data_3ZPK # 3ZPK # _audit_conform.dict_name mmcif_pdbx.dic _audit_conform.dict_version 5.395 _audit_conform.dict_location # loop_ _database_2.database_id _database_2.database_code _database_2.pdbx_database_accession _database_2.pdbx_DOI PDB 3ZPK pdb_00003zpk 10.2210/pdb3zpk/pdb PDBE EBI-56000 ? ? WWPDB D_1290056000 ? ? BMRB 19157 ? 10.13018/BMR19157 # loop_ _pdbx_audit_revision_history.ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_history.data_content_type _pdbx_audit_revision_history.major_revision _pdbx_audit_revision_history.minor_revision _pdbx_audit_revision_history.revision_date 1 'Structure model' 1 0 2013-12-04 2 'Structure model' 1 1 2014-03-05 3 'Structure model' 2 0 2018-03-21 4 'Structure model' 2 1 2020-11-18 5 'Structure model' 2 2 2021-01-27 6 'Structure model' 2 3 2021-02-03 7 'Structure model' 2 4 2023-06-14 8 'Structure model' 2 5 2024-07-10 # _pdbx_audit_revision_details.ordinal 1 _pdbx_audit_revision_details.revision_ordinal 1 _pdbx_audit_revision_details.data_content_type 'Structure model' _pdbx_audit_revision_details.provider repository _pdbx_audit_revision_details.type 'Initial release' _pdbx_audit_revision_details.description ? _pdbx_audit_revision_details.details ? # loop_ _pdbx_audit_revision_group.ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_group.revision_ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_group.data_content_type 1 2 'Structure model' 'Experimental preparation' 2 3 'Structure model' 'Atomic model' 3 3 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations' 4 3 'Structure model' 'Experimental preparation' 5 4 'Structure model' 'Refinement description' 6 5 'Structure model' 'Derived calculations' 7 5 'Structure model' 'Structure summary' 8 6 'Structure model' 'Structure summary' 9 7 'Structure model' 'Database references' 10 7 'Structure model' Other 11 8 'Structure model' 'Data collection' 12 8 'Structure model' 'Database references' # loop_ _pdbx_audit_revision_category.ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_category.revision_ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_category.data_content_type _pdbx_audit_revision_category.category 1 3 'Structure model' atom_site 2 3 'Structure model' em_sample_support 3 3 'Structure model' pdbx_struct_assembly 4 4 'Structure model' refine 5 5 'Structure model' audit_author 6 5 'Structure model' pdbx_struct_oper_list 7 6 'Structure model' struct 8 7 'Structure model' database_2 9 7 'Structure model' pdbx_database_status 10 8 'Structure model' chem_comp_atom 11 8 'Structure model' chem_comp_bond 12 8 'Structure model' database_2 # loop_ _pdbx_audit_revision_item.ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_item.revision_ordinal _pdbx_audit_revision_item.data_content_type _pdbx_audit_revision_item.item 1 3 'Structure model' '_atom_site.Cartn_x' 2 3 'Structure model' '_atom_site.Cartn_y' 3 3 'Structure model' '_atom_site.Cartn_z' 4 3 'Structure model' '_em_sample_support.grid_type' 5 3 'Structure model' '_pdbx_struct_assembly.details' 6 4 'Structure model' '_refine.pdbx_refine_id' 7 5 'Structure model' '' 8 5 'Structure model' '' 9 5 'Structure model' '_pdbx_struct_oper_list.type' 10 6 'Structure model' '_struct.title' 11 7 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_DOI' 12 7 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_database_accession' 13 7 'Structure model' '_pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data' 14 8 'Structure model' '_database_2.pdbx_DOI' # _pdbx_database_status.status_code REL _pdbx_database_status.entry_id 3ZPK _pdbx_database_status.deposit_site PDBE _pdbx_database_status.process_site PDBE _pdbx_database_status.SG_entry . _pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date 2013-02-28 _pdbx_database_status.pdb_format_compatible Y _pdbx_database_status.status_code_cs REL _pdbx_database_status.status_code_mr REL _pdbx_database_status.status_code_sf ? _pdbx_database_status.methods_development_category ? _pdbx_database_status.status_code_nmr_data REL # loop_ _pdbx_database_related.db_name _pdbx_database_related.db_id _pdbx_database_related.content_type _pdbx_database_related.details PDB 2M5K unspecified . PDB 2M5M unspecified . PDB 2M5N unspecified . EMDB EMD-2323 'other EM volume' 'ELECTRON CRYO-MICROSCOPY OF A CROSS-BETA AMYLOID FIBRIL POLYMORPH' EMDB EMD-2324 'associated EM volume' 'ELECTRON CRYO-MICROSCOPY OF A CROSS-BETA AMYLOID FIBRIL POLYMORPH' EMDB EMD-5590 'other EM volume' 'ELECTRON CRYO-MICROSCOPY OF A CROSS-BETA AMYLOID FIBRIL POLYMORPH' BMRB 19157 unspecified . # loop_ _audit_author.pdbx_ordinal 'Fitzpatrick, A.W.P.' 1 'Debelouchina, G.T.' 2 'Bayro, M.J.' 3 'Clare, D.K.' 4 'Caporini, M.A.' 5 'Bajaj, V.S.' 6 'Jaroniec, C.P.' 7 'Wang, L.' 8 'Ladizhansky, V.' 9 'Muller, S.A.' 10 'MacPhee, C.E.' 11 'Waudby, C.A.' 12 'Mott, H.R.' 13 'de Simone, A.' 14 'Knowles, T.P.J.' 15 'Saibil, H.R.' 16 'Vendruscolo, M.' 17 'Orlova, E.V.' 18 'Griffin, R.G.' 19 'Dobson, C.M.' 20 # primary _citation.title 'Atomic Structure and Hierarchical Assembly of a Cross-Beta Amyloid Fibril.' _citation.journal_abbrev Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA _citation.journal_volume 110 _citation.page_first 5468 _citation.page_last ? _citation.year 2013 _citation.journal_id_ASTM PNASA6 US _citation.journal_id_ISSN 0027-8424 _citation.journal_id_CSD 0040 _citation.book_publisher ? _citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed 23513222 _citation.pdbx_database_id_DOI 10.1073/PNAS.1219476110 # loop_ _citation_author.citation_id _citation_author.ordinal _citation_author.identifier_ORCID primary 'Fitzpatrick, A.W.P.' 1 ? primary 'Debelouchina, G.T.' 2 ? primary 'Bayro, M.J.' 3 ? primary 'Clare, D.K.' 4 ? primary 'Caporini, M.A.' 5 ? primary 'Bajaj, V.S.' 6 ? primary 'Jaroniec, C.P.' 7 ? primary 'Wang, L.' 8 ? primary 'Ladizhansky, V.' 9 ? primary 'Muller, S.A.' 10 ? primary 'Macphee, C.E.' 11 ? primary 'Waudby, C.A.' 12 ? primary 'Mott, H.R.' 13 ? primary 'De Simone, A.' 14 ? primary 'Knowles, T.P.J.' 15 ? primary 'Saibil, H.R.' 16 ? primary 'Vendruscolo, M.' 17 ? primary 'Orlova, E.V.' 18 ? primary 'Griffin, R.G.' 19 ? primary 'Dobson, C.M.' 20 ? # 1 _entity.type polymer _entity.src_method syn _entity.pdbx_description TRANSTHYRETIN _entity.formula_weight 1198.366 _entity.pdbx_number_of_molecules 16 _entity.pdbx_ec ? _entity.pdbx_mutation ? _entity.pdbx_fragment 'RESIDUES 125-135' _entity.details ? # _entity_name_com.entity_id 1 'PREALBUMIN, TBPA' # _entity_poly.entity_id 1 _entity_poly.type 'polypeptide(L)' _entity_poly.nstd_linkage no _entity_poly.nstd_monomer no _entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code YTIAALLSPYS _entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code_can YTIAALLSPYS _entity_poly.pdbx_strand_id A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P _entity_poly.pdbx_target_identifier ? # loop_ _entity_poly_seq.entity_id _entity_poly_seq.num _entity_poly_seq.mon_id _entity_poly_seq.hetero 1 1 TYR n 1 2 THR n 1 3 ILE n 1 4 ALA n 1 5 ALA n 1 6 LEU n 1 7 LEU n 1 8 SER n 1 9 PRO n 1 10 TYR n 1 11 SER n # _pdbx_entity_src_syn.entity_id 1 _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_src_id 1 _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_alt_source_flag sample _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_beg_seq_num ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_end_seq_num ? _pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_scientific 'RATTUS NORVEGICUS' _pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_common_name 'NORWAY RAT' _pdbx_entity_src_syn.ncbi_taxonomy_id 10116 _pdbx_entity_src_syn.details ? # loop_ _chem_comp.type _chem_comp.mon_nstd_flag _chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms _chem_comp.formula _chem_comp.formula_weight ALA 'L-peptide linking' y ALANINE ? 