1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Oh, D. Shin, S.Y. Lee, S. Kim, Y. http://mmcif.pdb.org/dictionaries/ascii/mmcif_pdbx.dic 1 90.00 90.00 90.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 C3 H7 N O2 89.093 y ALANINE L-peptide linking C2 H5 N O2 75.067 y GLYCINE peptide linking C6 H10 N3 O2 1 156.162 y HISTIDINE L-peptide linking C6 H13 N O2 131.173 y ISOLEUCINE L-peptide linking C6 H13 N O2 131.173 y LEUCINE L-peptide linking C6 H15 N2 O2 1 147.195 y LYSINE L-peptide linking H2 N 16.023 AMINO GROUP non-polymer C9 H11 N O2 165.189 y PHENYLALANINE L-peptide linking C3 H7 N O3 105.093 y SERINE L-peptide linking C11 H12 N2 O2 204.225 y TRYPTOPHAN L-peptide linking US Biochemistry BICHAW 0033 0006-2960 39 11855 11864 10.1021/bi000453g 11009597 Role of the hinge region and the tryptophan residue in the synthetic antimicrobial peptides, cecropin A(1-8)-magainin 2(1-12) and its analogues, on their antibiotic activities and structures. 2000 10.2210/pdb1f0h/pdb pdb_00001f0h 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2295.918 CECROPIN A-MAGAININ 2 HYBRID PEPTIDE A28L 1 syn polymer no yes KAKLFKKIGIGKFLHSAKKF(NH2) KAKLFKKIGIGKFLHSAKKFX A polypeptide(L) n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n database_2 pdbx_nmr_spectrometer pdbx_struct_assembly pdbx_struct_oper_list struct_conn struct_ref_seq_dif struct_site repository Initial release Version format compliance Version format compliance Data collection Database references Derived calculations 1 0 2000-06-14 1 1 2008-04-27 1 2 2011-07-13 1 3 2021-11-03 _database_2.pdbx_DOI _database_2.pdbx_database_accession _pdbx_nmr_spectrometer.model _struct_conn.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag _struct_ref_seq_dif.details _struct_site.pdbx_auth_asym_id _struct_site.pdbx_auth_comp_id _struct_site.pdbx_auth_seq_id RCSB Y RCSB 2000-05-16 REL THIS PEPTIDE WAS CHEMICALLY SYNTHESIZED. THE SEQUENCE FOR THIS PEPTIDE IS A HYBRID OF SEQUENCES WHICH OCCUR NATURALLY IN HYALOPHORA CECROPIA (CECROPIA MOTH) AND XENOPUS LAEVIS (AFRICAN CLAWED FROG) sample structures with the lowest energy 50 20 2D NOESY 4.05 298 K Distance Geometry-Dynamical Simulated Annealing Hybrid Method DODECYLPHOSPHOCHOLINE-d38 MICELLES 90% H2O/10% D2O Brunger, A.T. refinement X-PLOR 3.851 400 Bruker AVANCE LYS 1 n 1 LYS 1 A ALA 2 n 2 ALA 2 A LYS 3 n 3 LYS 3 A LEU 4 n 4 LEU 4 A PHE 5 n 5 PHE 5 A LYS 6 n 6 LYS 6 A LYS 7 n 7 LYS 7 A ILE 8 n 8 ILE 8 A GLY 9 n 9 GLY 9 A ILE 10 n 10 ILE 10 A GLY 11 n 11 GLY 11 A LYS 12 n 12 LYS 12 A PHE 13 n 13 PHE 13 A LEU 14 n 14 LEU 14 A HIS 15 n 15 HIS 15 A SER 16 n 16 SER 16 A ALA 17 n 17 ALA 17 A LYS 18 n 18 LYS 18 A LYS 19 n 19 LYS 19 A PHE 20 n 20 PHE 20 A NH2 21 n 21 NH2 21 A author_defined_assembly 1 monomeric 1.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000 1_555 identity operation 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 8 A A O HN1 ALA NH2 17 21 1.55 1 A LEU 4 -158.44 20.66 1 A LYS 6 -143.98 13.64 2 A LYS 7 -170.11 52.62 3 A ALA 2 53.48 86.63 3 A LYS 3 177.22 130.56 3 A LEU 4 -176.75 43.20 3 A LYS 6 -153.74 22.23 3 A LYS 7 -170.41 110.58 4 A ALA 2 67.87 122.03 4 A LEU 4 -175.53 29.69 4 A PHE 5 -61.30 79.77 4 A LYS 6 -151.35 16.84 4 A ILE 8 -137.48 -101.09 5 A ALA 2 -60.82 80.34 5 A LEU 4 -149.63 48.61 5 A PHE 5 -64.09 72.53 5 A LYS 7 -175.56 83.36 6 A LYS 3 -164.19 53.57 6 A LEU 4 -152.02 46.10 6 A LYS 7 -142.95 43.90 7 A LEU 4 -141.94 37.31 7 A PHE 5 -57.88 95.59 7 A LYS 7 -176.95 -172.78 8 A ALA 2 -179.35 81.83 9 A PHE 5 -62.60 72.30 9 A LYS 6 -141.00 10.89 9 A ILE 8 -127.02 -105.09 10 A LEU 4 -147.30 36.24 10 A PHE 5 -101.89 75.99 10 A LYS 7 -172.23 51.06 11 A LYS 6 -141.30 15.68 12 A LYS 3 -169.86 94.38 12 A LEU 4 -142.66 48.70 12 A PHE 5 -56.38 103.12 12 A LYS 6 -140.76 17.40 12 A ILE 8 -127.19 -79.88 13 A ALA 2 65.93 63.17 13 A LEU 4 -147.50 44.13 13 A PHE 5 -98.16 51.84 14 A ALA 2 43.82 79.09 14 A PHE 5 -64.50 68.29 14 A ILE 8 -126.74 -60.66 15 A ALA 2 50.20 81.91 15 A LYS 3 -152.07 89.84 15 A PHE 5 -98.14 47.00 15 A ILE 8 -136.22 -102.13 16 A LEU 4 -161.64 31.69 16 A PHE 5 -99.51 57.15 16 A LYS 7 177.79 148.19 16 A ILE 8 -127.23 -108.40 18 A ALA 2 54.69 75.32 18 A LYS 3 -166.89 72.81 18 A LEU 4 -178.49 52.15 18 A LYS 7 -178.11 148.76 18 A ILE 8 -127.90 -105.39 19 A ILE 8 -126.99 -78.83 20 A LYS 7 -169.35 91.30 Cecropin A(1-8)-magainin 2(1-12) A2 in dodecylphosphocholine micelles 1 N N A GLY 9 A GLY 9 HELX_P A PHE 20 A PHE 20 1 1 12 covale 1.305 both A PHE 20 A C PHE 20 1_555 A NH2 21 A N NH2 21 1_555 ANTIMICROBIAL PROTEIN Helix, ANTIMICROBIAL PROTEIN CECA_HYACE UNP 1 P01507 MAGA_XENLA UNP 1 P11006 27 34 1F0H 1 8 P01507 A 1 1 8 83 94 1F0H 9 20 P11006 A 2 9 20 1 TRP engineered mutation ALA 2 1F0H A P01507 UNP 28 2 BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE NH2 A 21 A NH2 21 Software 1 A PHE 20 A PHE 20 1 1_555 1 P 1