N N 158 U P OP2 sing N N 159 U P "O5'" sing N N 160 U OP2 HOP2 sing N N 161 U "O5'" "C5'" sing N N 162 U "C5'" "C4'" sing N N 163 U "C5'" "H5'" sing N N 164 U "C5'" "H5''" sing N N 165 U "C4'" "O4'" sing N N 166 U "C4'" "C3'" sing N N 167 U "C4'" "H4'" sing N N 168 U "O4'" "C1'" sing N N 169 U "C3'" "O3'" sing N N 170 U "C3'" "C2'" sing N N 171 U "C3'" "H3'" sing N N 172 U "O3'" "HO3'" sing N N 173 U "C2'" "O2'" sing N N 174 U "C2'" "C1'" sing N N 175 U "C2'" "H2'" sing N N 176 U "O2'" "HO2'" sing N N 177 U "C1'" N1 sing N N 178 U "C1'" "H1'" sing N N 179 U N1 C2 sing N N 180 U N1 C6 sing N N 181 U C2 O2 doub N N 182 U C2 N3 sing N N 183 U N3 C4 sing N N 184 U N3 H3 sing N N 185 U C4 O4 doub N N 186 U C4 C5 sing N N 187 U C5 C6 doub N N 188 U C5 H5 sing N N 189 U C6 H6 sing N N 190 # loop_ _ndb_struct_conf_na.entry_id _ndb_struct_conf_na.feature 2RRC 'double helix' 2RRC 'a-form double helix' 2RRC 'hairpin loop' 2RRC 'bulge loop' 2RRC 'mismatched base pair' # loop_ _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.model_number _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.i_label_asym_id _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.i_label_comp_id _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.i_label_seq_id _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.i_symmetry _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.j_label_asym_id _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.j_label_comp_id _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.j_label_seq_id _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.j_symmetry _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.shear _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.stretch _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.stagger _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.buckle _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.propeller _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.opening _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.pair_number _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.pair_name _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.i_auth_asym_id _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.i_auth_seq_id _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.i_PDB_ins_code _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.j_auth_asym_id _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.j_auth_seq_id _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.j_PDB_ins_code _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.hbond_type_28 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair.hbond_type_12 1 A G 1 1_555 A C 21 1_555 0.494 -0.035 0.078 2.096 0.465 -1.753 1 A_G1:C21_A A 1 ? A 21 ? 19 1 1 A G 2 1_555 A C 20 1_555 -0.831 -0.113 0.041 -2.876 1.967 4.061 2 A_G2:C20_A A 2 ? A 20 ? 19 1 1 A A 3 1_555 A U 19 1_555 -0.740 -0.046 0.132 3.148 0.003 -7.205 3 A_A3:U19_A A 3 ? A 19 ? 20 1 1 A C 4 1_555 A G 18 1_555 0.914 -0.329 0.126 -0.281 -1.701 -7.984 4 A_C4:G18_A A 4 ? A 18 ? 19 1 1 A C 5 1_555 A G 17 1_555 -0.591 0.056 -0.025 -4.237 4.528 -6.486 5 A_C5:G17_A A 5 ? A 17 ? 19 1 1 A C 6 1_555 A G 15 1_555 0.757 -0.100 0.487 -14.436 3.275 3.063 6 A_C6:G15_A A 6 ? A 15 ? 19 1 1 A AP7 7 1_555 A C 14 1_555 -3.243 -0.966 0.064 10.544 -1.820 -13.450 7 A_AP77:C14_A A 7 ? A 14 ? ? 1 1 A C 8 1_555 A G 13 1_555 0.706 -0.015 0.011 -0.994 2.370 -3.691 8 A_C8:G13_A A 8 ? A 13 ? 19 1 1 A C 9 1_555 A G 12 1_555 0.838 -3.878 -0.310 -13.727 -2.743 -110.957 9 A_C9:G12_A A 9 ? A 12 ? ? 6 # loop_ _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.model_number _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_label_asym_id_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_label_comp_id_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_label_seq_id_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_symmetry_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_label_asym_id_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_label_comp_id_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_label_seq_id_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_symmetry_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_label_asym_id_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_label_comp_id_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_label_seq_id_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_symmetry_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_label_asym_id_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_label_comp_id_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_label_seq_id_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_symmetry_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.shift _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.slide _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.rise _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.tilt _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.roll _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.twist _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.x_displacement _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.y_displacement _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.helical_rise _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.inclination _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.tip _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.helical_twist _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.step_number _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.step_name _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_auth_asym_id_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_auth_seq_id_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_PDB_ins_code_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_auth_asym_id_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_auth_seq_id_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_PDB_ins_code_1 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_auth_asym_id_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_auth_seq_id_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.i_PDB_ins_code_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_auth_asym_id_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_auth_seq_id_2 _ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step.j_PDB_ins_code_2 1 A G 1 1_555 A C 21 1_555 A G 2 1_555 A C 20 1_555 1.440 -0.857 3.113 -3.204 24.801 18.576 -5.439 -3.185 1.051 53.507 6.912 31.063 1 AA_G1G2:C20C21_AA A 1 ? A 21 ? A 2 ? A 20 ? 1 A G 2 1_555 A C 20 1_555 A A 3 1_555 A U 19 1_555 -1.733 -0.342 3.045 -12.685 17.466 45.190 -1.668 1.140 3.081 21.352 15.508 49.836 2 AA_G2A3:U19C20_AA A 2 ? A 20 ? A 3 ? A 19 ? 1 A A 3 1_555 A U 19 1_555 A C 4 1_555 A G 18 1_555 -0.393 -1.765 3.094 0.917 0.213 34.641 -2.994 0.792 3.072 0.357 -1.539 34.654 3 AA_A3C4:G18U19_AA A 3 ? A 19 ? A 4 ? A 18 ? 1 A C 4 1_555 A G 18 1_555 A C 5 1_555 A G 17 1_555 0.792 -2.400 3.137 0.812 -10.757 20.302 -1.672 -1.661 3.917 -28.099 -2.121 22.964 4 AA_C4C5:G17G18_AA A 4 ? A 18 ? A 5 ? A 17 ? 1 A C 5 1_555 A G 17 1_555 A C 6 1_555 A G 15 1_555 2.555 -0.424 2.990 2.134 19.438 55.112 -1.374 -2.523 2.799 20.308 -2.229 58.221 5 AA_C5C6:G15G17_AA A 5 ? A 17 ? A 6 ? A 15 ? 1 A C 6 1_555 A G 15 1_555 A AP7 7 1_555 A C 14 1_555 -0.017 -0.949 2.833 1.304 -11.866 18.116 1.973 0.540 2.887 -33.386 -3.669 21.668 6 AA_C6AP77:C14G15_AA A 6 ? A 15 ? A 7 ? A 14 ? 1 A AP7 7 1_555 A C 14 1_555 A C 8 1_555 A G 13 1_555 -0.354 -1.340 3.236 -3.802 18.332 49.912 -2.593 0.170 2.646 20.896 4.334 53.097 7 AA_AP77C8:G13C14_AA A 7 ? A 14 ? A 8 ? A 13 ? 1 A C 8 1_555 A G 13 1_555 A C 9 1_555 A G 12 1_555 -1.233 -1.425 3.499 3.589 13.571 95.774 -1.197 0.890 3.292 9.110 -2.410 96.548 8 AA_C8C9:G12G13_AA A 8 ? A 13 ? A 9 ? A 12 ? # loop_ _pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.field_strength _pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.manufacturer _pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.model _pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.spectrometer_id _pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.type 500 Bruker DRX 1 'Bruker DRX' 600 Bruker DRX 2 'Bruker DRX' # _atom_sites.entry_id 2RRC _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1] 1.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2] 1.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3] 1.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1] 0.00000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2] 0.00000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3] 0.00000 # loop_ _atom_type.symbol C H N O P # loop_