'C3 H7 N O2' 89.093 ILE 'L-peptide linking' y ISOLEUCINE ? 'C6 H13 N O2' 131.173 LEU 'L-peptide linking' y LEUCINE ? 'C6 H13 N O2' 131.173 PRO 'L-peptide linking' y PROLINE ? 'C5 H9 N O2' 115.130 SER 'L-peptide linking' y SERINE ? 'C3 H7 N O3' 105.093 THR 'L-peptide linking' y THREONINE ? 'C4 H9 N O3' 119.119 TYR 'L-peptide linking' y TYROSINE ? 'C9 H11 N O3' 181.189 # loop_ _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.asym_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.entity_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.seq_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.mon_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.ndb_seq_num _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_seq_num _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.auth_seq_num _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_mon_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.auth_mon_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_strand_id _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.pdb_ins_code _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme.hetero A 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR A . n A 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR A . n A 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE A . n A 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA A . n A 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA A . n A 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU A . n A 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU A . n A 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER A . n A 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO A . n A 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR A . n A 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER A . n B 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR B . n B 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR B . n B 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE B . n B 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA B . n B 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA B . n B 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU B . n B 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU B . n B 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER B . n B 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO B . n B 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR B . n B 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER B . n C 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR C . n C 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR C . n C 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE C . n C 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA C . n C 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA C . n C 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU C . n C 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU C . n C 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER C . n C 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO C . n C 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR C . n C 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER C . n D 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR D . n D 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR D . n D 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE D . n D 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA D . n D 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA D . n D 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU D . n D 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU D . n D 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER D . n D 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO D . n D 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR D . n D 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER D . n E 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR E . n E 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR E . n E 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE E . n E 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA E . n E 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA E . n E 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU E . n E 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU E . n E 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER E . n E 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO E . n E 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR E . n E 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER E . n F 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR F . n F 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR F . n F 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE F . n F 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA F . n F 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA F . n F 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU F . n F 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU F . n F 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER F . n F 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO F . n F 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR F . n F 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER F . n G 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR G . n G 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR G . n G 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE G . n G 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA G . n G 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA G . n G 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU G . n G 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU G . n G 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER G . n G 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO G . n G 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR G . n G 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER G . n H 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR H . n H 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR H . n H 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE H . n H 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA H . n H 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA H . n H 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU H . n H 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU H . n H 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER H . n H 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO H . n H 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR H . n H 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER H . n I 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR I . n I 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR I . n I 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE I . n I 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA I . n I 