1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Guijarro, J.I. M'Barek, S. Olamendi-Portugal, T. Gomez-Lagunas, F. Garnier, D. Rochat, H. Possani, L.D. Sabatier, J.M. Delepierre, M. http://mmcif.pdb.org/dictionaries/ascii/mmcif_pdbx.dic C3 H7 N O2 89.093 y ALANINE L-peptide linking C6 H15 N4 O2 1 175.209 y ARGININE L-peptide linking C4 H8 N2 O3 132.118 y ASPARAGINE L-peptide linking C4 H7 N O4 133.103 y ASPARTIC ACID L-peptide linking C3 H7 N O2 S 121.158 y CYSTEINE L-peptide linking C5 H10 N2 O3 146.144 y GLUTAMINE L-peptide linking C5 H9 N O4 147.129 y GLUTAMIC ACID L-peptide linking C2 H5 N O2 75.067 y GLYCINE peptide linking C6 H13 N O2 131.173 y ISOLEUCINE L-peptide linking C6 H15 N2 O2 1 147.195 y LYSINE L-peptide linking C5 H9 N O2 115.130 y PROLINE L-peptide linking C3 H7 N O3 105.093 y SERINE L-peptide linking C4 H9 N O3 119.119 y THREONINE L-peptide linking C9 H11 N O3 181.189 y TYROSINE L-peptide linking US Protein Sci. PRCIEI 0795 0961-8368 12 1844 1854 10.1110/ps.03186703 12930984 Solution structure of Pi4, a short four-disulfide-bridged scorpion toxin specific of potassium channels. 2003 UK Toxicon TOXIA6 2043 0041-0101 36 759 770 10.1016/S0041-0101(97)00163-3 Two similar peptides from the venom of the scorpion Pandinus imperator, one highly effective blocker and the other inactive on K+ channels 1998 10.2210/pdb1n8m/pdb pdb_00001n8m 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1 SINGLE WAVELENGTH M 1 1.0 4195.964 Potassium channel blocking toxin 4 1 syn polymer Pi4 no no IEAIRCGGSRDCYRPCQKRTGCPNAKCINKTCKCYGCS IEAIRCGGSRDCYRPCQKRTGCPNAKCINKTCKCYGCS A polypeptide(L) n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n database_2 pdbx_struct_assembly pdbx_struct_oper_list repository Initial release Version format compliance Version format compliance Database references Derived calculations 1 0 2003-09-02 1 1 2008-04-28 1 2 2011-07-13 1 3 2022-02-23 _database_2.pdbx_DOI _database_2.pdbx_database_accession RCSB Y RCSB 2002-11-21 REL REL This sequence occurs naturally in the venom of Pandinus imperator scorpions, with an amidated C-terminus. It was established by NMR that the structure of the natural toxin extracted from scorpion venom is effectively identical to the structure of the synthetic toxin, which has a carboxylated C-terminus. sample Disulfide bridges were determined by NMR and by N-terminal sequencing of proteolysis peptides. Distance constraints were derived from initial nOe build up rates using 2D NOESY experiments with mixing times of 70, 100, 150, 200 and 250 ms in H2O and D2O. structures with the lowest energy 20 10 2D NOESY P-COSY 2D NOESY 5 4.0 ambient 303 K Structures are based on a total of 705 constraints, 679 are meaningful nOe derived constraints (642 unambiguous, 37 ambiguous), 16 are dihedral (phi) angle constraints and 10 are hydrogen bonds. The four disulfide bridges (CYS 6-27, 12-32, 16-34, 22-37) were included in the topology file used for the calculations. torsion angle dynamics 1 lowest energy 2.5 mM Pi4, 5 mM CD3COONa, pH 4.0, 10% D2O 90% H2O/10% D2O 3.2 mM Pi4, 5 mM CD3COONa, pD 4.0, 100% D2O 100% D2O Varian Inc. collection VNMR 6.1C Johnson data analysis NMRView 5.03 Nilges structure solution ARIA 1.2 Brunger structure solution CNS 1.1 Brunger refinement CNS 1.1 500 Varian INOVA ILE 1 n 1 ILE 1 A GLU 2 n 2 GLU 2 A ALA 3 n 3 ALA 3 A ILE 4 n 4 ILE 4 A ARG 5 n 5 ARG 5 A CYS 6 n 6 CYS 6 A GLY 7 n 7 GLY 7 A GLY 8 n 8 GLY 8 A SER 9 n 9 SER 9 A ARG 10 n 10 ARG 10 A ASP 11 n 11 ASP 11 A CYS 12 n 12 CYS 12 A TYR 13 n 13 TYR 13 A ARG 14 n 14 ARG 14 A PRO 15 n 15 PRO 15 A CYS 16 n 16 CYS 16 A GLN 17 n 17 GLN 17 A LYS 18 n 18 LYS 18 A ARG 19 n 19 ARG 19 A THR 20 n 20 THR 20 A GLY 21 n 21 GLY 21 A CYS 22 n 22 CYS 22 A PRO 23 n 23 PRO 23 A ASN 24 n 24 ASN 24 A ALA 25 n 25 ALA 25 A LYS 26 n 26 LYS 26 A CYS 27 n 27 CYS 27 A ILE 28 n 28 ILE 28 A ASN 29 n 29 ASN 29 A LYS 30 n 30 LYS 30 A THR 31 n 31 THR 31 A CYS 32 n 32 CYS 32 A LYS 33 n 33 LYS 33 A CYS 34 n 34 CYS 34 A TYR 35 n 35 TYR 35 A GLY 36 n 36 GLY 36 A CYS 37 n 37 CYS 37 A SER 38 n 38 SER 38 A author_defined_assembly 1 monomeric 1.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000 1_555 x,y,z identity operation 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 A N LYS 26 A N LYS 26 A O LYS 33 A O LYS 33 1 A ASN 24 -54.74 104.58 1 A CYS 37 -117.69 69.02 2 A ALA 3 51.45 77.64 2 A CYS 34 -69.00 98.19 2 A CYS 37 -93.45 54.30 3 A GLU 2 -108.47 48.00 3 A ALA 3 56.21 76.36 3 A ASN 24 -66.28 96.25 4 A ASN 24 -61.66 98.75 5 A ASN 24 -58.01 100.84 6 A ASN 24 -62.05 99.37 8 A ALA 3 52.43 76.18 10 A ASN 24 -63.63 98.46 Solution structure of Pi4, a four disulfide bridged scorpion toxin active on potassium channels 1 N N A SER 9 A SER 9 HELX_P A GLY 21 A GLY 21 1 1 13 disulf 2.030 A CYS 6 A SG CYS 6 1_555 A CYS 27 A SG CYS 27 1_555 disulf 2.028 A CYS 12 A SG CYS 12 1_555 A CYS 32 A SG CYS 32 1_555 disulf 2.023 A CYS 16 A SG CYS 16 1_555 A CYS 34 A SG CYS 34 1_555 disulf 2.029 A CYS 22 A SG CYS 22 1_555 A CYS 37 A SG CYS 37 1_555 TOXIN potassium channel blocker, disulfide bridge stabilized alpha beta motif, TOXIN SCK4_PANIM UNP 1 1 P58498 IEAIRCGGSRDCYRPCQKRTGCPNAKCINKTCKCYGCS 1 38 1N8M 1 38 P58498 A 1 1 38 2 anti-parallel A ALA 25 A ALA 25 A ILE 28 A ILE 28 A THR 31 A THR 31 A CYS 34 A CYS 34