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA I . n I 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU I . n I 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU I . n I 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER I . n I 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO I . n I 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR I . n I 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER I . n J 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR J . n J 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR J . n J 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE J . n J 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA J . n J 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA J . n J 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU J . n J 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU J . n J 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER J . n J 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO J . n J 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR J . n J 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER J . n K 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR K . n K 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR K . n K 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE K . n K 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA K . n K 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA K . n K 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU K . n K 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU K . n K 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER K . n K 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO K . n K 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR K . n K 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER K . n L 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR L . n L 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR L . n L 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE L . n L 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA L . n L 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA L . n L 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU L . n L 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU L . n L 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER L . n L 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO L . n L 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR L . n L 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER L . n M 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR M . n M 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR M . n M 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE M . n M 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA M . n M 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA M . n M 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU M . n M 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU M . n M 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER M . n M 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO M . n M 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR M . n M 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER M . n N 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR N . n N 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR N . n N 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE N . n N 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA N . n N 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA N . n N 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU N . n N 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU N . n N 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER N . n N 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO N . n N 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR N . n N 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER N . n O 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR O . n O 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR O . n O 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE O . n O 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA O . n O 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA O . n O 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU O . n O 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU O . n O 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER O . n O 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO O . n O 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR O . n O 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER O . n P 1 1 TYR 1 1 1 TYR TYR P . n P 1 2 THR 2 2 2 THR THR P . n P 1 3 ILE 3 3 3 ILE ILE P . n P 1 4 ALA 4 4 4 ALA ALA P . n P 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA P . n P 1 6 LEU 6 6 6 LEU LEU P . n P 1 7 LEU 7 7 7 LEU LEU P . n P 1 8 SER 8 8 8 SER SER P . n P 1 9 PRO 9 9 9 PRO PRO P . n P 1 10 TYR 10 10 10 TYR TYR P . n P 1 11 SER 11 11 11 SER SER P . n # _cell.entry_id 3ZPK _cell.length_a 1.000 _cell.length_b 1.000 _cell.length_c 1.000 _cell.angle_alpha 90.00 _cell.angle_beta 90.00 _cell.angle_gamma 90.00 _cell.Z_PDB 1 _cell.pdbx_unique_axis ? # _symmetry.entry_id 3ZPK _symmetry.space_group_name_H-M 'P 1' _symmetry.pdbx_full_space_group_name_H-M ? _symmetry.cell_setting ? _symmetry.Int_Tables_number 1 # loop_ _exptl.entry_id _exptl.method _exptl.crystals_number 3ZPK 'SOLID-STATE NMR' ? 3ZPK 'ELECTRON MICROSCOPY' ? # 1 _exptl_crystal.density_meas ? _exptl_crystal.density_Matthews ? _exptl_crystal.density_percent_sol ? _exptl_crystal.description ? # 1 _diffrn.ambient_temp ? _diffrn.ambient_temp_details ? _diffrn.crystal_id 1 # _diffrn_radiation.diffrn_id 1 _diffrn_radiation.wavelength_id 1 _diffrn_radiation.pdbx_monochromatic_or_laue_m_l ? _diffrn_radiation.monochromator ? _diffrn_radiation.pdbx_diffrn_protocol ? _diffrn_radiation.pdbx_scattering_type ? # 1 _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength . _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wt 1.0 # _refine.pdbx_refine_id 'ELECTRON MICROSCOPY' _refine.entry_id 3ZPK _refine.pdbx_diffrn_id 1 _refine.pdbx_TLS_residual_ADP_flag ? _refine.ls_number_reflns_obs ? _refine.ls_number_reflns_all ? _refine.pdbx_ls_sigma_I ? _refine.pdbx_ls_sigma_F ? _refine.pdbx_data_cutoff_high_absF ? _refine.pdbx_data_cutoff_low_absF ? _refine.pdbx_data_cutoff_high_rms_absF ? _refine.ls_d_res_low ? _refine.ls_d_res_high . _refine.ls_percent_reflns_obs ? _refine.ls_R_factor_obs ? _refine.ls_R_factor_all ? _refine.ls_R_factor_R_work ? _refine.ls_R_factor_R_free ? _refine.ls_R_factor_R_free_error ? _refine.ls_R_factor_R_free_error_details ? _refine.ls_percent_reflns_R_free ? _refine.ls_number_reflns_R_free ? _refine.ls_number_parameters ? _refine.ls_number_restraints ? _refine.occupancy_min ? _refine.occupancy_max ? _refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc ? _refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc_free ? _refine.B_iso_mean ? _refine.aniso_B[1][1] ? _refine.aniso_B[2][2] ? _refine.aniso_B[3][3] ? _refine.aniso_B[1][2] ? _refine.aniso_B[1][3] ? _refine.aniso_B[2][3] ? _refine.solvent_model_details ? _refine.solvent_model_param_ksol ? _refine.solvent_model_param_bsol ? _refine.pdbx_solvent_vdw_probe_radii ? _refine.pdbx_solvent_ion_probe_radii ? _refine.pdbx_solvent_shrinkage_radii ? _refine.pdbx_ls_cross_valid_method ? _refine.details ? _refine.pdbx_starting_model ? _refine.pdbx_method_to_determine_struct CNSSOLVE _refine.pdbx_isotropic_thermal_model ? _refine.pdbx_stereochemistry_target_values ? _refine.pdbx_stereochem_target_val_spec_case ? _refine.pdbx_R_Free_selection_details ? _refine.pdbx_overall_ESU_R ? _refine.pdbx_overall_ESU_R_Free ? _refine.overall_SU_ML ? _refine.pdbx_overall_phase_error ? _refine.overall_SU_B ? _refine.overall_SU_R_Cruickshank_DPI ? _refine.pdbx_overall_SU_R_free_Cruickshank_DPI ? _refine.pdbx_overall_SU_R_Blow_DPI ? _refine.pdbx_overall_SU_R_free_Blow_DPI ? # _refine_hist.pdbx_refine_id 'ELECTRON MICROSCOPY' _refine_hist.cycle_id LAST _refine_hist.pdbx_number_atoms_protein 1360 _refine_hist.pdbx_number_atoms_nucleic_acid 0 _refine_hist.pdbx_number_atoms_ligand 0 _refine_hist.number_atoms_solvent 0 _refine_hist.number_atoms_total 1360 _refine_hist.d_res_high . _refine_hist.d_res_low . # _database_PDB_matrix.entry_id 3ZPK _database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][1] 1.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][2] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[1][3] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][1] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][2] 1.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[2][3] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][1] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][2] 0.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx[3][3] 1.000000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[1] 0.00000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[2] 0.00000 _database_PDB_matrix.origx_vector[3] 0.00000 # _struct.entry_id 3ZPK _struct.title 'Atomic-resolution structure of a quadruplet cross-beta amyloid fibril.' _struct.pdbx_model_details ? _struct.pdbx_CASP_flag ? _struct.pdbx_model_type_details ? # _struct_keywords.entry_id 3ZPK _struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords 'PROTEIN FIBRIL' _struct_keywords.text 'PROTEIN FIBRIL, CROSS-BETA STRUCTURE' # loop_ _struct_asym.pdbx_blank_PDB_chainid_flag _struct_asym.pdbx_modified _struct_asym.entity_id _struct_asym.details A N N 1 ? B N N 1 ? C N N 1 ? D N N 1 ? E N N 1 ? F N N 1 ? G N N 1 ? H N N 1 ? I N N 1 ? J N N 1 ? K N N 1 ? L N N 1 ? M N N 1 ? N N N 1 ? O N N 1 ? P N N 1 ? # 1 _struct_ref.db_name UNP _struct_ref.db_code TTHY_RAT _struct_ref.entity_id 1 _struct_ref.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code ? _struct_ref.pdbx_align_begin ? _struct_ref.pdbx_db_accession P02767 _struct_ref.pdbx_db_isoform ? # loop_ _struct_ref_seq.align_id _struct_ref_seq.ref_id _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_PDB_id_code _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_strand_id _struct_ref_seq.seq_align_beg _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_beg_ins_code _struct_ref_seq.seq_align_end _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_end_ins_code _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_accession _struct_ref_seq.db_align_beg _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_beg_ins_code _struct_ref_seq.db_align_end _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_end_ins_code _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_beg _struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_end 1 1 3ZPK A 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 2 1 3ZPK B 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 3 1 3ZPK C 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 4 1 3ZPK D 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 5 1 3ZPK E 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 6 1 3ZPK F 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 7 1 3ZPK G 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 8 1 3ZPK H 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 9 1 3ZPK I 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 10 1 3ZPK J 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 11 1 3ZPK K 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 12 1 3ZPK L 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 13 1 3ZPK M 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 14 1 3ZPK N 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 15 1 3ZPK O 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 16 1 3ZPK P 1 ? 11 ? P02767 125 ? 135 ? 1 11 # loop_ _pdbx_struct_assembly.details _pdbx_struct_assembly.method_details _pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_details _pdbx_struct_assembly.oligomeric_count 1 'representative helical assembly' ? 1824-meric 1824 2 'helical asymmetric unit' ? hexadecameric 16 # loop_ _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.assembly_id _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.oper_expression _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.asym_id_list 1 '(1-114)' A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P 2 1 A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P # loop_ _pdbx_struct_oper_list.type _pdbx_struct_oper_list.symmetry_operation _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][1] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][2] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[1][3] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[1] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][1] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][2] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[2][3] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[2] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][1] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][2] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.matrix[3][3] _pdbx_struct_oper_list.vector[3] 1 'identity operation' 1_555 ? 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000 0.00000000 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 0.00000 2 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.99988000 0.01555000 0.00002000 -0.01777 -0.01555000 0.99988000 -0.00008000 -0.00138 -0.00002000 0.00008000 1.00000000 4.66992 3 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.99952000 0.03110000 0.00004000 -0.03550 -0.03110000 0.99952000 -0.00016000 -0.00270 -0.00005000 0.00016000 1.00000000 9.33958 4 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.99891000 0.04664000 0.00006000 -0.05317 -0.04664000 0.99891000 -0.00024000 -0.00406 -0.00007000 0.00024000 1.00000000 14.00934 5 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.99807000 0.06217000 0.00008000 -0.07106 -0.06217000 0.99807000 -0.00032000 -0.00573 -0.00010000 0.00032000 1.00000000 18.67990 6 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.99698000 0.07768000 0.00010000 -0.08841 -0.07768000 0.99698000 -0.00040000 -0.00744 -0.00013000 0.00039000 1.00000000 23.34964 7 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.99565000 0.09318000 0.00011000 -0.10604 -0.09318000 0.99565000 -0.00048000 -0.00905 -0.00016000 0.00047000 1.00000000 28.01976 8 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.99408000 0.10865000 0.00013000 -0.12366 -0.10865000 0.99408000 -0.00056000 -0.01073 -0.00019000 0.00055000 1.00000000 32.68948 9 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.99227000 0.12410000 0.00014000 -0.14099 -0.12410000 0.99227000 -0.00064000 -0.01253 -0.00022000 0.00062000 1.00000000 37.35962 10 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.99022000 0.13952000 0.00015000 -0.15809 -0.13952000 0.99022000 -0.00073000 -0.01459 -0.00025000 0.00070000 1.00000000 42.02945 11 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.98793000 0.15490000 0.00016000 -0.17547 -0.15490000 0.98793000 -0.00081000 -0.01674 -0.00028000 0.00077000 1.00000000 46.69926 12 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.98540000 0.17024000 0.00017000 -0.19228 -0.17024000 0.98540000 -0.00089000 -0.01917 -0.00032000 0.00085000 1.00000000 51.36984 13 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.98264000 0.18555000 0.00018000 -0.20956 -0.18555000 0.98263000 -0.00097000 -0.02108 -0.00036000 0.00092000 1.00000000 56.03940 14 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.97963000 0.20081000 0.00019000 -0.22627 -0.20081000 0.97963000 -0.00105000 -0.02376 -0.00039000 0.00099000 1.00000000 60.70959 15 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.97639000 0.21602000 0.00019000 -0.24328 -0.21602000 0.97639000 -0.00114000 -0.02628 -0.00043000 0.00107000 1.00000000 65.37949 16 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.97291000 0.23118000 0.00020000 -0.26040 -0.23118000 0.97291000 -0.00122000 -0.02847 -0.00047000 0.00114000 1.00000000 70.04944 17 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.96920000 0.24628000 0.00020000 -0.27691 -0.24628000 0.96920000 -0.00130000 -0.03127 -0.00051000 0.00121000 1.00000000 74.71951 18 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.96525000 0.26132000 0.00020000 -0.29380 -0.26132000 0.96525000 -0.00138000 -0.03412 -0.00055000 0.00128000 1.00000000 79.38930 19 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.96107000 0.27630000 0.00020000 -0.31070 -0.27630000 0.96107000 -0.00146000 -0.03698 -0.00060000 0.00135000 1.00000000 84.05951 20 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.95666000 0.29121000 0.00020000 -0.32711 -0.29121000 0.95666000 -0.00155000 -0.04055 -0.00064000 0.00142000 1.00000000 88.72929 21 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.95201000 0.30606000 0.00020000 -0.34403 -0.30606000 0.95201000 -0.00163000 -0.04399 -0.00069000 0.00149000 1.00000000 93.39941 22 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.94714000 0.32083000 0.00019000 -0.36068 -0.32082000 0.94714000 -0.00171000 -0.04727 -0.00073000 0.00156000 1.00000000 98.06935 23 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.94203000 0.33552000 0.00019000 -0.37710 -0.33552000 0.94203000 -0.00180000 -0.05059 -0.00078000 0.00163000 1.00000000 102.73938 24 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.93670000 0.35013000 0.00018000 -0.39357 -0.35012000 0.93670000 -0.00188000 -0.05424 -0.00083000 0.00170000 1.00000000 107.40924 25 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.93114000 0.36465000 0.00017000 -0.40995 -0.36465000 0.93114000 -0.00196000 -0.05812 -0.00088000 0.00176000 1.00000000 112.07921 26 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.92536000 0.37909000 0.00016000 -0.42632 -0.37909000 0.92536000 -0.00204000 -0.06200 -0.00093000 0.00183000 1.00000000 116.74899 27 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.91935000 0.39343000 0.00015000 -0.44259 -0.39343000 0.91935000 -0.00212000 -0.06585 -0.00098000 0.00189000 1.00000000 121.41930 28 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.91312000 0.40768000 0.00014000 -0.45887 -0.40768000 0.91312000 -0.00221000 -0.06976 -0.00103000 0.00196000 1.00000000 126.08897 29 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.90667000 0.42183000 0.00013000 -0.47502 -0.42183000 0.90667000 -0.00229000 -0.07430 -0.00108000 0.00202000 1.00000000 130.75912 30 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.90000000 0.43588000 0.00012000 -0.49099 -0.43588000 0.90000000 -0.00237000 -0.07802 -0.00114000 0.00208000 1.00000000 135.42908 31 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.89312000 0.44983000 0.00010000 -0.50706 -0.44983000 0.89311000 -0.00245000 -0.08202 -0.00119000 0.00214000 1.00000000 140.09929 32 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.88601000 0.46366000 0.00009000 -0.52317 -0.46366000 0.88601000 -0.00253000 -0.08607 -0.00125000 0.00220000 1.00000000 144.76889 33 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.87869000 0.47739000 0.00007000 -0.53923 -0.47738000 0.87869000 -0.00261000 -0.09058 -0.00130000 0.00226000 1.00000000 149.43896 34 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.87116000 0.49099000 0.00005000 -0.55560 -0.49099000 0.87116000 -0.00269000 -0.09532 -0.00136000 0.00232000 1.00000000 154.10889 35 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.86342000 0.50448000 0.00003000 -0.57162 -0.50448000 0.86342000 -0.00277000 -0.10033 -0.00142000 0.00238000 1.00000000 158.77910 36 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.85547000 0.51785000 0.00001000 -0.58757 -0.51785000 0.85547000 -0.00285000 -0.10522 -0.00148000 0.00243000 1.00000000 163.44904 37 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.84731000 0.53109000 -0.00002000 -0.60357 -0.53109000 0.84731000 -0.00293000 -0.11107 -0.00154000 0.00249000 1.00000000 168.11902 38 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.83895000 0.54421000 -0.00004000 -0.61943 -0.54420000 0.83895000 -0.00301000 -0.11576 -0.00160000 0.00254000 1.00000000 172.78903 39 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.83039000 0.55719000 -0.00006000 -0.63545 -0.55719000 0.83038000 -0.00308000 -0.12083 -0.00166000 0.00260000 1.00000000 177.45895 40 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.82162000 0.57003000 -0.00009000 -0.65124 -0.57003000 0.82162000 -0.00316000 -0.12642 -0.00173000 0.00265000 0.99999000 182.12889 41 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.81266000 0.58274000 -0.00012000 -0.66718 -0.58274000 0.81265000 -0.00324000 -0.13190 -0.00179000 0.00270000 0.99999000 186.79898 42 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.80350000 0.59531000 -0.00015000 -0.68302 -0.59531000 0.80349000 -0.00332000 -0.13752 -0.00186000 0.00275000 0.99999000 191.46901 43 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.79414000 0.60773000 -0.00018000 -0.69877 -0.60773000 0.79413000 -0.00340000 -0.14360 -0.00192000 0.00280000 0.99999000 196.13885 44 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.78459000 0.62001000 -0.00021000 -0.71458 -0.62001000 0.78459000 -0.00347000 -0.14932 -0.00199000 0.00285000 0.99999000 200.80887 45 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.77486000 0.63214000 -0.00024000 -0.73037 -0.63214000 0.77485000 -0.00355000 -0.15547 -0.00206000 0.00290000 0.99999000 205.47879 46 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.76493000 0.64411000 -0.00027000 -0.74618 -0.64411000 0.76493000 -0.00362000 -0.16176 -0.00212000 0.00295000 0.99999000 210.14876 47 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.75482000 0.65593000 -0.00031000 -0.76201 -0.65593000 0.75482000 -0.00370000 -0.16806 -0.00219000 0.00299000 0.99999000 214.81879 48 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.74453000 0.66759000 -0.00034000 -0.77774 -0.66759000 0.74452000 -0.00377000 -0.17448 -0.00226000 0.00304000 0.99999000 219.48871 49 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.73406000 0.67909000 -0.00038000 -0.79353 -0.67908000 0.73405000 -0.00385000 -0.18114 -0.00233000 0.00308000 0.99999000 224.15866 50 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.72341000 0.69042000 -0.00042000 -0.80928 -0.69042000 0.72340000 -0.00392000 -0.18755 -0.00240000 0.00312000 0.99999000 228.82861 51 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.71258000 0.70159000 -0.00046000 -0.82509 -0.70158000 0.71258000 -0.00399000 -0.19421 -0.00247000 0.00316000 0.99999000 233.49861 52 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.70159000 0.71259000 -0.00050000 -0.84082 -0.71258000 0.70158000 -0.00406000 -0.20124 -0.00254000 0.00320000 0.99999000 238.16861 53 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.69042000 0.72341000 -0.00054000 -0.85668 -0.72341000 0.69041000 -0.00413000 -0.20835 -0.00262000 0.00324000 0.99999000 242.83856 54 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.67908000 0.73406000 -0.00058000 -0.87243 -0.73405000 0.67908000 -0.00420000 -0.21567 -0.00269000 0.00328000 0.99999000 247.50853 55 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.66759000 0.74453000 -0.00063000 -0.88830 -0.74453000 0.66758000 -0.00427000 -0.22324 -0.00276000 0.00332000 0.99999000 252.17850 56 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.65593000 0.75482000 -0.00067000 -0.90397 -0.75482000 0.65592000 -0.00434000 -0.23046 -0.00284000 0.00335000 0.99999000 256.84851 57 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.64411000 0.76493000 -0.00072000 -0.91980 -0.76493000 0.64410000 -0.00441000 -0.23790 -0.00291000 0.00339000 0.99999000 261.51849 58 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.63214000 0.77486000 -0.00076000 -0.93564 -0.77485000 0.63213000 -0.00448000 -0.24553 -0.00299000 0.00342000 0.99999000 266.18845 59 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.62001000 0.78459000 -0.00081000 -0.95147 -0.78459000 0.62000000 -0.00455000 -0.25370 -0.00307000 0.00346000 0.99999000 270.85843 60 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.60773000 0.79414000 -0.00086000 -0.96735 -0.79414000 0.60772000 -0.00461000 -0.26160 -0.00314000 0.00349000 0.99999000 275.52838 61 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.59531000 0.80350000 -0.00091000 -0.98331 -0.80349000 0.59530000 -0.00468000 -0.26964 -0.00322000 0.00352000 0.99999000 280.19839 62 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.58274000 0.81266000 -0.00096000 -0.99924 -0.81265000 0.58273000 -0.00474000 -0.27759 -0.00329000 0.00354000 0.99999000 284.86835 63 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.57003000 0.82162000 -0.00101000 -1.01513 -0.82162000 0.57002000 -0.00481000 -0.28568 -0.00337000 0.00357000 0.99999000 289.53830 64 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.55718000 0.83039000 -0.00107000 -1.03103 -0.83038000 0.55717000 -0.00487000 -0.29432 -0.00345000 0.00360000 0.99999000 294.20828 65 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.54420000 0.83895000 -0.00112000 -1.04703 -0.83895000 0.54419000 -0.00493000 -0.30288 -0.00353000 0.00362000 0.99999000 298.87820 66 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.53109000 0.84731000 -0.00117000 -1.06307 -0.84731000 0.53108000 -0.00499000 -0.31154 -0.00361000 0.00365000 0.99999000 303.54816 67 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.51785000 0.85547000 -0.00123000 -1.07908 -0.85546000 0.51784000 -0.00506000 -0.32047 -0.00369000 0.00367000 0.99999000 308.21823 68 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.50448000 0.86342000 -0.00129000 -1.09518 -0.86341000 0.50447000 -0.00511000 -0.32916 -0.00377000 0.00369000 0.99999000 312.88821 69 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.49099000 0.87116000 -0.00134000 -1.11135 -0.87115000 0.49098000 -0.00517000 -0.33824 -0.00385000 0.00371000 0.99999000 317.55807 70 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.47739000 0.87869000 -0.00140000 -1.12747 -0.87869000 0.47737000 -0.00523000 -0.34753 -0.00393000 0.00373000 0.99999000 322.22809 71 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.46366000 0.88601000 -0.00146000 -1.14367 -0.88600000 0.46365000 -0.00529000 -0.35658 -0.00401000 0.00375000 0.99998000 326.89801 72 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.44983000 0.89311000 -0.00152000 -1.15979 -0.89311000 0.44981000 -0.00534000 -0.36584 -0.00409000 0.00376000 0.99998000 331.56802 73 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.43588000 0.90000000 -0.00158000 -1.17613 -0.89999000 0.43587000 -0.00540000 -0.37557 -0.00417000 0.00378000 0.99998000 336.23798 74 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.42183000 0.90667000 -0.00165000 -1.19245 -0.90666000 0.42182000 -0.00545000 -0.38518 -0.00425000 0.00379000 0.99998000 340.90799 75 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.40768000 0.91312000 -0.00171000 -1.20883 -0.91311000 0.40767000 -0.00551000 -0.39484 -0.00433000 0.00380000 0.99998000 345.57797 76 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.39343000 0.91935000 -0.00177000 -1.22532 -0.91934000 0.39342000 -0.00556000 -0.40488 -0.00441000 0.00382000 0.99998000 350.24786 77 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.37909000 0.92536000 -0.00184000 -1.24173 -0.92535000 0.37907000 -0.00561000 -0.41486 -0.00450000 0.00383000 0.99998000 354.91794 78 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.36465000 0.93114000 -0.00190000 -1.25811 -0.93113000 0.36464000 -0.00566000 -0.42466 -0.00458000 0.00383000 0.99998000 359.58789 79 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.35013000 0.93670000 -0.00197000 -1.27475 -0.93669000 0.35011000 -0.00571000 -0.43506 -0.00466000 0.00384000 0.99998000 364.25781 80 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.33552000 0.94203000 -0.00203000 -1.29133 -0.94202000 0.33550000 -0.00576000 -0.44526 -0.00474000 0.00385000 0.99998000 368.92792 81 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.32083000 0.94714000 -0.00210000 -1.30807 -0.94713000 0.32081000 -0.00580000 -0.45564 -0.00482000 0.00385000 0.99998000 373.59778 82 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.30606000 0.95201000 -0.00217000 -1.32475 -0.95200000 0.30604000 -0.00585000 -0.46624 -0.00491000 0.00386000 0.99998000 378.26779 83 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.29121000 0.95666000 -0.00224000 -1.34149 -0.95664000 0.29120000 -0.00590000 -0.47675 -0.00499000 0.00386000 0.99998000 382.93765 84 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.27630000 0.96107000 -0.00231000 -1.35845 -0.96106000 0.27628000 -0.00594000 -0.48774 -0.00507000 0.00386000 0.99998000 387.60764 85 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.26132000 0.96525000 -0.00238000 -1.37543 -0.96524000 0.26130000 -0.00598000 -0.49855 -0.00515000 0.00386000 0.99998000 392.27759 86 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.24628000 0.96920000 -0.00245000 -1.39239 -0.96918000 0.24626000 -0.00602000 -0.50937 -0.00523000 0.00386000 0.99998000 396.94754 87 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.23118000 0.97291000 -0.00252000 -1.40943 -0.97290000 0.23116000 -0.00607000 -0.52061 -0.00532000 0.00386000 0.99998000 401.61743 88 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.21602000 0.97639000 -0.00260000 -1.42669 -0.97637000 0.21600000 -0.00610000 -0.53169 -0.00540000 0.00385000 0.99998000 406.28738 89 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.20081000 0.97963000 -0.00267000 -1.44380 -0.97962000 0.20079000 -0.00614000 -0.54302 -0.00548000 0.00385000 0.99998000 410.95740 90 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.18555000 0.98263000 -0.00274000 -1.46092 -0.98262000 0.18553000 -0.00618000 -0.55432 -0.00556000 0.00384000 0.99998000 415.62744 91 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.17025000 0.98540000 -0.00282000 -1.47833 -0.98539000 0.17023000 -0.00622000 -0.56594 -0.00565000 0.00383000 0.99998000 420.29749 92 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.15490000 0.98793000 -0.00289000 -1.49563 -0.98791000 0.15488000 -0.00625000 -0.57723 -0.00573000 0.00382000 0.99998000 424.96729 93 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.13952000 0.99022000 -0.00296000 -1.51325 -0.99020000 0.13950000 -0.00628000 -0.58906 -0.00581000 0.00381000 0.99998000 429.63718 94 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.12410000 0.99226000 -0.00304000 -1.53084 -0.99225000 0.12408000 -0.00632000 -0.60085 -0.00589000 0.00380000 0.99998000 434.30713 95 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.10865000 0.99407000 -0.00312000 -1.54846 -0.99406000 0.10863000 -0.00635000 -0.61273 -0.00597000 0.00379000 0.99997000 438.97714 96 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.09318000 0.99564000 -0.00319000 -1.56622 -0.99563000 0.09316000 -0.00638000 -0.62470 -0.00605000 0.00377000 0.99997000 443.64716 97 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.07769000 0.99697000 -0.00327000 -1.58402 -0.99696000 0.07766000 -0.00641000 -0.63683 -0.00614000 0.00376000 0.99997000 448.31720 98 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.06217000 0.99806000 -0.00335000 -1.60183 -0.99805000 0.06215000 -0.00644000 -0.64878 -0.00621000 0.00374000 0.99997000 452.98712 99 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.04664000 0.99891000 -0.00343000 -1.61998 -0.99889000 0.04662000 -0.00646000 -0.66136 -0.00630000 0.00372000 0.99997000 457.65707 100 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.03110000 0.99951000 -0.00350000 -1.63799 -0.99950000 0.03108000 -0.00649000 -0.67369 -0.00638000 0.00370000 0.99997000 462.32697 101 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.01556000 0.99987000 -0.00358000 -1.65610 -0.99986000 0.01553000 -0.00651000 -0.68595 -0.00646000 0.00368000 0.99997000 466.99677 102 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? 0.00000000 0.99999000 -0.00366000 -1.67428 -0.99998000 -0.00002000 -0.00654000 -0.69838 -0.00654000 0.00366000 0.99997000 471.66699 103 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.01555000 0.99987000 -0.00374000 -1.69263 -0.99986000 -0.01557000 -0.00656000 -0.71095 -0.00661000 0.00364000 0.99997000 476.33710 104 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.03110000 0.99951000 -0.00382000 -1.71116 -0.99949000 -0.03112000 -0.00658000 -0.72375 -0.00669000 0.00362000 0.99997000 481.00650 105 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.04664000 0.99890000 -0.00390000 -1.72954 -0.99889000 -0.04666000 -0.00660000 -0.73646 -0.00677000 0.00359000 0.99997000 485.67682 106 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.06217000 0.99806000 -0.00398000 -1.74829 -0.99804000 -0.06219000 -0.00661000 -0.74937 -0.00685000 0.00356000 0.99997000 490.34668 107 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.07768000 0.99697000 -0.00406000 -1.76697 -0.99695000 -0.07770000 -0.00663000 -0.76221 -0.00693000 0.00354000 0.99997000 495.01688 108 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.09317000 0.99564000 -0.00414000 -1.78582 -0.99563000 -0.09320000 -0.00665000 -0.77534 -0.00700000 0.00351000 0.99997000 499.68655 109 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.10865000 0.99407000 -0.00423000 -1.80477 -0.99406000 -0.10867000 -0.00666000 -0.78845 -0.00708000 0.00348000 0.99997000 504.35669 110 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.12409000 0.99226000 -0.00431000 -1.82366 -0.99224000 -0.12412000 -0.00667000 -0.80144 -0.00716000 0.00344000 0.99997000 509.02640 111 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.13951000 0.99021000 -0.00439000 -1.84293 -0.99019000 -0.13954000 -0.00669000 -0.81488 -0.00723000 0.00341000 0.99997000 513.69653 112 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.15489000 0.98792000 -0.00447000 -1.86205 -0.98790000 -0.15492000 -0.00670000 -0.82797 -0.00731000 0.00338000 0.99997000 518.36652 113 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.17024000 0.98539000 -0.00455000 -1.88130 -0.98538000 -0.17027000 -0.00671000 -0.84143 -0.00738000 0.00334000 0.99997000 523.03662 114 'helical symmetry operation' ? ? -0.18554000 0.98263000 -0.00463000 -1.90058 -0.98261000 -0.18557000 -0.00671000 -0.85477 -0.00746000 0.00331000 0.99997000 527.70642 # _pdbx_helical_symmetry.entry_id 3ZPK _pdbx_helical_symmetry.number_of_operations 114 _pdbx_helical_symmetry.rotation_per_n_subunits -0.89 _pdbx_helical_symmetry.rise_per_n_subunits 4.67 _pdbx_helical_symmetry.n_subunits_divisor 1 _pdbx_helical_symmetry.dyad_axis no _pdbx_helical_symmetry.circular_symmetry 1 # _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.entry_id 3ZPK _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_calculated_total_number ? _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_submitted_total_number 1 _pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformer_selection_criteria ? # _em_3d_reconstruction.entry_id 3ZPK 1 _em_3d_reconstruction.image_processing_id 1 _em_3d_reconstruction.num_particles 175 _em_3d_reconstruction.symmetry_type HELICAL _em_3d_reconstruction.method ? _em_3d_reconstruction.algorithm ? _em_3d_reconstruction.nominal_pixel_size ? _em_3d_reconstruction.actual_pixel_size ? _em_3d_reconstruction.num_class_averages ? _em_3d_reconstruction.resolution ? _em_3d_reconstruction.resolution_method ? _em_3d_reconstruction.magnification_calibration ? _em_3d_reconstruction.details ? # 1 _em_buffer.specimen_id 1 _em_buffer.pH 2 ? _em_buffer.details ? # 1 'Quadruplet cross-beta amyloid fibril polymorph' _em_entity_assembly.parent_id 0 _em_entity_assembly.source ? _em_entity_assembly.type COMPLEX _em_entity_assembly.synonym ? _em_entity_assembly.oligomeric_details ? _em_entity_assembly.details ? _em_entity_assembly.entity_id_list ? # _em_image_scans.entry_id 3ZPK _em_image_scans.image_recording_id 1 1 _em_image_scans.scanner_model 'ZEISS SCAI' _em_image_scans.citation_id ? _em_image_scans.number_digital_images ? _em_image_scans.od_range ? _em_image_scans.quant_bit_size ? _em_image_scans.sampling_size ? _em_image_scans.details ? # _em_imaging.entry_id 3ZPK 1 _em_imaging.specimen_id 1 _em_imaging.accelerating_voltage 200 _em_imaging.electron_source 'FIELD EMISSION GUN' _em_imaging.illumination_mode 'FLOOD BEAM' _em_imaging.mode 'BRIGHT FIELD' _em_imaging.microscope_model 'FEI TECNAI F20' _em_imaging.citation_id ? ? _em_imaging.temperature ? _em_imaging.nominal_defocus_min ? _em_imaging.nominal_defocus_max ? _em_imaging.tilt_angle_min ? _em_imaging.tilt_angle_max ? _em_imaging.nominal_cs ? _em_imaging.nominal_magnification ? _em_imaging.calibrated_magnification ? _em_imaging.astigmatism ? _em_imaging.details ? _em_imaging.detector_distance ? _em_imaging.electron_beam_tilt_params ? _em_imaging.recording_temperature_maximum ? _em_imaging.recording_temperature_minimum ? _em_imaging.specimen_holder_type ? _em_imaging.specimen_holder_model ? # 1 _em_sample_support.specimen_id 1 _em_sample_support.details 'Holey carbon films R2/2 Quantifoil' _em_sample_support.method ? _em_sample_support.film_material ? _em_sample_support.grid_material ? _em_sample_support.grid_mesh_size ? _em_sample_support.grid_type 'R2/2 Quantifoil' # _em_vitrification.entry_id 3ZPK 1 _em_vitrification.instrument 'HOMEMADE PLUNGER' _em_vitrification.cryogen_name ETHANE _em_vitrification.specimen_id 1 _em_vitrification.citation_id ? _em_vitrification.humidity ? _em_vitrification.method ? _em_vitrification.temp ? _em_vitrification.time_resolved_state ? _em_vitrification.details ? _em_vitrification.chamber_temperature ? # _em_experiment.entry_id 3ZPK 1 _em_experiment.entity_assembly_id 1 _em_experiment.aggregation_state FILAMENT _em_experiment.reconstruction_method 'SINGLE PARTICLE' # loop_ _chem_comp_atom.comp_id _chem_comp_atom.atom_id _chem_comp_atom.type_symbol _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_aromatic_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_ordinal ALA N N N N 1 ALA CA C N S 2 ALA C C N N 3 ALA O O N N 4 ALA CB C N N 5 ALA OXT O N N 6 ALA H H N N 7 ALA H2 H N N 8 ALA HA H N N 9 ALA HB1 H N N 10 ALA HB2 H N N 11 ALA HB3 H N N 12 ALA HXT H N N 13 ILE N N N N 14 ILE CA C N S 15 ILE C C N N 16 ILE O O N N 17 ILE CB C N S 18 ILE CG1 C N N 19 ILE CG2 C N N 20 ILE CD1 C N N 21 ILE OXT O N N 22 ILE H H N N 23 ILE H2 H N N 24 ILE HA H N N 25 ILE HB H N N 26 ILE HG12 H N N 27 ILE HG13 H N N 28 ILE HG21 H N N 29 ILE HG22 H N N 30 ILE HG23 H N N 31 ILE HD11 H N N 32 ILE HD12 H N N 33 ILE HD13 H N N 34 ILE HXT H N N 35 LEU N N N N 36 LEU CA C N S 37 LEU C C N N 38 LEU O O N N 39 LEU CB C N N 40 LEU CG C N N 41 LEU CD1 C N N 42 LEU CD2 C N N 43 LEU OXT O N N 44 LEU H H N N 45 LEU H2 H N N 46 LEU HA H N N 47 LEU HB2 H N N 48 LEU HB3 H N N 49 LEU HG H N N 50 LEU HD11 H N N 51 LEU HD12 H N N 52 LEU HD13 H N N 53 LEU HD21 H N N 54 LEU HD22 H N N 55 LEU HD23 H N N 56 LEU HXT H N N 57 PRO N N N N 58 PRO CA C N S 59 PRO C C N N 60 PRO O O N N 61 PRO CB C N N 62 PRO CG C N N 63 PRO CD C N N 64 PRO OXT O N N 65 PRO H H N N 66 PRO HA H N N 67 PRO HB2 H N N 68 PRO HB3 H N N 69 PRO HG2 H N N 70 PRO HG3 H N N 71 PRO HD2 H N N 72 PRO HD3 H N N 73 PRO HXT H N N 74 SER N N N N 75 SER CA C N S 76 SER C C N N 77 SER O O N N 78 SER CB C N N 79 SER OG O N N 80 SER OXT O N N 81 SER H H N N 82 SER H2 H N N 83 SER HA H N N 84 SER HB2 H N N 85 SER HB3 H N N 86 SER HG H N N 87 SER HXT H N N 88 THR N N N N 89 THR CA C N S 90 THR C C N N 91 THR O O N N 92 THR CB C N R 93 THR OG1 O N N 94 THR CG2 C N N 95 THR OXT O N N 96 THR H H N N 97 THR H2 H N N 98 THR HA H N N 99 THR HB H N N 100 THR HG1 H N N 101 THR HG21 H N N 102 THR HG22 H N N 103 THR HG23 H N N 104 THR HXT H N N 105 TYR N N N N 106 TYR CA C N S 107 TYR C C N N 108 TYR O O N N 109 TYR CB C N N 110 TYR CG C Y N 111 TYR CD1 C Y N 112 TYR CD2 C Y N 113 TYR CE1 C Y N 114 TYR CE2 C Y N 115 TYR CZ C Y N 116 TYR OH O N N 117 TYR OXT O N N 118 TYR H H N N 119 TYR H2 H N N 120 TYR HA H N N 121 TYR HB2 H N N 122 TYR HB3 H N N 123 TYR HD1 H N N 124 TYR HD2 H N N 125 TYR HE1 H N N 126 TYR HE2 H N N 127 TYR HH H N N 128 TYR HXT H N N 129 # loop_ _chem_comp_bond.comp_id _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1 _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_2 _chem_comp_bond.value_order _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_aromatic_flag _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_ordinal ALA N CA sing N N 1 ALA N H sing N N 2 ALA N H2 sing N N 3 ALA CA C sing N N 4 ALA CA CB sing N N 5 ALA CA HA sing N N 6 ALA C O doub N N 7 ALA C OXT sing N N 8 ALA CB HB1 sing N N 9 ALA CB HB2 sing N N 10 ALA CB HB3 sing N N 11 ALA OXT HXT sing N N 12 ILE N CA sing N N 13 ILE N H sing N N 14 ILE N H2 sing N N 15 ILE CA C sing N N 16 ILE CA CB sing N N 17 ILE CA HA sing N N 18 ILE C O doub N N 19 ILE C OXT sing N N 20 ILE CB CG1 sing N N 21 ILE CB CG2 sing N N 22 ILE CB HB sing N N 23 ILE CG1 CD1 sing N N 24 ILE CG1 HG12 sing N N 25 ILE CG1 HG13 sing N N 26 ILE CG2 HG21 sing N N 27 ILE CG2 HG22 sing N N 28 ILE CG2 HG23 sing N N 29 ILE CD1 HD11 sing N N 30 ILE CD1 HD12 sing N N 31 ILE CD1 HD13 sing N N 32 ILE OXT HXT sing N N 33 LEU N CA sing N N 34 LEU N H sing N N 35 LEU N H2 sing N N 36 LEU CA C sing N N 37 LEU CA CB sing N N 38 LEU CA HA sing N N 39 LEU C O doub N N 40 LEU C OXT sing N N 41 LEU CB CG sing N N 42 LEU CB HB2 sing N N 43 LEU CB HB3 sing N N 44 LEU CG CD1 sing N N 45 LEU CG CD2 sing N N 46 LEU CG HG sing N N 47 LEU CD1 HD11 sing N N 48 LEU CD1 HD12 sing N N 49 LEU CD1 HD13 sing N N 50 LEU CD2 HD21 sing N N 51 LEU CD2 HD22 sing N N 52 LEU CD2 HD23 sing N N 53 LEU OXT HXT sing N N 54 PRO N CA sing N N 55 PRO N CD sing N N 56 PRO N H sing N N 57 PRO CA C sing N N 58 PRO CA CB sing N N 59 PRO CA HA sing N N 60 PRO C O doub N N 61 PRO C OXT sing N N 62 PRO CB CG sing N N 63 PRO CB HB2 sing N N 64 PRO CB HB3 sing N N 65 PRO CG CD sing N N 66 PRO CG HG2 sing N N 67 PRO CG HG3 sing N N 68 PRO CD HD2 sing N N 69 PRO CD HD3 sing N N 70 PRO OXT HXT sing N N 71 SER N CA sing N N 72 SER N H sing N N 73 SER N H2 sing N N 74 SER CA C sing N N 75 SER CA CB sing N N 76 SER CA HA sing N N 77 SER C O doub N N 78 SER C OXT sing N N 79 SER CB OG sing N N 80 SER CB HB2 sing N N 81 SER CB HB3 sing N N 82 SER OG HG sing N N 83 SER OXT HXT sing N N 84 THR N CA sing N N 85 THR N H sing N N 86 THR N H2 sing N N 87 THR CA C sing N N 88 THR CA CB sing N N 89 THR CA HA sing N N 90 THR C O doub N N 91 THR C OXT sing N N 92 THR CB OG1 sing N N 93 THR CB CG2 sing N N 94 THR CB HB sing N N 95 THR OG1 HG1 sing N N 96 THR CG2 HG21 sing N N 97 THR CG2 HG22 sing N N 98 THR CG2 HG23 sing N N 99 THR OXT HXT sing N N 100 TYR N CA sing N N 101 TYR N H sing N N 102 TYR N H2 sing N N 103 TYR CA C sing N N 104 TYR CA CB sing N N 105 TYR CA HA sing N N 106 TYR C O doub N N 107 TYR C OXT sing N N 108 TYR CB CG sing N N 109 TYR CB HB2 sing N N 110 TYR CB HB3 sing N N 111 TYR CG CD1 doub Y N 112 TYR CG CD2 sing Y N 113 TYR CD1 CE1 sing Y N 114 TYR CD1 HD1 sing N N 115 TYR CD2 CE2 doub Y N 116 TYR CD2 HD2 sing N N 117 TYR CE1 CZ doub Y N 118 TYR CE1 HE1 sing N N 119 TYR CE2 CZ sing Y N 120 TYR CE2 HE2 sing N N 121 TYR CZ OH sing N N 122 TYR OH HH sing N N 123 TYR OXT HXT sing N N 124 # 1 _em_image_processing.image_recording_id 1 _em_image_processing.details ? # 1 _em_image_recording.imaging_id 1 _em_image_recording.film_or_detector_model 'KODAK SO-163 FILM' _em_image_recording.avg_electron_dose_per_image ? _em_image_recording.detector_mode ? _em_image_recording.average_exposure_time ? _em_image_recording.num_diffraction_images ? _em_image_recording.num_grids_imaged ? _em_image_recording.num_real_images ? _em_image_recording.details ? # _em_specimen.experiment_id 1 1 _em_specimen.embedding_applied NO _em_specimen.shadowing_applied NO _em_specimen.staining_applied NO _em_specimen.vitrification_applied YES _em_specimen.concentration ? _em_specimen.details ? # _atom_sites.entry_id 3ZPK _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1] 1.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2] 1.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2] 0.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3] 1.000000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1] 0.00000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2] 0.00000 _atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3] 0.00000 # loop_ _atom_type.symbol C H N O # loop_